Baltimore City Breast and Cervical Cancer Outreach Project

[County/Program Name] Education and Outreach Work Plan

Directions: Based on information submitted in the FY17 grant outreach work plan, provide an update on outreach activities for the current reporting period (July 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016).

The table on page 2 is provided to track the program’s outreach activities at mid-year. Complete the table with activities reported in the Outreach Work plan from the program’s FY17 grant and include any new activities you would like to report. For each activity, provide the following information:

• Objective: List the objective that the activity supports. Objectives should be specific to your program and relate to the overarching CRF-CPEST goals 1 and 2 listed above on page 2 of the template provided. Examples of possible objectives are provided within the work plan template.

• Details of the Activity: Provide details of the education and outreach activity by identifying the following:

▪ What: Describe the specific details of what activities are implemented such that we can distinguish the various activities. (i.e. presentation, flyer, face to face meeting)

▪ Who: Describe the intended audience for the educational and outreach activity.

▪ Where: Describe the location of the activity (i.e. health fair, doctor’s office, faith based organization, etc.)

• Targeted Cancer(s): Indicate targeted cancer(s) for each activity (Breast, Cervical, Colorectal, Lung, Oral, Prostate, Skin). The program may enter more than 1 cancer module for each activity.

• Outcome: For each activity, indicate how activities may contribute to the overall CRF-CPEST goal.

• Minority/Underserved Reached: Provide a detailed explanation of how the activity reaches the minority and/or hard to reach population(s) in your community if applicable.

• Status: Report on the progress of each activity as one of the following:

o Completed – Activities have been completed.

o In progress – Activities have not occurred, but plans for intended activities are in progress.

Overarching CRF-CPEST Goals:

1. By December 31, 2017, reduce overall cancer mortality in Maryland to a rate of no more than 151.9 per 100,000 persons. (Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population.)

2. By December 31, 2017, reduce disparities in overall cancer mortality between blacks and whites to a rate ratio of no more than 1.13. (Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population.)

County/Program Name: ____________________________

|Objective |Details of Activities |Targeted Cancer(s) |Outcome |Minority/Underserved Reached |Status of Activity |

| |(Describe what, who, and where activities are or were | | |(If applicable, describe how this activity |(complete or, in |

| |implemented.) | | |reaches minority/hard to reach |progress) |

| | | | |populations.) | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Example: Participate in 10 |Example: Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Awareness |Breast and Cervical |Example: This activity will increase |Example: Information provided at these |Completed |

|community events in XXXX |Months information was disseminated through flyer drop | |referrals to program by raising public |activities will include bilingual | |

|county to educate the general |off and informational table displays at local | |awareness about the program services. |information that target the Korean | |

|public about colorectal, |libraries. | | |Americans community members who live close | |

|breast, and cervical cancer by| | | |to and frequently visit the local | |

|June 30th, 2017. | | | |libraries. | |

| |Example: Two group presentations were conducted in the |Colorectal |Example: This activity raised public |Example: This activity does not |Completed |

| |month of November at the Wye Oak senior center | |awareness amongst the general public about|specifically target minorities but may | |

| |encouraging colorectal cancer screening. | |program. |reach minorities who live in the Wye Oak | |

| | | | |senior center. | |

| | | | | | |

Insert additional rows as needed.


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