Bronx High School of Science

A Day To Remember

Character list:

Jimmy is the main character of this play who is also the main nerd.

Quintin is the nerd sidekick and best friend of Jimmy.

Connor is the football jock who bullies all the nerds in the school.

Tiffany is one of the popular, preppy girls who follows Connor around.

Brittany is another one of the popular, preppy girls who stalks Connor.

Megan is the final popular, preppy girl who walks with Connor.

Other random nerds1-4 who were bullied by Connor and want revenge.

Scene 1: It’s the first day of school at Lauderdale High. Jimmy just came out of AP Calculus class. He meets up with his best friend Quintin. The two get on line to get their lunch.

Jimmy: Can I have just a double serving of fries and no chicken?

Lunch Lady: (drops goop onto the plate) NEXT!

Jimmy: Thank you . . .?

Lunch Lady: (drops goop onto Quintin’s plate) NEXT!

Nerd 2: Why even bother?

Quinton: Honestly, she hates her life and job!

Lunch Lady: I SAID NEXT!

(They walk to their table in the corner and then sit down)

Quintin: (Showing off) Hey Jimmy. Guess what? I got into AP Calculus.

Jimmy: (Smirks) Well, I got into AP Calculus AB. Oooooh!

Quintin: (Surprised) How did you even get in?!

Nerd 1: Ya, that’s a tough class to get into.

Nerd 2: Especially AB!

Nerd 3: I’m impressed! I only got into AP.

Nerd 4: I didn’t get in AP at all! That’s such a buzz kill!

(Connor, Megan, Tiffany, and Brittany enter the lunch room. The girls are giggling and clinging onto Connor.)

Connor: (Overheard Jimmy and Quintin) Oh yeah? Well guess what nerds?! I got into ABCDEFG Calculus.

Tiffany: (laugh and giggle) O-m-g! Connor is soooo funny.

Brittany: And soooooooooo cute.

Megan: And sooooooo funny.

Tiffany: I already said funny, idiot.

Megan: Whatever!

Connor: (strikes a pose and flips his hair) I know, I am so awesome.

(Girls giggle)

(Jimmy and Quintin roll their eyes)

Connor: (dunks Quintin and Jimmy’s faces into their food trays then lifts faces back up.) You did not just roll your eyes at me.

Quintin & Jimmy: Actually….

Connor: (dunks faces back into trays) Shut up. (Other nerds run away)

(Connor and the girls leave the lunch room laughing.)

(Quintin licks food off his face)

Jimmy: Quintin!

Quintin: What? It’s good. (Continues eating food)

Jimmy: (Wipes face) I’ll get my revenge for this.....

(Bell rings)

Next Scene

Jimmy: (Approaches Connor’s locker holding a bag and looks around to make sure nobody is watching. Breaks into Connor’s locker with a paperclip, opens bag and stuffs marbles into locker, closes it, and runs away)

Later. . .

Connor: (Opens locker. Marbles spill out and he slips.)

Jimmy: (Was hiding behind a corner, watching Connor fall. Snickers)

Connor: (Spots Jimmy) Why you. . . (Attempts to get up but falls back down)

Jimmy: (laughs) What are you gonna do about it?

Connor: (Sits up) You’re going to pay for this (Jimmy begins running)

(Connor starts yelling)

(Begins to get up again but fell again so he gives up and plops back onto floor)

Next Scene

Jimmy: (Goes into Boys’ Locker Room during a free period. He paints Connor’s football helmet pink)

Later. . .

Connor: (Goes into locker room to change for football practice. Opens locker) What the! Why is my helmet pink! (Sees Jimmy standing close by. Starts approaching him.) You dork! I’ll get you back.

Jimmy: (Already started running when Connor turned around so he got a big head start)

Next Scene

Jimmy: (Sneaks into locker rooms. Breaks into Connor’s locker and switches out his gym clothes for a fuzzy bath robe. Sneaks back out.)

Later. . .

Connor: (Opens locker to find bathrobe.) What the...? (Takes bath robe out of locker) I can’t wear this!

Other jock: Well, what are you gonna wear then?

Connor: (Walks off stage right to change. Had no other choice but to change into the bath robe) This is ridiculous!

Other jock: (laughs) How did that get in there anyways?

Connor: (Angry) I don’t-- (realization) It was that stupid nerd! (Punches locker) Ooh, I’m gonna get him for this. (Goes out of locker room)

(Everyone laughs at him. Passes by Megan, Tiffany, and Brittany and stops.)

Tiffany: (gasp) Connor, is that. . . you? Ya know, I have that same exact robe but in baby blue.

Megan: (laughs) My fuzzy cow slippers will go perfectly with that (winks)

Connor: (Grunts in annoyance. Shrugs their compliments off) Oh, that kid is gonna get it good(Starts running off to find Jimmy. Finds him not that far from the locker room. Angrily points at Jimmy and says) You, you’ve been pissing me off the whole day. I’m going to make you regret it.

Jimmy: I think it’s the other way around, Connor.

Connor: What did you say, loser?!

Jimmy: (unafraid and smiles) I’m not gonna be the dead loser after I fight you. By the way, that robe goes so nicely with your helmet.

Connor: (laughs and approaches Jimmy) You think you’re funny? Well you won’t be smiling after this. (Punches Jimmy but misses)

Jimmy: (Ducks and uppercuts Jimmy while getting back up.)

Connor: Was that supposed to hurt? (Smirks then pushes Jimmy to the ground. Is about to punch Jimmy again until he is struck by a notebook in the face. Steps back to see gang of seven or so nerds crowding around Jimmy.)

Quintin: (Steps forward) I’m tired of you peeing in my locker.

Nerd 1: (Steps forward) I’m tired of you giving me wedgies.

Nerd 2: (Steps forward next to other nerd) I’m tired of doing your homework for you.

Nerd 3: (Steps forward) I want my lunch money back.

Nerd 4: And I want my DS back!

(All nerds step forward.)

Jimmy: (Stands back up) We’re all sick and tired of you, Connor.

(Nerds surround Connor)

Connor: (Yells) I CAN TAKE YOU ALL ON. COME AT ME BRO! (Puts fists up)

(Nerds proceed to close in and actually put up a fight. Connor ends up in the fetal position, whimpering. Nerds walk away laughing with victory. Before really leaving, Jimmy takes one last look at the pitiful, bloody mess that is now Connor.)

Connor: At least call the nurse for me. I’m sorry.

Jimmy: Psht. Like you’ll ever mean it. (Walks away)

(Nerds high-five each other and then put up a victory pose.)

Next Scene

(Next day at school)

Quintin: (Comes running up to Jimmy with a wide grin and out of breath.) Jimmy! Jimmy! Jimmy! Guess what?!

Jimmy: (Lazily) Surprise me.

Quintin: Connor moved!!!

Jimmy: (Wide-eyed) What?

Quintin: HE MOVED! Can you believe it?!

Jimmy: (In disbelief) His locker is cleaned out and everything?

Quintin: Yeah! Go check it out! There’s a note for you!

Jimmy: (Heads towards Connor’s locker. Sees a locker that’s open.) Whoa. It’s true. . . (Spots a piece of folded up paper on the top shelf. Takes it and opens it up. It has a few drops of blood, probably from yesterday. He reads it out loud saying) Dear Jimmy, I really am sorry. To prove it to you, I moved to a different school. Tell the other nerds I’m sorry too. I’m gonna make a fresh start. And I’ll never bully you guys, or anyone else. I hope you have a good senior year. Sincerely, Connor.

(Tiffany, Brittany, and Megan walk over to Jimmy)

Tiffany: I can’t believe you beat Connor up!

Brittany: (Dreamily) Wow, Jimmy. You’re soooo strong.

Jimmy: (kissing his muscles) Fire power right here ladies. (makes another pose)

Megan: (Goes over to Quintin) I heard you helped him, too. You must be soooooo tough.

(all the ladies go around Jimmy and Quintin)

Quintin: (to Jimmy) I think I can get used to this.

Jimmy: So can I. Shall we, ladies? (takes off glasses, puts on sunglasses and does a hairflip)

(Quintin and Jimmy walk off stage with their arms around the girls)



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