Math SAT Prep – College Project

1. Due on or before Thursday October 11 – submit name of the school that you would like to research. No duplications are permitted so we will operate on a first come – first serve basis.

2. Presentations will begin Tuesday Oct 24th (2-3 people will present each day and your poster and power point/prezzi is due the day you present) .

3. You are required to make a 6-10 minute presentation to the class in order to inform us about your school. Please time yourself, you cannot receive the highest grade if your presentation is less than 6 min. Less than 5 min is reduction in grade.

Your presentation must include each of the following on a powerpoint/flipchart or other multimedia:

• Name of school and why you selected it

• Location (include description of location)

• Requirements for freshman admission (include SAT scores, SAT II, ACT, GPA, recommendations; include statistics from recent freshman classes)

• Application fee

• Annual expenses (room, board, tuition, fees, etc.)

• Financial aid information

• Colleges/Majors for which the school is known – does the school offer a program for your field of interest?

• Information about student life (student activities/facilities, athletics, etc.)

• Graduate information (what do their graduates do after graduation, graduation rates, etc.)

• Other interesting facts about the college or university in addition to what is in a College Handbook/Naviance

• *Pictures of your school (pictures on powerpoint AND poster/pamphlet

• You may have a short video clip (less than one minute) in your presentation.

4. Create a visual aid about your college which really captures the school. Although you should use a power point (or presentation software) to present your information, you must also turn in a poster, tri-fold, or pamphlet (if you chose a pamphlet please provide at least 3 copies) that can be posted in the classroom for others to read. Your visual aid must have:

At least 3 Pictures of your school/campus, tuition information, SAT requirements, an interesting fact about your school and one other piece of information from the above list (from power point). Also, don’t forget to be neat and put your name on it(. The more creative you are, the better your grade.


Name: __________________ College/University: __________________

College Research Assignment

Grading Criteria

I. Poster/Pamphlet

_____ neat and organized information

_____ contains several appropriate pictures of college/campus

_____ contains SAT, tuition, an interesting fact, and another piece of relevant information

_____ above and beyond (detailed, took significant time and effort)

II. PowerPoint/Multi Media

_____neat and organized

_____includes appropriate content (amount)

_____includes appropriate content (type)

_____includes tables, charts, and pictures

_____information is accurate

III. Presentation

_____includes all required information

_____professional (how you act/what you say)

_____all information shared was appropriate

_____proper time (6-10 min) (-1 additional point on rubric for each ½ min below 5 min.)

_____above and beyond

IV. Reception

____paying attention/being polite when others give presentations (can lose for each incident)

____not talking or engaging in other activities when others presenting (can lose for each incident)

V. Timeliness

_____poster/pamphlet in on time (can lose points for each day late)

_____presentation and PowerPoint on time (can lose points for each day late)

Grade: 18 points: 105%

17 points: 102%

16 points: 100%

15 points: 93%

14 points: 88%

13 points: 83%

12 points: 78%

11 points: 73%

10 points: 68%

9 points: 63%

8 points: 58%

7 points: 53%

6 point: 48%

5 points: 38%

2-4 point: 33%

0-1point: 30%


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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