San Francisco State University

|學習目標 Learning Objectives |

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|Objective: To increase Student's cultural understanding about the Spring Festival and the Chinese culture. |

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|Goals: Upon completing the project, Student will be able to: |

|1. Identify the dates when the Spring Festival takes place and ends |

|2. Explain the difference between the lunar calendar and the solar |

|calendar. |

|3. Share one story about the Spring Festival. |

|4. Name one of the customs for the Spring Festival. |

|5. Explain when and how other cultures celebrate their new years. |

|6. List three Chinese New Year dishes and what they represent. |


|春節文化故事 |


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|Spring Festival is also called New Year Festival. It is the biggest festival Chinese people observe and celebrate. The |

|Chinese has been celebrating it for thousands of years. Let's find out what it is all about and why it is so important. |

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|To the students: |

|Your research project includes the following components: |

|[INTERPRETIVE COMMUNICATION] You will be engaged in reading various types of audio, video presentations, authentic prints |

|in celebration activities, and passages about ways Chinese celebrate New Year Festival. |

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|You will be asked to conduct some internet search such as visiting Chinese websites that help you understand what common |

|activities modern Chinese people do during the festival. |

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|[INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION] To report the result of your research. You will work in small groups to create a |

|presentation for your class. Your presentation can be paper-based (poster), activity-based (skit performance), or |

|technology-based (Slideshow). |

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|[PRESENTATIONAL COMMUNICATION] Your group will speak in front of the class and share what you have learned with the class.|

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|You will write a short composition with the following information: |

|Summarize what you have learned from your research project |

|Share your thoughts: |

|What is the most interesting thing about the Spring Festival? Why? |

|What is the least interesting thing about the Spring Festival? Why? |

|What part of the Spring Festival do you enjoy/like the best? Why? |

|What part of the Spring Festival do you enjoy/like the least? Why? |

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|Share what you have learned with at least one of your family members and ask for his/her/their autograph(s). You can share|

|by: |

|Reading your paper to him/her/them, or |

|Do a presentation to him/her/them. |

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|This cultural project is fun and engaging. Students fulfill an array of level requirements according to National Standards|

|for Foreign Language Learning: |

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|Communication: |

|Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics |

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|Cultures: |

|Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the |

|culture studied |

|Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the |

|culture studied |

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|Connections: |

|Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language |

|Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the |

|foreign language and its cultures |

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|Comparisons: |

|Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and|

|their own. |

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|Communities: |

|Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting |

Cultural Project 1



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|You will form a group with a designated number of classmates. Your teacher will tell you how many students can be in your |

|group. |

|Each group will receive a topic from your teacher. The topic choices are (your teacher will give you more information |

|about each topic): |

|Origin |

|Food |

|Traditions and taboos |

|Stories and legends |

|Celebration |

|Other cultures’ New Years. |

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|Decide, as a group, your presentation format. Your presentation must/should include the following: |

|(MUST) Be sure to use the Chinese proper names, not the English titles. For example, use ch%n ji6 instead of Spring |

|Festival. |

|(Should) Decoration, pictures, photographs, or actual items. |

|Three questions for your classmates at the end of your presentation. |

|Note cards for each person to use during presentation. |

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|Research on the Internet, in the library, and ask your friends and neighbors for information. |

|Prepare and complete your presentation. |

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|Teacher will present to the students: |

|Origin: (Who/When/Where/How/Why): How did the festival come about? What was the original reason for having the festival? |

|Are there any story and legend associated with the origin of the festival? What are some of the other names for this |

|festival? When and who first started celebrating it? How long do people celebrate this festival? |

|Food: What kinds of food are popular during this time? What are the significance of these food items? Please also provide |

|the recipes. |

|Traditions and taboos: What do people typically do during this festival? What are people not allowed to do? |

|Stories: What are some famous stories and legends associated to this holiday? |

|How do Chinese people celebrate this festival? (US, Asia, Europe, SE Asia, Australia, etc.) |

|Other Cultures: Select one culture from each continent except Asia. When and how does this culture celebrate its New |

|Years? Chinese term their New Year “Spring Festival”. Is there a special name for this culture’s new years? What food or |

|interesting traditions does this culture have during its New Year celebration? |

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|Important points: |

|Please do a full and exhaustive research and double check your information for accuracy. You will be challenged and |

|questioned if your information is incorrect. (It will also affect your grade!) |

|Use multiple sources, including both digital and print media. DO NOT rely on search engines. |

|Please cite your source properly. Do not use the search engine links, such as Google and Yahoo. |

|Please use your creativity freely in decorating your poster. |

|Group members much work together. That means everyone should know about one another's work. Do not divide the work and try|

|to put them together the day of the presentation. You are giving ONE presentation, and you will be graded on your |

|cohesiveness and transition. |

|Practice your presentation. Be prepared for questions. |

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|A calligrapher of the red couplets in a street in China 2007 |

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|Spring Festival Decoration in Singapore Airport 2009 |

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|Cultural Project 2 |

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|PAPER-CUTTING 剪紙 (ji3nzh-) |

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|During the Chinese New Year, it is customary to clean and decorate every household. Cleaning is to remove the old, the |

|unwanted and to remove blocking elements that may have been stayed in one's house. Decorating is to celebrate the end of |

|one year (one cycle) and to make way to welcome the incoming new elements and to welcome good fortunate ahead. |

|Traditionally, the Chinese people will make their own decorations. Today, we are going to make one of these traditional |

|decoration: Paper-Cutting 剪紙 (ji3nzh-). |

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|Materials needed: |

|a square sheet of red paper |

|a pair of scissors |

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|Instructions: |

|Fold the paper in half. |

|Trace half of the 春character on the paper. |

|Cut off the excess. |

|Unfold the paper. |

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|ke their own decorations. d fortunate ahead. and to make way to welcome the incomingaccording to Foreign Language |

|When you have completed your paper-cutting project, offer this to one of your classmates/family members/teachers by |

|saying: |

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|春天來了,春節快到了。 |

|這是我做的剪紙,送給你。 |

|祝你: |

|(select one of the following) |

|春節快樂! |

|新春快樂! |

|新年快樂! |

|萬事如意! |

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|Afterward, ask whoever you present this paper-cutting to give you their autographs and some comments about your New Year |

|craft. Bring them back to your Chinese teacher for credits. |

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|名字Recipient’s Name |

|Recipient autograph |

|Comments |

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|Cultural Project 3 |

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|NEW YEAR CARD 賀年卡片(h8ni2nk3pi4n) |

| It is customary to mail or give a greeting card to friends and family who are far away during Chinese New Year. This |

|way, they know that we are thinking about them. Today, we are going to make a New Year Greeting Card. |

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|Materials needed: |

|Construction paper (or any paper), preferably in red. |

|Color markers. |

|Décorative items, such as glitters, stickers, or paper-cutting. |

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|Instructions: |

|1. Fold the construction paper in half. |

|2. On the inside of the construction paper, write down at least two traditional Chinese New Year greeting phrases (see |

|below). |

|3. Add your own personal message in English. |

|4. Décorate the outside of the card, use one of the traditional Chinese New Year good luck symbols, such as fish, dragon,|

|lion, tangerines, gold, pastries, God of Wealth, etc. |

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|When you are done, hang the card from the ceiling or on the wall as your classroom’s New Year’s decorations. You can also |

|work with a few classmates and string a thread through all of your cards and hang it from the ceiling. Look how festive |

|your cards brings to the classroom! |

|新年快樂 |萬事如意 |歲歲平安 |

|X9nni2n ku4l8 |W4nsh= r^y= |Su= su= p0ng1n |

|Happy New Year |All matters accomplish smoothly. |Peace to you every year! |

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|春節快樂 |恭喜發財 |心想事成 |

|Ch%nji6 ku4l8 |G!ngx- f1c2i |X9n xi3ng sh= ch6ng |

|Happy Chinese New Year |Wishing you a prosperous new year! |Realize whatever you can dream of |

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|大吉大利 |吉祥如意 |年年有餘 |

|D4j0 d4l= |J0xi2ng r^y= |Ni2nni2n y#uy^ |

|Good fortune and happiness |Fortune around and desire satisfied |Enjoy abundance every year |

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|事事順利 |新春大吉 |步步高陞 |

|Sh= sh= sh*n l= |X9nch^n d4j0 |B*b* g1osh5ng |

|Every thing accomplished Smoothly |Good fortune arrives in the new year |Promotions arrive one after another |

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Magic Unit II Cultural Project



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