Instructor: Sanjay Madria, madrias@umr.edu, Office: CS 310 (CS dept floor)

Office Hours: 3 to 4 PM on MWF

Time & Place: 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm, Tu/Th, Room - CS 203

TA – Bipin Sakamuri, Email – bcsz72@umr.edu, Office hours – MWF – 3.30 to 5.30

Course Web page – umr.edu/~madrias, follow link to teaching and select DBMS Most information regarding the course will be made available on the web page

Course Description

To introduce Database concepts and relational database technology. Heavy emphasis will be placed on exercises using the Oracle DBMS. The objective is to prepare students who can design and implement any real-world database applications. A preliminary list of topics to be covered:

DBMS concepts and architecture

ER model

Relational Databases

Relational Algebra

Query Languages (SQL)

Database Design: Normalization and Functional Dependencies

Transaction Processing

Concurrency Control and Recovery

Emerging Trends in Database Technology – Web Data management, XML, Web mining, Data warehousing


Required: Elmasri, R. and Navathe S., Fundamentals of Database Systems, 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2000. ISBN – 0-8053-1755-1

ORACLE Reference: ORACLE 8: The Complete Reference, by George Koch & Kevin Loney, Osborne McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1998.

ORACLE help:

-- You need to register to get access to this site (registration is free)

Grading Policy : The final grade will be based upon the following:

Home Assignments (5) 20%

Project 25%.

Exam I - 20%

Quiz – 7%

Class Participation - 3%

Exam II - 25 %

Course Policy

• Homework is due by 5 PM on the due date.

• Homeworks and Project will be assigned in a group of maximum three students. If any student wants to do the assignments and project alone, he can chose to do so, but not allowed later to join any other group.

• I strongly recommend not absenting from the classes and I may take action on missing classes. I strongly recommend having attendance of at least 75%.

• Late submission will result in a 10% penalty for each day late.

• No make up test unless special cases such as illness with doctor’s written advice for rest.

Students are strongly advised that any act of cheating will result in a score of 0 for the entire assignment and repeat offences will be reported to the Office, and may result in an automatic F grade. You are encouraged to discuss problems and ideas but the final solution must be your own.



Week1- Aug 26- Basic Concepts

Week2 – Sept 2 – NO classes on 3rd and 5th Sept as I am attending database conference.

Week3 – Sept 9 – Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)

HW 1 on ER model

Week 4 - Sept 16 – Extended - ER

Week 5 – Sept. 23- Relational Model

Week 6 – Sept 30 - Relational Model (contd.) and Algebra

Week7 – Oct. 7- Algebra and SQL

HW 2 on Relational Algebra

Exam I

Week 8- Oct. 14 – SQL continue


Week 9 – Oct. 21 - Functional Dependency

Week 10, Oct. 28 - Relational Design and Normalization

HM 4 on Normalization/FD

Week 11 – Nov. 4 – Minimum Cover and Equivalent FDs

Week 12 – Nov. 11 – Transaction Processing Concepts

Week 13 – Nov. 18- Concurrency Control Techniques

HW 5 on Transaction Processing/Concurrency control

Week 14 – Nov. 25 –Recovery/Thanksgiving

Week 15 – Dec 5 – Exam II /DEMOS

Week 16 – Dec. 15th - Final Report due by email


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