* SS6G5(A) - Lisa Williams Social Studies - Social Studies

Name _______________________________________ Date________________ Period__________

Guided Student Power Point Notes

Powerpoint: canada_geog_for_website.ppt

(You will need to follow along with the power point in class to fill in the blanks. You will use the completed information to answer the review questions at the end and to study for your test over Canada’s geography)

* SS6G5(A) The student will locate select features of Canada: The St. Lawrence River, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Hudson Bay, the Great Lakes, the Canadian Shield, and the Rocky Mountains


1. Canada is located in the Earth’s ___________________________ and ____________________________ hemispheres.

2. Canada is bordered by: ________________________________ in the North, _________________________________ in the East

__________________________________ in the South, and ____________________________________ in the West

3. Canada’s location allows Canadians to ______________________________ and ______________________________ easily with

the rest of the world.

4. The St. Lawrence River runs along Canada’s ________________ coast, stretching all the way from Lake ____________________

to the Atlantic Ocean.

5. The Great Lakes form part of Canada’s southern __________________ with the United States.

6. The Canadian Shield covers a large portion of ___________________________ and ___________________________ Canada,

wrapping around the ________________________ Bay.

7. The __________________ Mountains are located in Western Canada.

SS6G6 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution on Canada. (A) Impact on where people live (B) Impact on trade


8. Canada’s population is much ___________________ than Mexico’s or the United States’, even though it is a much larger

country. This is because much of Canada’s land lies far to the north where the climate is ______________________ and the

living conditions are ____________________.

9. Canada’s southeastern region has a _______________________________________ climate, where they have ________________

to _____________________ summers and _____________________ winters.

10. The climate of southern and central Canada allows for a __________________ growing season. Canada’s central plains

are an important source of canola, _________________________, and other ______________________________.

11. The Pacific coast region in Canada has a __________________________________ climate, where the ______________________

cools the region in the summer and keeps it ______________________________ in the winter.

12. Northern Canada has a _____________________________ climate, where they have long, cold ___________________________

and __________________________, ___________________________ summers.

Provinces & Territories:

13. Canada has divided its land into ______________________________________ and _________________________________________

14. They have _____________ provinces, which are similar to our states, and _____________ territories located in the northern

part of Canada where it is much colder and fewer people live.


15. Canada’s many lakes and rivers are an important source of _______________________________, __________________________,

and _________________________________________.

16. Good soil in Canada, located mainly in the central plains, allows farmers to grow _____________________ for Canadians,

with enough left over to __________________________ with other countries.

17. Forests in Canada are a major ______________________________ resource with large amounts of _________________________

which is harvested for use in Canada and for _________________________ with other countries.

18. Canada has a ____________________ supply of natural energy resources, such as coal, _____________________ and

_____________________________________. They have enough for their own use and to sell to other countries.

19. Canadians ship many of these resources from remote areas in Canada to larger cities for sale and trade using

________________________ and ___________________________________.

* SS6G7(A) The student will explain the major environmental issues of Canada regarding acid rain, the pollution of the Great Lakes, the extraction and use of natural resources in the Canadian Shield, and timber. (Powerpoint: Enviornmental issues in Canada ss6g7a)

Acid Rain:

20. Canada has many ______________________________________ issues that require Canadians to find ways to carefully

manage their ____________________________________ so that the environment isn’t ______________________________________

21. Factories, ___________________ burning power plants, and automobiles all pollute the air.

22. Some of the chemicals they pollute the air with, such as _________________________ dioxide and carbon dioxide are

especially dangerous because they mix with water molecules and create _______________________ rain.

23. Acid rain can ________________ plants and pollutes ___________________________ and _________________________ enough

to kill the fish. It can also ______________________________ stone in statues and buildings.

24. Canada has passed ___________________ to limit the pollution. However, it cannot solve this problem alone because in

parts of _______________________________ Canada __________ to _________% of the pollution comes from the United States

Pollution of the Great Lakes:

25. The Great Lakes are an important resource that Canadians share with the ____________________________________________.

26. Due to major pollution problems in the Great Lakes, the two countries have worked together to limit pollution. They are

working to make sure that _______________________________ that could kill animals and poison humans are not put into

the lakes

The extraction (mining) and use of resources in the Canadian Shield:

27. The Canadian _____________________________ is a large area of _________________________________ surrounding the

Hudson Bay, covering most of the ________________________________ half of Canada.

28. The Canadian Shield contains some of Canada’s most valuable resources: _________________________________ (gold,

silver, copper, zinc, lead, iron ore, uranium, and nickel)

29. The mining of these minerals in the Canadian Shield causes the land around the mines to become_____________________

and the __________________________________ ruined.

30. The mining process can spew sulfur _______________________ into the air, producing _______________________ rain

31. ________________________________ from mines are also dumped into __________________________ and ____________________

poisoning the water, killing the ____________________________ and __________________________ life.

32. The Canadian government has passed new laws about mining, some ____________________________ the amount of

pollution allowed into waterways.


33. Large _____________________________ cover almost 50% of Canada and are an important resource to Canada’s

economy. They are also important to Canada’s ______________________________.

34. Animals and plants depend on the habitat of the forest. The forests also provide _______________________________ to

breathe and a filter for the _________________________________ in the air.

35. Canadians are worried that logging will _____________________________ the forests and the benefits they provide.

36. The major concern is the use of ________________________ cutting, where large amounts of trees are cut down all at the

same time (hundreds of acres at a time)

37. The results of clear cutting include reduced _______________________ quality, erosion of the _______________________ and

loss of _____________________________ habitat.

38. Canada’s government and the ___________________________ industries are now working together to manage the use of

the ________________________________.

Review/Summary Questions: (You will need to answer these questions on your own paper, in complete sentences, and staple it to the back of this notes sheet)

1. What 3 oceans and 1 country make up Canada’s 4 borders? (be sure to include which border they are, North, South etc)

2. How does Canada’s location impact its ability to travel/trade with the rest of the world?

3. Why is Canada’s population so small, even though it is a very large country?

4. Where do most Canadians live?

5. Why do most Canadians live in that region?

6. How does the Pacific Ocean impact Canada’s Pacific coast region?

7. Describe the climate of Northern Canada.

8. List Canada’s major natural resources for each of the following: Lakes and Rivers, Good Soil, Forests, Canadian Shield, Natural Energy

9. What causes acid rain in Canada?

10. Why can’t Canada solve its acid rain problem alone?

11. How does mining in the Canadian shield impact its environment?

12. Describe the benefits that Canada’s many forests provide.

13. How does clear cutting in Canada impact the environment?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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