Ch. 9 Q & A Part 1 Name: _____________________ Period: _____

|I. Economic Indicators of Development |

|1. |Development is the process of improving the ______________ conditions of people through diffusion of _________________ and _____________________. |

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| |A country’s level of development can be distinguished according to ___________, ____________, and __________________ factors. |

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| |The _________________________________ (HDI) was created by the __________________ to help recognize the level of development a country is at. The |

| |highest-ranking countries tend to be located in _____________________, while the lowest-ranking countries are found in ___________________. |

|2. |Explain GDP. |

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| |How would you calculate a country’s GDP? |

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| |Why is the gap in per capita GPD between Less Developed Countries (LDCs) and More Developed Countries (MDCs) becoming wider? |

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| |Why does the GDP not always give us a true picture of what conditions are like within a country? |

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|3. |Primary sector jobs directly extract materials from the earth. List at least 4 types of industries included in this sector. |

| | |

| |Secondary sector jobs include businesses that process, transform, and assemble raw materials into useful products and/or consumer goods. List at least 4 |

| |types of products manufactured domestically in the United States or internationally around the world. |

| | |

| |Tertiary sector jobs involve providing goods and services to people in exchange for payment. List at least 10 types of activities associated with this |

| |sector. |

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| |Use the chart on the bottom of page 301 in the text to answer the following questions. |

| | |

| |a) Almost 80% of workers from LDCs are involved in the ______________ sector of the job market. |

| |b) Since the early 1900s, most people in MDCs work in ___________________ sector jobs. |

| |c) Less than 10% percentage of the workforce in MDCs have ________________ sector jobs today. |

| |d) __________________ sector jobs have increased the most in LDCs since the 1960s. |

|4. |Explain why workers in MDCs are usually more productive than workers in LDCs. |

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| |The value of a product minus the costs of raw materials & energy used to produce that product is called the _________________________. |

|5. |What factor(s) allowed the United Kingdom and later the U.S. and Russia become powerful industrial states? |

| | |

| |As many countries ran out of a domestic source of raw materials, what steps did many Western European countries take in the late 1800s and early 1900s to |

| |ensure a cheap supply of raw materials? |

| | |

| |Why don’t many Eastern European countries need to obtain raw materials from international sources? |

| | |

|6. |The three types of consumer goods that serve as indicators of a society’s development are ___________________, ______________________, and |

| |__________________________. |

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| |In LDCs, most people can’t afford to buy the items listed above. Who would be included in the minority of folks who might own these goods? |

|II. Social Indicators of Development |

|7. |What two factors does the HDI use to measure the quality of education across the world? |

| | |

| |The average pupil attends school for about _________________ years in MDCs, while only attending school for only _____________________ of years in LDCs. |

| | |

| |The literacy rate exceeds ______% in MDCs, but is usually less than ______% in LDCs. |

|8. |In most MDCs, health care is a ___________ service provide by the state at little or no _________. |

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| |What choices will governments in many MDCs have to face as the baby boomer population grows older, becomes a larger percentage of the population, and |

| |health care becomes more expensive? |

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| |The health of a population is influenced by diet. The average person needs at least 2, 360 calories per day to remain healthy and active. According to |

| |the map on page 305, what regions of the world have populations that don’t get at least 90% of the minimum caloric requirement from food? |

| | |

|III. Demographic Indicators of Development |

|9. |List the four demographic indicators of development. |

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|10. |What issues must MDCs deal with as the percentage of elderly folk increase and the percentage of younger people decrease? |

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|11. |List several reasons why LDCs have a greater infant mortality rate than MDCs. |

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|12. |Both MDCs and LDCs have crude birth rates of about 10 per 1000. What two reasons are given for similar CBR statistics between the richer and poorer |

| |regions of the world? |

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Ch. 9 Q&A Part 2 Name: _____________________ Period: _____

|I. More Developed Regions |

|Region |HDI | |

|Anglo-America | |1) Anglo-America includes the countries of ________________ and ____________. |

| | |2) This region displays the highest level of cultural homogeneity because most of its |

| | |people speak ______________ and practice the __________________ faith. |

| | |3) List the most important products and/or services this region exports: |

| | | |

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|Western Europe | |1) Since 1945, the migration of _______________ and _______________ workers |

| | |have made this region much more culturally diverse than in the past. |

| | |2) The “core area” of western Europe has the highest HDI of anywhere in the world. |

| | |What countries are included in this “core area”? |

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| | |3) Compare Western Europe’s need for raw materials with that of Anglo-America. |

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| | |4) Why has the establishment of the European Union made this region the largest |

| | |and richest in the world? |

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|Eastern Europe | |1) Under the Communist system, who made most of the key decisions concerning | |

| | |the national economies of each country? | |

| | | | |

| | |2) During the “Cold War”, instead of producing consumer goods, most Eastern | |

| | |European governments promoted __________________ industry. | |

| | | | |

| | |3) This is the only region where the _____ has actually declined in the last 10 years. | |

| | |Explain why this is true. | |

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| | |4) Eastern Europe differs from Western Europe since the region has abundant | |

| | |reserves of many ________ _______________________. | |

|Japan | |1) Japan’s most important resource is its _________________________________. | |

| | |2) List at least two ways that Japan has achieved dominance as a producer of | |

| | |electronics, motor vehicles, and cameras. | |

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|South Pacific | |1) Why are the countries of the South Pacific, even though as a group they have a | |

| | |relatively high HDI, NOT a central “player” in the global economy? | |

| | | | |

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| | |2) With what other regions does the South Pacific have the strongest economic ties? | |

| | | | |

|II. Less Developed Regions |

|Region |HDI | |

|Latin America | |1) People from this region are likely to live in urban areas. Name 3 of the largest |

| | |cities found in Latin America. |

| | | |

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| | |2) Where is the highest level of development found within this region? Why? |

| | | |

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|East Asia | |1) The Communists take over in 1949 resulted in a redistribution of land. Explain |

| | |how the government controlled the production and distribution of food after the |

| | |revolution. |

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|Southeast Asia | |1) Name the four most populous countries in this region. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |2) Why has the population of this region been traditionally low up until recently? | |

| | | | |

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| | |3) What caused a population explosion in this region during the last half of the | |

| | |twentieth century? | |

| | | | |

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|Middle East | |1) Why is this the only world region that enjoys a trade surplus…they export more | |

| | |than they import? | |

| | | | |

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| | |2) Where are most of the regions oil reserves located? | |

| | | | |

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| | |3) Even though the region has economic wealth, why is the HDI of the Middle | |

| | |East so low? | |

| | | | |

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|South Asia | |1) Even though South Asia has been blessed with a number of resources, why does | |

| | |it have the second – lowest per capita income of any world region? | |

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| | |2) Explain how the monsoon rains affect the agricultural output of the region. | |

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|Sub-Saharan | |1) Sub-Saharan Africa’s HDI ranks the lowest among all of the world’s regions. | |

|Africa | |List at least 3 reasons why this is true. | |

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