Resultative complements - University of Oxford

The 把 Construction (1)

1. When can I use 把 sentences?

2. How can I form a sentence with 把?

3. What are the commonly used attached verb elements in the 把 construction?

4. Apart from a subject of a sentence, what other elements which can be placed before 把?

5. Where should the negation 不 be placed if the 得 (complement of degree) construction is used in a 把 sentence?

6. Sometimes a 把 sentence contains only a simple main verb and the particle 了. Does that mean that any simple verb + 了 can be used in 把 sentences?

7. Is it right that the 把 construction can only be used for real objects, and not for abstract objects?

8. What shouldn't be used in 把 sentences?

9. When can I avoid using 把?

Passive with 被 让 叫 给 (12)

1. When should I use 被 sentences?

2. Which verb forms are used in 被 sentences?

3. How can I form 被 sentences?

4. Can all 把 sentences be turned into 被 sentences?

5. Do 被 sentences always have a negative sense?

6. Can a simple monosyllabic verb be used in the 被 construction?

7. Should the agent always appear after 被?

8. Is there any other difference between 被, 让, 叫 and 给 in passive sentences?

9. Is it necessary to use 被 or 给 if the agent is not there?

10. When an active sentence is changed into a passive one, is the emphasis of the

sentence also changed?

Passive without 被 让 叫 给 (20)

1. When should I use this construction?

2. Are there any differences between the sentences without 被 and ones with 被?

3. What do I need to form this type of sentences?

5. What is the difference between 被 sentences and 是...的 sentences, as in 这本书是他写的?

Comparatives 比, 跟/像...一样...﹐比起来.... (24)

1. How many comparative constructions are there?

2. How can I form a 比 sentence, and what should I be aware of?

3. Can the words “very much”, “extremely” and “really” be used in the 比 construction?

4. How do I form a sentence if I want to describe exactly how much more or less “A” is than “B”?

5. Can I use 比 to compare feelings and capabilities?

6. Can I use the 比 construction to compare two actions?

7. Can I use the 比 construction to compare the difference in quantity between two actions?

8. Apart from 比 can any other word be used in comparisons?

9. How can I form a sentence with ...跟 ...一 样?

10. How can I say that I prefer A to B?

11. Can I use the negation 没 before 比?

12. Are the negative forms of 比(不比) and 有(没有) the same?

13. What is the difference between 有 sentences and 跟...一样... sentences?

14. What is the difference between the constructions A 跟 B 一样 and A 象 B 一样?

15. Can you demonstrate the different degrees of comparison?

Co-verbs (34)

在﹐到﹐给﹐对﹐为﹐从﹐离﹐跟﹐用﹐坐 ......

1. What are co-verbs?

2. Why should I treat these words as co-verbs, but not prepositions?

3. How can I form a sentence with a co-v. clause?

4. Where should the adverbs, such as 常常, 总是, and modal verbs such as 可以, 应该 be placed in the sentences which co-verbs are used?

5. What should I do if a sentence has more than one co-v. clause?

6. Can you tell me the difference between 离 and 从?

7. What is the difference between the co-verb 给 and 为?

8. What is the difference between 我跟他说, 我对他说 and 我给他说?

The 的 Construction (40)

1. When can I use the 的construction?

2. How do I form the 的 construction?

3. Do I always have to put measure words at the beginning of the 的construction, as in the above sentence?

4. Do I always have to use 的 when I use an adjective to describe a noun?

5. When can a possessive 的 be omitted?

6. It seems that the nouns after 的 are the most important nouns in sentences, but that in some sentences there are no nouns after 的. Why is that?

7. Hints and conclusion.

8. Four "don’ts" for describing nouns.

The 得 Construction (45)

1. When do I use the 得 construction?

2. How many different ways can I form the 得 construction?

3. What is the negative form for the 得 construction?

4. Is the particle 了 for completed actions used in the 得 construction?

5. I find it difficult to distinguish the 得 construction from potential verb complements. How can I tell which is which?

6. Do I always need 得 to indicate the degree of complement?

7. Where can I place 一点儿 and 一些 in the 得 construction?

8. What is the difference between "请你说得慢一点儿." and "请你慢一点儿说."

The 地 Construction (52)

1. When should I use the 地 construction?

2. How can I form a 地 sentence?

3. What should I be aware of when I use the 地 construction?

4. Do I always have to use 地, if I want to describe how an action is carried out?

5. Is the particle 了 for completed action used in 地 constructions?

6. Can verb complements be used in the 地 constructions?

7. How do I use 地 in the 把 and 被 sentences?

8. Are the 地 construction and the 得 constructions interchangeable? For instance A.今天上午他很快地吃完了饭 // B.今天上午他饭吃得很快 Do these two sentences have the same meaning?

The use of 就 (58)

1. Where should I place 就 in a sentence?

2. How do I use 就 to imply an action takes place earlier than I have expected?

3. Can 就 be used to imply anything else apart from “earlier than expected”?

4. What are the implications if 才 is used in the above sentences?

5. Can 就 be used for other purposes?

6. Can 就 and 才 be used in a same sentence?

了 for completed actions (62)

1. When should I use it?

2. When should I place the 了 at the end of a sentence, and when should I place it

after the main verb of a sentence?

3. Is it incorrect if I place 了 after the verb in a simple-object sentence?

4. Can I place 了 at the end of a sentence that has a complex object?

5. Where should I place 了 if a sentence has a time measure?

6. Is a time measure placed after 了 in a negative sentence?

7. Do I have to put the time-measures before 没 in all negative sentences?

8. Do I have to put 了 after every verb in a sentence, if the sentence has a sequence of actions?

9. Do I always have to place 了 after the last verb of a sentence when describing a sequence of actions?

10. Do I always have to use 了 to indicate a completed action?

11. Apart from the negation, are there any circumstances in which 了 is not used?

12. Is it true that if I use a time-word I don't have to use 了?

13. Are there any constructions that cannot take an aspectual particle 了?

14. Do I always have to consider the use of 了 when I see a past tense in an English


The use of 了 as a modal particle (70)

1. What else can 了 be used for, apart from for indicating a completed action?

2. How is 了 used for emphasis?

3. Can 了 be used to emphasize negative actions?

4. Can 了 be used to emphasize stative verbs or complements of degree?

5. How is 了 used to express excessiveness?

6. Can be the following expressions be placed before nouns: 太 stative verb 了; stative verb 极; and 可 stative verb 了?

7. Can the above three expressions have negative forms?

8. When do I use 了 for a change of situation, and where does it go in a sentence?

9. Are the functions of 了 always clear in sentences?

10. How many sentence patterns can be used to indicate imminent action?

11. Do these expressions indicate the same degree of urgency?

Measure words (79)

1. How many measure words are there?

2. When do I need a measure word (category 1) in a sentence?

3. Where should I place a measure word in a sentence?

4. Should the word 多 (more, over) appear before or after a measure word?

Resultative complements (88)

1. What are resultative complements?

2. When should I use resultative verb complements in sentences?

3. Where does a resultative verb complement go in a sentence?

4. Where does a resultative verb complement go if a sentence has a direct and indirect object?

5. Can the particle "了" for completed action be used with resultative verb complements?

6. What are the commonly used resultative complements?

Directional complements (95)

1. What are directional complements?

2. What are the functions of 来 and 去 in directional complements?

3. Can a direction word and 来 or 去 be used together?

4. Can you show me a list of combined directional complements?

5. Can I use a combined directional complement as the main verb in a sentence?

6. When do I use the full version of directional verb complements in sentences?

7. Where should I place the directional verb complements in a sentence?

8. Where should I place a 了 for completed action when I use a directional complement?

9. Can the particle 着 be used with a directional complement?

10. Can the particle 过 be used with a directional complement?

11. Where should I place the object of a sentence if a directional verb complement is used?

Potential verb complement (100)

1. What are potential complements?

2. Are there any PVC which are only used idiomatically?

3. How can I form a sentence with potential complements?

4. Can I use the particle 了 for completed action in a sentence which has a potential complement?

5. How do you differentiate complements of degree (得 construction) from potential complements?

6. Are 能 constructions and potential verb complements interchangeable?

The uses of 什么… 都…, 哪儿 都…, and 谁 都…(105)

When do I use the 什么… 都…, 哪儿 都…, and 谁 都…constructions?

How do I form a sentence with these constructions?

How do I form a negative sentence with these constructions?

Is there any difference in meaning between都and 也 here?

Are there any differences between these 什么…都, 谁…都 and哪儿…都constructions?

What is the difference between using 任何or 所有的and these constructions?

The 正在construction and V+着

How do I form a sentence that implies progressive action?

Is there any difference in meaning between the use of正, 在, 着 and呢?

Do any of the functional elements 正, 在, 着 and呢imply longer or shorter duration?

Is a co-verb clause always placed after 正and before a verb?

Where should I place an adverbial 地clause in a 正在sentence?

Does着have any other usages?


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