9th Grade Research ProjectArgumentative Essay – “Debunk that shizzlemynizzle!”NAME: _______________________________________ REQUIREMENTS Subject: Students must debunk a conspiracy theory by presenting information that falsifies the claims made in the conspiracy theory. Students will research a topic thoroughly so that they will be writing with authority. I have a list of conspiracy theories, but I am open to some that don’t make my list. I MUST approve your topic.Objective: Students will learn the process of writing an effective research paper using proper MLA format. Voice: Formal (3rd person, objective)Process: Each stage has a specific deadline (refer to SCHEDULE/PROCESS SCHEDULE). The paper is written in stages before the final paper is due. Each stage must be completed before a student may move on to the next stage. These stages count as classwork and homework assignments. The late work policy applies to each phase as well as the final paper.Therefore, if you fall behind, since you must complete the late phase before moving on to the next phase, you will need to catch up quickly to avoid further zeros for late phases. Acceptable Research Material: You may use electronic sources (online), recognizing reliable sources (I will have a list, but searching on Google Scholar is the easiest). Lateness: Your paper is due on the date set forth in this packet. If you do not turn your paper in on the due date (______________), you will be able to submit it with a 10 point PER DAY penalty. Computer problems are not acceptable excuses.You will be sharing your paper on Google DrivePlagiarism: If you plagiarize any part of your research paper, you will receive a zero and be unable to pass this course. To pass the course, you will be required to rewrite the paper in your own words and resubmit it for a maximum score of 50%.Format: Typed Double-spaced12 point Times New Roman font 1” margins MLA style documentation Final Draft : # OF PAGESMIN. # OF SOURCES 2-3 FULL Pages3 RESEARCH PAPER – SCHEDULE/PROCESS/ POINTSFINAL PAPER DUE: (________________)COMPONENT DUE DATE POINTS/CATEGORY TOPIC PROPOSAL/THESISExplains the topic that is to be researched and presented in both the paper and the presentation_____/ 10 DailyWORKS CITED PAGE (MLA documentation)Must have the minimum number of sources (3); Must include all necessary informationMust be appropriately labeled _____/ 20 DailyFINAL THESIS STATEMENTThesis statement should be one concise sentence that includes the main point and three subpoints to be covered in the paper._____/10 DailyROUGH DRAFT WITH WORKS CITED and PEER REVIEW_____/20 DailyFINAL DRAFT WITH WORKS CITEDWork Cited and rough draft printed out _______________/200 Summative ................

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