Element List - Central Lyon

Physical Science Name_____________

Element List Period ____________

De Stigter

Be able to identify each of the following elements and their chemical symbols.

1. Hydrogen

2. Helium

3. Lithium

4. Beryllium

5. Boron

6. Carbon

7. Nitrogen

8. Oxygen

9. Fluorine

10. Neon

11. Sodium

12. Magnesium

13. Aluminum

14. Silicon

15. Phosphorus

16. Sulfur

17. Chlorine

18. Argon

19. Potassium

20. Calcium

21. Titanium

22. Manganese

23. Iron

24. Cobalt

25. Nickel

26. Copper

27. Zinc

28. Bromine

29. Krypton

30. Silver

31. Tin

32. Iodine

33. Tungsten

34. Platinum

35. Gold

36. Mercury

37. Lead

38. Radon

39. Uranium

40. Plutonium


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