Lesson Plan Template - Canadian Geographic

We are Canadian, eh!

Lesson Overview

This lesson asks students to explore the various themes of the Canadian Atlas Online website in order to either support or refute the stereotypes of being Canadian.

Grade Level

Grades 6-8 (middle)

Time Required

Can be completed in one 60 minute lesson or divided into an introduction of 20 minutes and a lab period of 40 minutes.

Curriculum Connection (Province and course)

British Columbia, Social Studies 6

Link to Canadian National Geography Standards

Essential Element #1 (Grade 6-8) - The World in Spatial Terms

Essential Element #2 (Grade 6-8) – Places and Regions

Geographic Skill #2 (Grade 6-8) – Acquiring geographic information

Geographic Skill #4 (Grade 9-12) – Analyzing geographic information

Principle Resource

The Canadian Atlas Online website at canadiangeographic.ca/atlas/.

Additional Resources, Materials and Equipment Required

Chart paper, markers

Main Objective

The main objective of this lesson is to encourage students to think about the concept of stereotypes and relate them to the physical and human features of Canada.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• assess diverse concepts of Canadian identity

• apply critical thinking skills – including comparing, classifying, inferring, imagining, verifying,

• identifying relationships, summarizing, and drawing conclusions

• interpret graphs, tables, aerial photos, and various types of maps

• evaluate the credibility and reliability of selected sources

The Lesson


|Introduction |The teacher leads a discussion to define the term |Students participate in discussion of |

| |“stereotype”. |“stereotype”. |

|Lesson Development |The teacher organizes groups and hands one piece of chart |Students list common stereotypes of Canada |

| |paper to each group. Students write common stereotypes |and Canadians. |

| |attributed to Canada and Canadians. | |

| |The teacher leads a discussion to present the stereotypes |Students participate in discussion to |

| |and whether the students think that they are true or not. |address their lists. |

| |The teacher hands out the Student Worksheet and students |Students work in pairs to complete the |

| |work in pairs to complete it. Ex. Canada has enough |Student Worksheet. |

| |forests and fresh water to last forever. Over half of | |

| |Canadians are immigrants. | |

|Conclusion |Look at stereotypes that have been proven to be true and |Students participate in the concluding |

| |those that are false. At times when some feel they are |discussion. |

| |true and some feel they are false, a discussion is | |

| |recommended. | |

| |The teacher collects the completed worksheets. |Students hand in their completed worksheet |

| | |for marking. |

Lesson Extension

This lesson can easily be extended by asking students to do the same exercise for a different country and then make the comparison.

Assessment of Student Learning

Students can be assessed on their collaboration and work habits within their group as well as their completed list of stereotypes.

Student Worksheet

We are Canadian, eh?

A stereotype is

Use the Canadian Atlas Online website canadiangeographic.ca/atlas/ to prove if the following stereotypes that are based on Canada’s physical geography and population are true or not.


1. Choose English

2. Under Explore Our Themes, select the theme that is suggested with each stereotype and explore that theme to find the map and information that you need.

3. Write down the proof that you find.


1. Canada has enough forests and fresh water to last forever.[The Issues – Challenge 2050]

T _____ F _____


2. Canada is known for the lower-value minerals like nickel for mineral resources. [The land – Regions – Arctic and Taiga – Industry – Riches of the North] T _____ F _____


Student Worksheet - Page 2

3. Over half of Canadians are immigrants. [The people – Settling Canada – Basics – New mosaic]

T _____ F _____


4. Tourism is becoming very important to British Columbia’s economy. [The regions – Pacific and Mountains – Industry – The new tourism] T _____ F _____


5. Canada is a young country. [The land – Canada’s many faces - Basics – Geology – Precambrian] T _____ F _____


6. Canada can experience large earthquakes, like they experience in Japan. [The land – Canada’s many faces - Basics – Plate tectonics] T _____ F _____


Student Worksheet – Page 3

7. All of Canada receives large amounts of snow in the winter. [The land – Extremes of weather – Basics – Climate Zones – click on cities on the map] T _____ F _____


8. Canada is a country of farmers. [The people – Who we are – Work and Income] T _____ F _____


9. Canadians have a high level of education. [The people – Who we are – Demographics - Education]

T _____ F _____


10. No one lives in the Arctic region of Canada. [The people – Connecting Canada – Transportation - Roads]

T _____ F _____



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