(To be completed and returned to the head of the department in which assistantship is sought.)

NOTE: Admission to the Graduate School must precede appointment to a graduate assistantship.

|Department and semester in which appointment is desired |      |

|Name       |ID Number       |

|Current mailing address |      |      |      |      |

(street/no.) (city/state) (zip code) (telephone)

|Date of Birth       |Email Address       |

Resident of the State of Texas? Yes No If not, do you qualify for in-state tuition? Yes No

|(Non-residents must be teaching or working on research one-half time in their field of study to qualify for in-state tuition |

|rates.) |

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Date admitted to TWU Graduate School Degree Major

Natives of Non-English Speaking Foreign Countries:

|TOEFL Score       |TSE Score       |(Or list below U.S. college or university from which you graduated.) |

Colleges or Universities attended:

|Name |City/State |Dates Attended |Degree(s) Earned |

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Professional Experience:

|Position Held |Place |Date |

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Professional References:

|Name |Title |Address |Telephone Number |

| | | | |

|      |      |      |      |

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Description of desired work assignment:

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For additional information, please contact:

The Graduate School

Texas Woman's University

P. O. Box 425649

Denton, TX 76204

Telephone: 940-898-3402

FAX: 940-898-3412

E-Mail: gradschool@mail.twu.edu

In accordance with Leg. HB 1922, an individual is entitled to: request to be informed about the information collected about them; receive and review their information; and correct any incorrect information.

Disclosure of your social security number is required in order to match the applicant’s identity with university records at Texas Woman’s University. Your social security number will be used as a unique number to identify you. Any further disclosure of your social security number will be governed by the Public Information Act (Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code).


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