Quick List: Transitive Verbs

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Quick List: Transitive Verbs

Here is a short list of transitive verbs. These are common verbs that ESL students must know.

answer break bring buy carry catch clean

drink eat find forget get give hear

help like love meet pay play read

see sell sing stop take understand write

Short List: Intransitive Verbs

Here is a short list of intransitive verbs.

belong come cough dance die

fall flow fly go


kneel lie remain sit sleep

stand travel wait walk weep

Long List: Transitive Verbs

Here is a longer list of transitive verbs. There are 364 verbs but the list is not complete.

accept acknowledge admit aggravate answer arrest ask avoid bash

beat bend bite bless blow bother break brush build

Copyright ? Rob Whyte 2010

bump burn call cancel capture carry catch change charge


chase chastise check chill clean close clutch collect comfort

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Long List: Transitive Verbs

confuse consume contradict convert copy correct cover crack cross cut dampen dash daze dazzle deceive define delay deny derail describe destroy devastate dig discover discuss dismiss distinguish disturb drag draw dress drink drive drop drown dry dunk eat edify

eject embarrass embrace empower enable enclose encourage enjoy enlighten enlist entertain escort examine excite excuse execute fascinate feed feel fight file fill find finish fire fix flick flip follow force forget forgive freeze frighten fry furnish gather get grab

grasp grease grip handle hang have head help hide highlight hit hoist hold honour hug hump hurry hurt imitate impress include indulge inform insert inspect inspire insure interest interrupt interview intimidate involve irritate join jolt judge keep key kick

Copyright ? Rob Whyte 2010


kill kiss knock lag lay lead lean leave let lick lift light lighten limit link list load lock lose love lower maintain make mark marry massage melt mix mock move munch murder name notice number nurse offend open order

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Long List: Transitive Verbs

own pack page paralyze park pass pay persuade petrify pick pierce pin place play please poison poke possess post pour prepare press print promise protect pull punch punish purchase push puzzle question quit raid raise read reassure recognize reenter refill relax

Copyright ? Rob Whyte 2010

remind remove repel replace research retard retire reveal ride ring rip rob rub run satisfy save scan scare scold scoop scrub seat see select sell send set sew shake shame shift shoot shove shut sink slam slap slice slow smell smoke

snap soak soften solve sound specify speed spell spend spill spit split spoon spread squash stab stain stake start startle stay steer stir stop store strike study stuff suck surprise survey swallow switch tape taste teach tease tell tend terrify test


thank threaten throw tickle tie tighten tip tire toast toss touch tow transform try turn tweak twist underestimate understand unload unlock untie upgrade use vacate videotape vilify violate wake want warm warn wash watch wear widen win wipe wrack wrap wreck

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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