Skyline High School Career Center Programs

Services for students, parents, and teachers

• Comprehensive Website: Click on the College and Career Center link off the main IHS site.

• Career Center News You Can Use (enews) This newsletter gives details of activities and local events. Signing up for the IHS e newsletter automatically puts you on our list.

• Career Center Information Events: Post high school, college, and career planning.

▪ College planning workshops for seniors and juniors

▪ Evening presentations for parents of sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

• College Visits: Over 50 visits each year! A wide range of schools including public universities, liberal arts colleges and selective private schools. Visits run Sept.-Jan.

• Post High School Planning: advise students in college exploration, application, and financial aid issues. Options in apprenticeship, community/technical colleges or the military.

• Brown Bag Lunch: Community members speak to students about their careers. Most are available during students lunch periods. Examples: engineering, medical careers, CSI, military, social work, authors, trades, culinary.

• Individual Parent and Student meetings:

o Individual student appointments and drop in Q&A

o Scheduled meetings with individuals and their families to discuss post high school plans.

• WaNIC: Coordinates program for students who wish to take classes not offered at their high school. Many of these courses provide students with dual credit at articulated institutions.

• TECH PREP: College Career and Credit Network, Register students and inform students and parents of dual credit opportunities with community and technical college articulations.

• Scholarship Coordination: Coordinates the publicity of dozens of local and community scholarships. Students and parents have access to many of these items though online links.

• Financial Aid Information: Students and parents are made aware of FAFSA and other sources of aid through email news, parent nights and handbooks.

• Employment Opportunities: Local businesses and individuals rely on the Career Center to publicize part-time employment opportunities. Through bulletin boards and website advertising we get students into great jobs in local businesses.

• Employment Readiness Programs: Provides classroom and /or individual help with resume preparation and application development. Mock interview sessions help students to prepare for employment opportunities.

• Volunteer Opportunities: Coordinates and publicizes volunteer opportunities with local and national service organizations.

• Field Trips: Annually takes students to various activities to expose them to college and career opportunities.

• SAT/ ACT Testing: information is available in counseling office and on websites.

• Military Visits: Coordinates visits by the branches of the military and publicizes the annual Military Academy Nights. Organize ASVAB testing once a year.

• Culminating Project support: Assists the school administration and teachers in ensuring that students complete all parts of the Culminating projects. Organize panelists for senior exit presentations.

• Study Abroad: Information on this and other international opportunities are highlighted in daytime programs and on websites.

• Communications: Key to the success of any of our programs is communications.

• Professional Development: Career Specialists take advantage of opportunities

(college and career workshops, forums, NEVAC meetings) to continue to develop their knowledge in above areas in order to provide accurate and current information to the students and parents.

Workers: Student workers are great for yard work, babysitting, computer work, retail, events, tutoring, etc. Put the power of IHS students to work for YOU!

Volunteers: IHS students are active participants in the community and are always looking for volunteer opportunities. Email us with the details of your project and attach a flyer if you have one.

Check out current job and volunteer postings by visiting our website and clicking on the Opportunities tab.

Ways YOU Can Support the Career Center Mission


o Be a guest career speaker

o Serve as an interviewer for senior exit interviews

o Tell friends, neighbors and co-workers about Career Center services

o Let us know about scholarships, jobs, volunteer activities, and other community events that will interest our students.

Email us: Claudia Coté

Cathy Blankenstein

Career Center Website:

College Resource Handbook: A 50 page book giving detailed information about the college search, application and admissions processes. Go to our website and click on the College Planning tab.

More items on our website:


Field Trips


CC Presentations

College Planning

Admission Index (AI)


Culminating Project

10th CP

11th CP

12th CP



Job Postings


Summer Opps

Tech Prep



Year Long Ops


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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