Character Recipe - Mesa Public Schools

The Crucible Character Recipe Assignment

Objective: You will demonstrate your understanding of a character by “creating” him or her in recipe form. You will symbolize your character’s personality traits, wants, and fears by imagining what food a selected Crucible character would be if you were to “cook” up that character.



1. Select a character from The Crucible.

2. Determine this character’s appearance, personality, desires, fears, values, etc. Think about the experiences your character has had. These personality traits, fears, wants, and experiences will comprise your ingredient list.

3. Look at a few recipe examples from magazines or online to get ideas for a food you want to use to represent your selected character. Make sure to pay attention to preparation and mixing verbs so you can select appropriate verbs that symbolize the defining traits of your character.

Writing Tips

1. Composing:

Create a recipe that the author might have used to develop the character you have selected. Your recipe NEEDS TO INCLUDE:

a. A title for the dish (5 points)

b. A list of at least 6 ingredients. (10 points)

c. Preparation Directions (15 points)

d. Preparation Time and Serving Size (5 points)

e. Creativity (5 points)

2. Revising

Stir. Add ingredients. Check to make sure preparation instructions incorporate all ingredients in logical order. Use strong “mixing” verbs that symbolize your character’s personality.

3. Proofreading

Check spelling, abbreviations for measurements, and make sure your instructions are written in second person (commands).

4. Publishing

I want this as a hard copy, decorated and illustrated with symbols/images/designs. Make this creative. You will share your recipe with your classmates and they will hang in the classroom.


_______/5 points: A title for the dish

_______/10 points: A list of at least 6 ingredients

_______/15 points: Preparation instructions

_______/5 points: Preparation time and Serving Size

_______/5 points: Creativity

_______/40 TOTAL Points


Reverend Hale’s Puritan Turnovers


3 cups Religious Devotion (with Puritan extract)

1 cup Fear of Authorities

1 bunch Books Weighted with Authority

3 heaping tablespoons Pride

2 cups Faulty Logic

3 drops Yellow food coloring

1 pinch of Truth

1 pint of Compassion

1 generous sprinkle of Guilt (don’t be shy; use a heavy hand here)


Start by combining the Religious Devotion and the Books Weighted with Authority. Knead until thoroughly mixed. Slowly fold in Faulty Logic, one chunk at a time. Sprinkle Pride over mixture and whisk thoroughly until the dough begins pulling away from the mixing bowl. Place in a hot, Salem kettle. When mixture is in the heat, the backbone will be exposed. Carefully remove and discard. Add Yellow food coloring.

During cooking, mixture will slowly turn colors. Carefully add Truth. The yellow color will fade, giving way to a vibrant, pure blue. The Pride in the mixture will shrink, giving way to a healthier formation. Right before the Turnovers begin to brown, drizzle the tops of the Turnovers with a pint of Compassion, which will add just the right amount of sweetness. The Turnovers will remove themselves from the heat. Serve on a plain dish, sprinkled heavily with Guilt.

Preparation Time: Three months

Serving Size: Two people: Elizabeth and John Proctor, although perhaps not quite enough to completely satisfy John or Elizabeth’s appetites for fair justice.


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