
Lesson Plan Template1. Lesson Plan InformationSubject/Course: Phys. Ed - Relationships Name: Grade Level: 9Date: Dec. 02/16 Time: 8:30 Topic: RelationshipsLength of Period: 60 min 2. Expectation(s)Expectation(s) (Directly from the Ontario Curriculum): C2.2: demonstrate an understanding of the skills and strategies needed to build healthy social relationships (e.g., peer, school, family, work) and intimate relationships Learning Skills (Where applicable): Collaboration Responsibility3. ContentWhat do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do? We want learners to gain the base knowledge required to evaluate whether or not the new relationships they develop and engage in are healthy or unhealthy. Many students will be beginning new types of relationships at this age, as they get their first jobs, start, dating, and build new peer groups at high school. We want learners to have a base understanding of the roles and characteristics to expect in healthy relationships of these types.Today learners will: Be able to identify healthy and unhealthy behaviours in intimate relationships.4. Assessment (collect data) / Evaluation (interpret data)(Recording Devices (where applicable): anecdotal record, checklist, rating scale, rubric)Based on the application, how will I know that the learners have learned what I intended?Kahoot: Online interactive quiz that records and scores answers for the Relationship Red Flags quiz we created. Collaboration - make note of students’ participation in peer-relationship activity - successful passing of compliment chain indicates successful group collaboration Responsibility - make note of students who did not bring their device or who did not answer kahoot questions5. Learning ContextA. The Learners(i) What prior experiences, knowledge, and skills do the learners bring with them to this learning experience?Students are familiar with the 5-squad classroom layout.Students have used Kahoot before and are familiar with navigating their electronic devicesStudents have personal experiences with some types of relationships (i.e. family, peer)(ii) How will I differentiate the instruction (content, process and/or product) to ensure the inclusion of all learners? (Must include where applicable accommodations and/or modification for learners identified as exceptional.) All examples of intimate relationships will be presented gender neutrally to be inclusive of all LGBTQ learners. Use term ‘partner’ instead of boyfriend or girlfriend when providing rmation will be presented both verbally and visually, through the use of a PowerPoint presentation, student created mind-maps, and verbal presentation by the teachers.Examples of family will include adoption, foster, and stepparent circumstances. B. Learning EnvironmentRegular classroom B257C. Resources/MaterialsLaptop for PowerPoint presentation Markers for whiteboard Students will need an electronic device (phone, laptop, tablet) Projector Whiteboard eraser 6. Teaching/Learning StrategiesINTRODUCTION: (3 min)How will I engage the learners? (e.g., motivational strategy, hook, activation of learners’ prior knowledge, activities, procedures, compelling problem)Write “Relationships” on the whiteboard Introduce ourselves (Mr. Tyrkus and Mr. Winter) and identify today's topic, Relationships In squads get students to brainstorm a list of different types of relationships they have experienced Have one student from each squad share some ideas on the whiteboard, creating a word cloud MIDDLE: (30 min)Teaching: How does the lesson develop? How we teach new concepts and processes (e.g., gradual release of responsibility – modeled, shared, and guided instruction).Introduce the content of the lesson on PowerPoint, let students know we will talk about professional, peer, family, and intimate relationships, as well as red flags in intimate relationships Break up into squads again and discuss (5 min) and then share with class (5 min) characteristics of specific relationshipsSquad 1: Professional Squad 2: Peer Squad 3: Family Squad 4: Intimate Squad 5: Red flags in intimate relationships Move on with PowerPoint and discuss Professional relationships (5 min) with students and refer to slides Discuss peer relationships (10 min) with the inclusion of peer relationship activity - complement circle Students stand in circle around the classroomEach student must share a complement with the person on their leftStudents must say the name of the person they are complementing, and it must be specificDiscussion points: Was this difficult? How did it make you feel? Would you try to complement more often?Students should understand that compliments positively impact both the giver and receiver, though they may seem awkward at first. Discuss family relationships (5 min), focussing on how these are the first and longest lasting relationships and need to be maintained. Future relationships are modeled from family examples, and students need to consider what they have seen, and how they model healthy relationships to their younger relatives.Discussion point: fights with siblings: have you had them? Do you usually apologize? Should you more often?Discuss intimate relationships (5 min): emphasize that intimate relationships do not have to be physical/sexual, and not all sexual relationships are intimate. Key points to healthy intimate relationships: communication, mutual respect, compromise, allow for space, be supportiveDiscussion point: positive methods of communication: Can you say what you need to say over text? What are the best ways to communicate? How does texting damage communication?Consolidation and/or Recapitulation Process: (10 min)How will I bring all of the important ideas from the learning experiences together for/with the learners? How will I check for understanding?Discussion points on peer relationships, family relationships, and intimate relationships Peer Was this a difficult task? How did it make you feel? Should you try and compliment more often? FamilyDiscussion point: fights with siblings: have you had them? Do you usually apologize? Should you more often?IntimateDiscussion point: positive methods of communication: can you say what you need to say over text? What are the best ways to communicate? How does texting damage communication?Application: (15 min)What will learners do to demonstrate their learning? (Moving from guided, scaffolded practice, and gradual release of responsibility.)Students will get out their electronic devices and log into kahoot.it Students will type in the pin number on the screen, and follow along and answer questions being asked They will have 10 seconds to answer, earning points for speed of correct answerThey may collaborate quickly with peersDiscuss briefly each question after it has been asked, especially if multiple students answer incorrectlyCONCLUSION (2 min)How will I conclude the lesson? Ask students if they have any questions about relationships, or any other red flags they may have seen or wish to discussRemind students that there are many resources available to them to support them with relationship questions, including their teachers.Encourage students to reflect on the relationships that they have: family, peer, professional, and intimate, and to think about what they can do over the break to improve one of their relationships, i.e. write a holiday card to a relative they haven’t spoken to recentlyWish students a safe and happy holiday7. My Reflection on the LessonWhat do I need to do to become more effective as a teacher in supporting student learning?Learn more about the specifics of the topic in order to provide more varied examplesAvoid saying “you guys,” which we caught ourselves doing a few times, in order to remain completely gender neutralMore obviously outlining that intimate relationships can be in accordance to any alignment of the LGBTQ spectrum would have been beneficial for any student in the class who may not be heterosexual, though we do think we did well to use gender neutral terms such as ‘partner’ when providing examples.Finding a more engaging way to present initial discussion points would have improved the lesson, as student participation was limited in the beginning of the class.the interactive activities drew them in, so including these throughout more of the lesson, or earlier in the lesson may have helped to encourage engagement. ................

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