The City University of New York

Evidence InventoryThe MSCHE Evidence Inventory a required part of the Self-Study process.Please review Module Six of the Self-Study Guide on the MSCHE website. Please be in touch with your MSCHE Vice President Liaison to ensure you have the most recent instructions about what should be uploaded to your institution portal. This may be different for different Self-Study cohorts. Guidance for CUNY CollegesLinks Updated 7.22.2020In gathering evidence to support your Self-Study, the primary focus should be the college’s own documentation, which should be listed first. Suggestions of institutional documents the colleges may include are highlighted in yellow and followed with (C). These suggestions are not meant to be exhaustive, but are there to provide ideas. The remaining documents pertain to CUNY policies or documents related to the CUNY as a whole.Please be strategic about which documents to include. You do not need to list all of these. Rather, they are meant as a menu of CUNY documents, processes, and procedures from which to choose.This is a working document developed by members of the CUNY MSCHE Council. We welcome questions and suggestions. Please contact: Karen KappOffice of Academic Affairs, City University of New York HYPERLINK "" karen.kapp@cuny.eduRequirement of AffiliationCompliance Process /Aligned with which Standard?Documents, Processes, and Procedures1. The institution is authorized or licensed to operate as a postsecondary educational institution and to award postsecondary degrees; it provides written documentation demonstrating both. Authorization or licensure is from an appropriate governmental organization or agency within the Middle States region (Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), as well as by other agencies as required by each of the jurisdictions, regions, or countries in which the institution RMATION TO BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE COMMISSION’S COMPLIANCE PROCESSNew York State Inventory of Registered Programs (C) Search for your collegeUS Dept of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs (C)Search for your collegeNew York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125 CUNY History2. The institution is operational, with students actively pursuing its degree RMATION TO BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE COMMISSION’S COMPLIANCE PROCESSIPEDS data (C)Link to your collegeNew York State Education Department – list of colleges (C)3. For institutions pursuing Candidacy or Initial Accreditation, the institution will graduate at least one class before the evaluation team visit for initial accreditation takes place (Step 7 of the initial accreditation process), unless the institution can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commission that the lack of graduates does not compromise its ability to demonstrate appropriate learning RMATION TO BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE COMMISSION’S COMPLIANCE PROCESSList documentation here4. The institution’s representatives communicate with the Commission in English, both orally and in RMATION TO BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE COMMISSION’S COMPLIANCE PROCESSMSCHE accreditation/SAS (C)PDF of an email exchange between your President or ALO with MSCHE 5. The institution complies with all applicable government (usually Federal and state) policies, regulations, and RMATION TO BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE COMMISSION’S COMPLIANCE PROCESSConsumer Information webpage (C) New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125CUNY Legal Affairs HYPERLINK "" CUNY Policies & Forms HYPERLINK "" FERPA HYPERLINK "" FERPA Form HYPERLINK "" Information Security (CIS)New York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE)HYPERLINK ""JCOPE Ethics LawsThis item 5 and the next item 6 are also part of the “Verification of Compliance” documentation. Check with your ALO regarding the most recent “Verification of Compliance” guidelines and template to complete. 6. The institution complies with applicable Commission, interregional, and inter-institutional policies. These policies can be viewed on the Commission website, .INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE COMMISSION’S COMPLIANCE PROCESSSAS statement (compliance with Commission policies) (C)Substantive Change forms and other MSCHE documents supporting compliance with Commission policies (C)Credit transfer policy documents (C)Articulation agreements (C)NC-SARA: National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (C)7. The institution has a statement of mission and goals, approved by its governing body that defines its purpose within the context of higher education.(Standards I, VII)Mission Statement (C)Strategic Plan (C)Catalog (C)CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article V Faculty, Staff and AdministrationPolicy 5.01 Academic Personnel Practice (1 Faculty Responsibilities: The faculty as the body chiefly responsible for the educational mission . . ., 2 Presidential Responsibilities: . . . accountable for seeing that the mission of the college fits into the broader mission of the University.)New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125 Section 6201Section 6203Section 6206CUNY HistoryCUNY History of the Board8. The institution systematically evaluates its educational and other programs and makes public how well and in what ways it is accomplishing its purposes.(Standards III, IV, V, VI)Institutional Effectiveness Plan (C)Assessment Plan (C)List/schedule of other accreditors (C)Review schedules/calendar (C)Consumer Information webpage (C)IPEDS reports (C) HYPERLINK "" HEOA reports HYPERLINK "" Manual of General Policy, Article 1 Academic Policy, Programs and Research, Policy 1.06 Academic Program ReviewCUNY PMP (including Data Book) 9. The institution’s student learning programs and opportunities are characterized by rigor, coherence, and appropriate assessment of student achievement throughout the educational offerings, regardless of certificate or degree level or delivery and instructional modality.(Standards III, IV, V, VI)Catalog (C)Student learning outcomes assessment plan and related documents (program-level learning outcomes, curriculum maps, assessment data, assessment reports, review schedules) for academic and co-curricular programs. (C) HYPERLINK "" Manual of General Policy, Article 1 Academic Policy, Programs and Research, Policy 1.06 Academic Program ReviewCUNY Academic Program Resources10. Institutional planning integrates goals for academic and institutional effectiveness and improvement, student achievement of educational goals, student learning, and the results of academic and institutional assessments.(Standards I, III, IV, V, VI)Strategic Plan (C) Institutional Effectiveness Plan with annual reports or operational reports, institutional scorecards (C)Assessment Plan with annual reports of assessment (C)CUNY Master Plan (most recent) CUNY PMP11. The institution has documented financial resources, funding base, and plans for financial development, including those from any related entities (including without limitation systems, religious sponsorship, and corporate ownership) adequate to support its educational purposes and programs and to ensure financial stability. The institution demonstrates a record of responsible fiscal management, has a prepared budget for the current year, and undergoes an external financial audit on an annual basis.(Standards VI, VII)Strategic Plan (C)Operating Budget (C)Fundraising Plan (C)College Foundation documents/audits (C) Documents showing use of technology fees/policies (C)Audits of student associations and any separate affiliated entities (C)New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125 Section 6201Section 6206 HYPERLINK "" Section 6221 HYPERLINK "" Section 6229 (community) HYPERLINK "" Section 6230 (senior)Section 6231 HYPERLINK "" Section 6233-ACUNY Bylaws, Article XVICUNY Office of Budget & FinanceState Enacted/City Executive BudgetsUniversity Budget RequestCUNY Audited Financial Statements (Use three most recent)HYPERLINK ""CUNY Office of Internal Audit & Management ServicesCUNY Master Plan (most recent) HYPERLINK ""CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article III Fiscal AffairsAgendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on Fiscal AffairsAgendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on AuditResearch Foundation Annual Reports and Financial Statements (including A-133)12. The institution fully discloses its legally constituted governance structure(s) including any related entities (including without limitation systems, religious sponsorship, and corporate ownership). The institution’s governing body is responsible for the quality and integrity of the institution and for ensuring that the institution’s mission is being carried out.(Standards I, VII)Academic/College Senate Charters, Bylaws/Policies (C)College Governance Plan (C)CUNY Legal AffairsGovernance PlansOrganizational charts (C)Student senate charters (C) New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125 Section 6204Section 6206CUNY BylawsHYPERLINK ""CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article II Board of TrusteesCUNY Board of TrusteesMinutes of CUNY Board of Trustees Meetingse.g., Minutes at meetings when changes to your college’s governance plan were approved HYPERLINK "" CUNY University Faculty SenateHYPERLINK ""CUNY University Student SenateResearch Foundation Governance13. A majority of the institution’s governing body’s members have no employment, family, ownership, or other personal financial interest in the institution. The governing body adheres to a conflict of interest policy that assures that those interests are disclosed and that they do not interfere with the impartiality of governing body members or outweigh the greater duty to secure and ensure the academic and fiscal integrity of the institution. The institution’s district/system or other chief executive officer shall not serve as the chair of the governing body.(Standards II, VII)College Foundation’s Conflict of Interest Policy (C) Student Senate’s Conflict of Interest Policy (C) HYPERLINK "" CUNY Bylaws, Article IIHYPERLINK ""CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article II Board of Trustees, Policy 2.05 Code of ConductHYPERLINK ""CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article VI Legal, Policy 6.01 Conflict of Interest HYPERLINK "" CUNY Legal AffairsConflict of InterestEthics InformationNew York State Joint Commission on Public EthicsResearch Foundation CUNY Policy No. 522-C – Conflict of Interest14. The institution and its governing body/bodies will make freely available to the Commission accurate, fair, and complete information on all aspects of the institution and its operations. The governing body/bodies ensure that the institution describes itself in comparable and consistent terms to all of its accrediting and regulatory agencies, communicates any changes in accredited status, and agrees to disclose information (including levels of governing body compensation, if any) required by the Commission to carry out its accrediting responsibilities.List here which Standards will address this Requirement of Affiliation.Verification of Compliance (C) Consumer Information webpage (C) Formal statement of accreditation (on college website) (C) Notification to MSCHE of accreditation status, changes from other accreditors, letters from other accreditors (C) Substantive Changes documents/communication (C) SED communication (C) New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125 HYPERLINK "" Section 6204 (k) no compensationCUNY BylawsArticle II Officers of the BoardHYPERLINK ""CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article II Board of Trustees, Policy 2.05 Code of Conduct no compensation15. The institution has a core of faculty (full-time or part-time) and/or other appropriate professionals with sufficient responsibility to the institution to assure the continuity and coherence of the institution’s educational programs.(Standards III)Governance Plan (C) Faculty Handbook (C) IPEDS Human Resources (HR) reports (C) Membership lists/agendas for (C):Academic discipline councils P&B committeeOther college councilsOrganizational charts (C) List of FT and PT faculty with department affiliation and highest degree earned (C) CUNY Bylaws, Articles VIII and IXHYPERLINK ""CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article V Faculty, Staff and Administration HYPERLINK "" Agendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on Faculty, Staff and AdministrationPSC CUNY Constitution CUNY UFS CharterCUNY HR Policies and ProceduresSTANDARD I: Mission and GoalsThe institution's mission defines its purpose within the context of higher education, the students it serves, and what it intends to accomplish. The institution's stated goals are clearly linked to its mission and specify how the institution fulfills its mission.Assemble the following, as appropriate.?Statements regarding institutional mission and goals?Processes and procedures relevant to mission and goalsIn the section below, list any other documentation demonstrating the institution’s ability to meet the expectations of this standard that the institution has assembled.Click here to enter text.This standard includes the following Criteria, which explicate the standard and specify particular characteristics or qualities that are incorporated in the standard. The Criteria are not a simple checklist. When an institution does not demonstrate evidence of a particular Criterion, it may demonstrate through alternative information that it meets the standard. This alternative information should be included in the expandable box plete the following table:Standard I CriteriaDocuments, Processes, and Procedures Clearly defined mission and goals that:are developed through appropriate collaborative participation by all who facilitate or are otherwise responsible for institutional development and improvement;address external as well as internal contexts and constituencies;are approved and supported by the governing body;guide faculty, administration, staff, and governing structures in making decisions related to planning, resource allocation, program and curriculum development, and the definition of institutional and educational outcomes;include support of scholarly inquiry and creative activity, at all levels and of the type appropriate to the institution;are publicized and widely known by the institution’s internal stakeholders;are periodically evaluated.Mission Statement (C) Documents showing process of developing mission and goals (meeting documents, town halls, wide input, etc.) (C) Strategic Plan for college as a whole, plus for schools and divisions within (C) Links to strategic planning process on your website (C) Catalog (C)Handbooks (C) Academic program review guidelines (C) Guidelines for specialized accreditation (C) Budget planning/resource allocations (C)If applicable, previous MSCHE Follow-up Reports (C)Links to offices of Communication, Research, Facilities (C) New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125 HYPERLINK "" Section 6201 HYPERLINK "" Section 6203Section 6206CUNY HistoryCUNY Manual of General Policy, Article 1 Academic Policy, Programs and ResearchPolicy 1.05 Academic Program PlanningPolicy 1.06 Academic Program ReviewPolicy 1.25 Research and ScholarshipCUNY Manual of General Policy, Article V Faculty, Staff and AdministrationPolicy 5.01 Academic Personnel Practice (1 Faculty Responsibilities: The faculty as the body chiefly responsible for the educational mission . . ., 2 Presidential Responsibilities: . . . accountable for seeing that the mission of the college fits into the broader mission of the University.)CUNY Master Plan (most recent) HYPERLINK "" \l "Accountability" CUNY PMP, Office of the Chancellor: Performance Management Process (Page 2 of 2016-17 PMP Data Book: The University PMP Data Book is designed to track progress on goals articulated in the CUNY Strategic Framework) Institutional goals are realistic, appropriate to higher education and consistent with mission.General Education website (C) General Education outcomes (C) Comparison/review of similar institutions to show goals are realistic (C) HYPERLINK "" \l "Accountability" CUNY PMP, Office of the Chancellor: Performance Management Process CUNY Master Plan (most recent) Institutional goals focus on student learning and related outcomes and on institutional improvement; are supported by administrative, educational, and student support programs and services; and are consistent with institutional mission.Mission Statement (C) Assessment of student learning website and/or where the institution lists program learning goals (C)General Education website (C) General Education outcomes (C)CUNY Coordinated Undergraduate Education (CUE) college documents (C)College student support programs: SEEK, ASAP, etc. (C) HYPERLINK "" \l "Accountability" CUNY PMP, Office of the Chancellor: Performance Management Process CUNY Master Plan (most recent) CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article 1 Academic Policy, Programs and ResearchPolicy 1.05 Academic Program PlanningPolicy 1.06 Academic Program ReviewPolicy 1.25 Research and ScholarshipAgendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on Academic Policy, Programs, and Research Periodic assessment of mission and goals to ensure that they are relevant and achievable.Documents showing process of developing mission and goals (meeting documents, town halls, wide input, etc.) (C) Links to strategic planning process on your website (C)Reports from analyzing data (C) STANDARD II: Ethics and IntegrityEthics and integrity are central, indispensable, and defining hallmarks of effective higher education institutions. In all activities, whether internal or external, an institution must be faithful to its mission, honor its contracts and commitments, adhere to its policies, and represent itself truthfully.Assemble the following, as appropriate.?Recruitment and marketing materials (printed and electronic)?Public disclosure information required by the Commission and government entities (printed and electronic)?Institutional by-laws, guidelines, and policies.?Handbooks (student, faculty, employee, etc.)?Processes and procedures relevant to ethics and integrityIn the section below, list any other documentation demonstrating the institution’s ability to meet the expectations of this standard that the institution has assembled.Click here to enter text.This standard includes the following Criteria, which explicate the standard and specify particular characteristics or qualities that are incorporated in the standard. The Criteria are not a simple checklist. When an institution does not demonstrate evidence of a particular Criterion, it may demonstrate through alternative information that it meets the standard. This alternative information should be included in the expandable box plete the following table:Standard II CriteriaDocuments, Processes, and ProceduresCommitment to academic freedom, intellectual freedom, freedom of expression, and respect for intellectual property rights.Links from college websites to relevant CUNY policies (as below) (C)College-specific policies (as aligned with CUNY policies) (C)Student Rights policies, Bill of Rights (C)CUNY History HYPERLINK "" CUNY Manual of General PolicyArticle I Academic Policy, Programs and ResearchPolicy 1.02 Academic FreedomPolicy 1.03 Academic IntegrityPolicy 1.24 Research MisconductArticle VI Legal, Policy 6.04 Freedom of Information Law Compliance HYPERLINK "" Article VI Legal, Policy 6.05 Intellectual PropertyCUNY Legal AffairsIntellectual Property HYPERLINK "" Copyright MaterialsAcademic Integrity PolicyCUNY Research ComplianceResponsible Conduct of ResearchCUNY Student AffairsStatement on the Freedom of Student Expression HYPERLINK "" CUNY Student Policies & ProceduresAcademic IntegrityNotice to the CUNY Community Regarding File Sharing and Copyright InfringementCUNY UFS Academic FreedomPSC CUNY Academic FreedomCUNY Freedom of Information Law RequestsNew York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE)Research Foundation CUNY Policy No. 519-C – Intellectual PropertyResearch Foundation CUNY Policy Regarding the Disposition of Allegations of Research MisconductA climate that fosters respect among students, faculty, staff, and administration from a range of diverse backgrounds, ideas, and perspectives.Recruitment materials (students, faculty, staff) (C)ViewBook (C)Surveys (satisfaction), institutional reports specific to this Standard, such as NSSE or COACHE (C)Affirmative Action statements (C)College office of diversity, equity, and inclusion (C)Diversity, equity, and inclusion programming (C)CUNY HistoryCUNY Manual of General PolicyArticle I Academic Policy, Programs and ResearchPolicy 1.201 Military ServiceArticle II Board of TrusteesPolicy 2.13 Points of LightPolicy 2.16 Statement Regarding AIDS AwarenessArticle IV Facilities Planning and ManagementPolicy 4.05 Physically Handicapped Students and Faculty MembersArticle V Faculty, Staff and AdministrationPolicy 5.04 Affirmative ActionPolicy 5.061 Domestic Violence and the WorkplaceArticle VII Student Affairs and Special Programs Policy 7.142 Sexual MisconductCUNY HR Office of Recruitment & DiversityCUNY Faculty Diversity InitiativeInnovative and Inclusive ProgrammingDiversity and InclusionOffice of Recruitment and Diversity Annual ReportOffice of Human Resources Management Strategic PlanCUNY Leadership Diversity Action PlanStatistics and ReportsQuarterly Reports on Faculty and Staff DiversityCentral Office Affirmative Action PlansWorkforce DemographicsPeopleUniversity Advisory Council on DiversityCUNY Mellon Faculty Diversity Career Enhancement Initiative Advisory CommitteeCentral Office Affirmative Action PlansRecruitmentEqual Opportunity and ComplianceCUNY HR Policies and Procedures HYPERLINK "" CUNY Labor Relations, Policies & Other ResourcesPaid Parental Leave PolicyCUNY Legal AffairsCUNY Campus and Workplace Violence PolicyEqual Opportunity and non-DiscriminationLactation GuidelinesStudent Bill of RightsCUNY AdmissionsCUNY Library Services Diversity StatementCUNY Master Plan (most recent) CUNY Faculty AffairsFaculty Development @CUNYFaculty ResourcesCOACHECUNY Student Affairs HYPERLINK "" CUNY Student Policies & Procedures Disability AccommodationIPEDS Human Resources (HR) reportsOIRA dataCurrent Student Data Books (Race/Ethnicity; Student Profile/Demographic Information)HEOA Diversity ReportsStudent Experience SurveysResearch Foundation CUNY Policy No. 526 – Affirmative ActionA grievance policy that is documented and disseminated to address complaints or grievances raised by students, faculty, or staff. The institution's policies and procedures are fair and impartial, and assure that grievances are addressed promptly, appropriately, and equitably.Student Handbook (C)College grievance policies and/or links to where present CUNY policies (C)Links to office of Compliance, Student Appeals websites (C)Verification of Compliance (C) CUNY BylawsArticle XV Students Section 15.4 Student Disciplinary Procedures/Complaint Procedures HYPERLINK "" Article VII Academic Due Process CUNY Manual of General PolicyArticle V Faculty, Staff and AdministrationPolicy 5.181 Reporting of Alleged MisconductPolicy 5.20 Student Complaints about Faculty Misconduct in Academic SettingsArticle VII Student Affairs and Special Programs Policy 7.142 Sexual MisconductCUNY Legal AffairsStudent Bill of RightsCUNY Student Affairs/Student Policies & ProceduresProcedures for Handling Student Complaints About Faculty Conduct in Academic Settings HYPERLINK "" Students’ Bill of RightsCUNY Title IXCUNY Personnel Policy Bulletin2002/PPB Grievance Procedure for Employees Without Negotiated Provisions1992/PPB Appeal and/or Protests regarding ExaminationsPSC CUNY Grievance Process HYPERLINK "" Article 20: PSC CUNY Complaint, Grievance and Arbitration Procedure CUNY Pathways/Student Rights, Responsibilities, and AppealsResearch Foundation CUNY Policy No. 510 – Project Employee ComplaintsThe avoidance of conflict of interest or the appearance of such conflict in all activities and among all constituents.College COI policies and/or links to where present CUNY policies (C)Relevant policies of affiliate organizations (C)Multiply Position Policy (C)CUNY Manual of General PolicyHYPERLINK ""Article II Board of Trustees, Policy 2.05 Code of ConductHYPERLINK ""Article VI Legal, Policy 6.01 Conflict of Interest CUNY Legal AffairsEthics InformationGiftsHonorariaConflict of InterestNew York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE)HYPERLINK ""JCOPE Ethics LawsCUNY Research ComplianceResponsible Conduct of ResearchCITI TrainingResearch Foundation CUNY Policy No. 522-C – Conflict of Interest5.Fair and impartial practices in the hiring, evaluation, promotion, discipline and separation of employees.College policies and/or where college website links to CUNY policies (C)Handbooks for staff, faculty (C)Evaluation forms and procedures (C) Search committee guidelines (C)New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125Section 6208 Collective NegotiationSection 6210 Non-Instructional PositionsSection 6212 TenureSection 6220 Salary Schedules in Certain Public Institutions of Higher LearningSection 6226 Community College Severence ProvisionsCUNY BylawsArticle VI Instructional StaffArticle VIII Organization and Duties of the FacultyArticle IX Organization and Duties of the Faculty Departments Article XI Duties and Qualifications of Titles in the Instructional Staff Article XII Salary Schedule ConditionsArticle XIII Instructional Staff–Miscellaneous ProvisionsArticle XIV The Non-Instructional StaffHYPERLINK ""CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article V Faculty, Staff and Administration HYPERLINK "" Agendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on Faculty, Staff and Administration CUNY Academic Program Resources/Faculty AppointmentsCUNY HR Policies and ProceduresCUNY HR Office of Recruitment & DiversityCUNY UFS CharterPSC CUNYConstitution Faculty and Staff RightsHEO Rights and Benefits/ HEO HandbookCLT Rights and Benefits/ CLT HandbookResearch Foundation Rights HYPERLINK "" District Council Union 37 Constitution6..Honesty and truthfulness in public relations announcements, advertisements, recruiting and admissions materials and practices, as well as in internal communications.Handbook, Catalog, Factbook, ViewBook, Website, Facebook (C)Recruitment materials (C)Consumer Information Page (C)Institutional Effective Page (C)Human Resources website (C)Office of Communications (C)CUNY Admissions HYPERLINK "" CUNY HEOA Disclosures CUNY EmploymentSearch Job PostingsJob Search ProcessCUNYfirst Job System Instructions7.As appropriate to mission, services or programs in place:to promote affordability and accessibility, and;to enable students to understand funding sources and options, value received for cost, and methods to make informed decisions about incurring debt.Financial aid site (C)College programs or links to CUNY programs (C)FAFSA completion initiatives (C)FAFSA completion rates (C) New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125 Section 6201 Legislative Findings and IntentCUNY Manual of General PolicyArticle I Academic Policy, Programs and ResearchPolicy 1.12 College DiscoveryPolicy 1.27 SEEKArticle VII Student Affairs and Special Programs Policy 7.05 Financial Aid and SupportCUNY HistoryCUNY Master Plan (most recent) CUNY ProgramsASAP HYPERLINK "" CUNY Developmental Education and USIPHYPERLINK ""College Discovery and SEEKSchool-College Partnerships (CUNY K16 Initiatives)CUNY Financial AidApplying for Financial AidStudent EligibilityFederal and State GrantsScholarshipsStudent LoansTax Benefits for Higher EducationTuition and College CostsGraduate StudentsFinancial Aid VideosInformation & ResourcesUniversity ResourcesFinancial LiteracyUniversity Tuition & Fee ManualMacaulay Honors CollegeTuition and Merit Scholarship PackageMobility Report Cards: The Role of Colleges in Intergenerational MobilityEconomic Diversity and Student Outcomes, New York Times CUNY Open Educational Resources (OER)CUNY Policy Compliance with Textbook Requirements of HEOACUNY Student Affairs Disability Services8. Compliance with all applicable federal, state, and Commission reporting policies, regulations, and requirements to include reporting regarding:The full disclosure of information on institution-wide assessments, graduation, retention, certification and licensure or licensing board pass rates;The institution's compliance with the Commission's Requirements of Affiliation;Substantive changes affecting institutional mission, goals, programs, operations, sites, and other material issues which must be disclosed in a timely and accurate fashion;The institution's compliance with the Commission's policies.Standard II subpoint 8 is where colleges upload all of the evidence supporting their Verification of Compliance into their institution portal.OIRAStudent Data BooksHEOA CUNY DisclosuresIPEDS ReportsUse your college data HYPERLINK "" HEDS (Higher Education Data System) reports AIU (C) Substantive Changes (C) Verification of Compliance (C) SAS (C) Links to list of accreditors, licensing, affiliations (C)HR records tracking/showing compliance with/certifying trainings: JCOPE, workplace violence, etc. (C)Clery Act documents for compliance (C); See Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting See Higher Education Compliance Alliance . Periodic assessment of ethics and integrity as evidenced in institutional policies, processes, practices, and the manner in which these are implemented.HR assessment of trainings (C)STANDARD III: Design and Delivery of the Student Learning ExperienceAn institution provides students with learning experiences that are characterized by rigor and coherence of all program, certificate, and degree levels, regardless of instructional modality. All learning experiences, regardless of modality, program pace/schedule, level, and setting are consistent with higher education expectations.Assemble the following, as appropriate:?Student catalogs, handbooks, course catalogs, and other information regarding the student learning experience.?Program development and approval procedures.?Faculty review procedures?Processes and procedures relevant to the design and delivery of the student learning experienceIn the section below, list any other documentation demonstrating the institution’s ability to meet the expectations of this standard that the institution has assembledClick here to enter text.This standard includes the following Criteria, which explicate the standard and specify particular characteristics or qualities that are incorporated in the standard. The Criteria are not a simple checklist. When an institution does not demonstrate evidence of a particular Criterion, it may demonstrate through alternative information that it meets the standard. This alternative information should be included in the expandable box plete the following table:Standard III CriteriaDocuments, Processes, and ProceduresCertificate, undergraduate, graduate and/or professional programs leading to a degree or other recognized higher education credential, designed to foster a coherent student learning experience and to promote synthesis of learning.College catalog (C)Assessment of learning (C)Degree maps (C)General Education site (C) Curriculum committee agendas, minutes (C)Retention and enrollment reports (C)List of accreditations (C)Relevant Chancellor University Reports (C)CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article 1 Academic Policy, Programs and ResearchPolicy 1.05 Academic Program PlanningPolicy 1.06 Academic Program ReviewPolicy 1.25 Research and ScholarshipCUNY Academic Program ResourcesCUNY Pathways Student learning experiences that are:designed, delivered, and assessed by faculty (full-time or part-time) and /or other appropriate professionals who are rigorous and effective in teaching, assessment of student learning, scholarly inquiry, and service, as appropriate to the institution's mission, goals, and policies;designed, delivered, and assessed by faculty (full-time or part-time) and /or other appropriate professionals who are qualified for the positions they hold and the work they do;designed, delivered, and assessed by faculty (full-time or part-time) and /or other appropriate professionals who are sufficient in number;designed, delivered, and assessed by faculty(full-time or part-time) and /or other appropriate professionals who are provided with and utilize sufficient opportunities, resources, and support for professional growth and innovation;designed, delivered, and assessed by faculty (full-time or part-time) and /or other appropriate professionals who are reviewed regularly and equitably based on written, disseminated, clear, and fair criteria, expectations, policies, and procedures.Handbooks (C)Documents regarding peer/faculty observation; faculty evaluation process (often in faculty handbook) (C)Faculty qualification summary data (C)Pre-tenure review policy and guidelines (C)ECP, HEO review processes (C)P&B committee guidelines, minutes (C)College governance policy outlining responsibility of faculty for teaching and learning (C)Class size data; student/faculty ratios (C)Facilities space for research faculty (C)IPEDS Human Resources (HR) reports (C) Professional development funding; travel funds; PSC funds (C)Professional development, Centers for Teaching and Learning (C)Student experience of learning, Noel Levitz surveys (C)New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125Section 6208 Collective NegotiationSection 6210 Non-Instructional PositionsSection 6212 TenureSection 6220 Salary Schedules in Certain Public Institutions of Higher LearningCUNY BylawsArticle VI Instructional StaffArticle VIII Organization and Duties of the FacultyArticle IX Organization and Duties of the Faculty Departments Article XI Duties and Qualifications of Titles in the Instructional Staff Article XII Salary Schedule ConditionsArticle XIII Instructional Staff–Miscellaneous ProvisionsArticle XIV The Non-Instructional StaffHYPERLINK ""CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article V Faculty, Staff and Administration HYPERLINK "" Agendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on Faculty, Staff and AdministrationCUNY Faculty AffairsFaculty Development @CUNYFaculty Resources See full listCOACHECUNY Centers for Teaching and Learning Council CUNY Faculty Scholarship Report Request from Central Office (Research Office or OIRA)PSC CUNY Constitution Faculty and Staff RightsCUNY UFS Charter Academic programs of study that are clearly and accurately described in official publications of the institution in a way that students are able to understand and follow degree and program requirements and expected time to completion.Handbooks (C)Catalog (C)Website (C)ViewBook (C)Recruiting/advertising materials (C)Academic Advisement documents (C)Degree Works reports/screens showing what students see (C)General Education site (C)Degree/Curriculum maps (C)Articulation agreements (C)Momentum materials, retention and graduation materials (C)CUNY University RegistrarPolicies & ProceduresCUNY Pathways Sufficient learning opportunities and resources to support both the institution's programs of study and students' academic progress.Course availability (including online, evening, and weekend) (C)Library and library resources, sharing policies (C)Writing centers, help desks, learning resource centers (C)Career services, internships, experiential learning (C) Early alert data, supplemental instruction reports, computer lab user information, usage analytics (library, blackboard) (C) Space allocation policy, reports showing sufficient space (C)See your college data in Campus Statistics on the CUNY Capital Budget websiteAdvisement office, materials, reports (C)Honors programs materials and resources (C)CUNY Manual of General PolicyArticle VII Student Affairs and Special Programs Policy 7.12 Retention and GraduationCUNY Office of Undergraduate Studies, Academic Programs & PolicyAcademic AdvisementInformation for Students (Advising Modules)Coordinated Undergraduate Education (CUE)Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)Developmental Education and USIPCUNY ASAP CUNY Office of Special ProgramsCollege Discovery & SEEKSingle Stop College InitiativeFoster Youth College Success InitiativeCUNY TRIO ProgramsCUNY Open Educational Resources (OER)CUNY Policy Compliance with Textbook Requirements of HEOAAt institutions that offer undergraduate education: A general education program, free standing or integrated into academic disciplines, that:offers a sufficient scope to draw students into new areas of intellectual experience, expanding their cultural and global awareness and cultural sensitivity, and preparing them to make well-reasoned judgments outside as well as within their academic field;offers a curriculum designed so that students acquire and demonstrate essential skills including at least oral and written communication, scientific and quantitative reasoning, critical analysis and reasoning, technological competency, and information literacy. Consistent with mission, the general education program also includes the study of values, ethics, and diverse perspectives; In non-US institutions that do not include general education, provides evidence that students can demonstrate general education skills.General Education (link to site, documents on how selected, local approval, selected syllabi or course outlines—ideally posted online) (C)General Education committee, who’s responsible for assessment, etc. (C)Guidelines for faculty on how to assess General Education courses, including selection process and assessment process (C)General Education outcomes data (C)General Education assessment, mapping, annualized calendars, outcomes data (C)Overlays (Writing intensive, Writing Across the Curriculum) (C)CUNY PathwaysCUNY General Education Assessment In institutions that offer graduate and professional education, opportunities for the development of research, scholarship, and independent thinking, provided by faculty and/or other professionals with credentials appropriate to graduate-level curricula.Master’s thesis requirements, capstone syllabi, etc. (C)Grants office documents showing students as research assistants (C) HYPERLINK "" CUNY ResearchCUNY Office of ResearchAdvance Science Research Center Adequate and appropriate institutional review and approval on any student learning opportunities designed, delivered, or assessed by third party providers.Examples could include how contracts are reviewed with third party providers such as mental health services, e-tutoring consortium, a corporate partner giving a class, review of textbooks or OERs, etc. (C)Please note MSCHE definition of Third-Party Provider8. Periodic assessment of the programs providing student learning opportunities.Institutional Effectiveness Plan (C)Institutional Effectiveness assessment/report (C)Guidelines, calendars, results, and reports of APR reviews, unit reviewsReports from academic assessment committees, nonacademic assessment (AES) committees (C)College’s PMP targets and reports (C) HYPERLINK "" Manual of General Policy, Article 1 Academic Policy, Programs and Research, Policy 1.06 Academic Program ReviewAssessments of CUNY Programs HYPERLINK "" Pathways (see Pathways Updates)USIP Fact Book (see most recent)ASAP EvaluationSTANDARD IV: Support of the Student ExperienceAcross all educational experiences, settings, levels, and instructional modalities, the institution recruits and admits students whose interests, abilities, experiences, and goals are congruent with its mission and educational offerings. The institution commits to student retention, persistence, completion, and success through a coherent and effective support system sustained by qualified professionals, which enhances the quality of the learning environment, contributes to the educational experience, and fosters student success.Assemble the following, as appropriate:?Reports from student support offices?Student handbooks?Analysis of enrollment management plan (admission, retention, and completion).?Processes and procedures relevant to support of the student experience.In the section below, list any other documentation demonstrating the institution’s ability to meet the expectations of this standard that the institution has assembled.Click here to enter text.This standard includes the following Criteria, which explicate the standard and specify particular characteristics or qualities that are incorporated in the standard. The Criteria are not a simple checklist. When an institution does not demonstrate evidence of a particular Criterion, it may demonstrate through alternative information that it meets the standard. This alternative information should be included in the expandable box plete the following table:Standard IV CriteriaDocuments, Processes, and ProceduresClearly stated, ethical policies and processes to admit, retain, and facilitate the success of students whose interests, abilities, experiences, and goals provide a reasonable expectation for success and are compatible with institutional mission, including: accurate and comprehensive information regarding expenses, financial aid, scholarships, grants, loans, repayment, and refunds;a process by which students who are not adequately prepared for the study at the level for which they have been admitted are identified ,placed, and supported in attaining appropriate educational goals;orientation, advisement, and counseling programs to enhance retention and guide students throughout their educational experience;processes designed to enhance the successful achievement of students' educational goals including certificate and degree completion, transfer to other institutions, and post-completion placement.College admissions and processing policies and procedures (C)Orientation information (C)Consumer Information page (C)Remediation information and programs for community and comprehensive colleges (C)CUNY Manual of General PolicyArticle I Academic Policy, Programs and ResearchPolicy 1.01 Academic EligibilityPolicy 1.07 Admission to the Baccalaureate Degree ProgramsPolicy 1.12 College DiscoveryPolicy 1.13 Cooperative Programs with the Department of EducationPolicy 1.16 Exit from RemediationPolicy 1.26 Retention and ProgressPolicy 1.27 SEEKPolicy 1.30 Writing Across the CurriculumArticle VII Student Affairs and Special Programs Policy 7.05 Financial Aid and SupportPolicy 7.12 Retention and GraduationCUNY Office of University Enrollment ManagementCUNY University RegistrarCUNY Remedial Courses: Guidance for Designing Co-requite Remediation at CUNYUniversity Definition and Configuration for Equated Credit for Non-Credit InstructionCUNY ProgramsASAP HYPERLINK "" CUNY Developmental Education and USIPCUNY Reverse TransferCUNY StartHYPERLINK "" College Discovery and SEEKSchool-College Partnerships (CUNY K16 Initiatives)CUNY Financial AidApplying for Financial AidStudent EligibilityFederal and State GrantsScholarshipsStudent LoansTax Benefits for Higher EducationTuition and College CostsGraduate StudentsFinancial Aid VideosInformation & ResourcesUniversity ResourcesFinancial LiteracyUniversity Tuition & Fee Manual HYPERLINK "" CUNY Career Success Initiatives2. Policies and procedures regarding evaluation and acceptance of transfer credits, and credits awarded through experiential learning, prior non-academic learning, competency-based assessment, and other alternative learning approaches.Faculty handbook (C)Department policies, faculty responsibilities for credit evaluation (C)Credit evaluation policies, credit for prior learning, CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) policy (C) Articulation agreements (C) CUNY Manual of General PolicyArticle I Academic Policy, Programs and ResearchPolicy 1.071 Advanced PlacementPolicy 1.14 Coursework Completed on PermitPolicy 1.192 International Baccalaureate Transfer Credit AwardPolicy 1.201 Military ServicePolicy 1.28 Transfers–General EducationPolicy 1.29 Transfers–Other HYPERLINK "" Adult Learners at CUNYCUNY Experiential Learning HYPERLINK "" CUNY University RegistrarePermitCUNY PathwaysBoard Resolution HYPERLINK "" Campus GuidelinesHow Credits TransferCUNY Reverse TransferCUNY Academic Program Resources 2016 Faculty Handbook (use most recent)II. Preparation of Articulation 3. Policies and procedures for the safe and secure maintenance and appropriate release of student information and records.Links on college site to CUNY policies and procedures (C)General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP) (C)Protections for EU StudentsCUNY Legal AffairsCUNY Policies & FormsHYPERLINK ""FERPAFERPA Forms Gramm-Leach-Bliley Information Security ProgramIdentity Theft Prevention ProgramRecords Retention and Disposition ScheduleHYPERLINK ""Computing & Information Services, Information Security (CIS), Security Policies & ProceduresCUNY Records Retention Schedule HYPERLINK "" CUNY Researcher Handbook HYPERLINK "" Chapter 6: Research Agreements (Data Use Agreements, Data Transfer Agreements) HYPERLINK "" CUNY Research and Sponsored Projects ComplianceCITI TrainingHuman Research Protection Program (HRPP)Research and Sponsored Projects Agreements (Data Transfer Agreements, Data Use Agreements) CUNY Office of Institutional Research & Assessment (OIRA)Data Warehouse Use & Access Agreement Agreement state-wide data repositoryUniversity data exchange with NYC Dept of Ed Above OIRA information to come4. If offered, athletic, student life, and other extracurricular activities that are regulated by the same academic, fiscal, and administrative principles and procedures that govern all other programs.Student Affairs policies (C)NCAACompliance reports to NCAA (C)Auxiliary organizations and programs (C)AES (administrative, educational, and student support) Assessment Committee membership (C)AES Assessment Reports (C)CUNY Manual of General PolicyArticle VII Student Affairs and Special Programs Policy 7.07 Intercollegiate AthleticsCUNY Student AffairsStudent LifeResidence LifeStudent Activities FeesCUNY Bylaws and PoliciesActivities, Clubs and OrganizationsErnesto Malave Leadership AcademyCUNY LGBTQI Student Leadership ProgramAthleticsCUNY Student Activity FeesCUNY Bylaws and PoliciesCUNY Bylaws—Articles XV and XVICity University Fiscal Handbook for the Control & Accountability of Student Activity FeesFinancial Management Guidelines–College AssociationsCUNY University Student Senate (USS) If applicable, adequate and appropriate institutional review and approval of student support services, designed, delivered, or assessed by third-party providers.Please note MSCHE definition of Third-Party Provider Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of programs supporting the student experience.Administrative, Educational, and Student Support (AES) Units assessment (C)Student Affairs assessment (C)Study abroad programs assessment (C) CUNY PMP (including Data Book) Assessments of CUNY Programs ASAP EvaluationSTANDARD V: Educational Effectiveness AssessmentAssessment of student learning demonstrates that the institution’s students have accomplished educational goals consistent with their programs of study, degree level, the institution’s mission, and appropriate expectations for institutions of higher education.Assemble the following, as appropriate:?Documentation of an implemented, systematic, and sustained process to assess student learning at all levels and utilization of results?Processes and procedures relevant to educational effectiveness assessmentIn the section below, list any other documentation demonstrating the institution’s ability to meet the expectations of this standard that the institution has assembled.Click here to enter text.This standard includes the following Criteria, which explicate the standard and specify particular characteristics or qualities that are incorporated in the standard. The Criteria are not a simple checklist. When an institution does not demonstrate evidence of a particular Criterion, it may demonstrate through alternative information that it meets the standard. This alternative information should be included in the expandable box plete the following table:Standard V CriteriaDocuments, Processes, and ProceduresClearly stated student learning outcomes, at the institution and degree/program levels, which are interrelated with one another, with relevant educational experiences, and with the institution’s mission.Institutional and program learning outcomes, Gen Ed (C)Ensure they are also clearly listed on website (including posted course outlines and/or degree maps with learning outcomes) and in catalogCUNY PathwaysOrganized and systematic assessments, conducted by faculty and/or appropriate professionals, evaluating the extent of student achievement of institutional and degree/program goals. Institutions should:define meaningful curricular goals with defensible standards for evaluating whether students are achieving those goals;articulate how they prepare students in a manner consistent with their missions for successful careers, meaningful lives, and, where appropriate, further education. They should collect and provide data on the extent to which they are meeting these goals; and,support and sustain assessment of student achievement and communicate the results of this assessment to stakeholders.Assessment website (C)Department and General Education assessment reports (C)Degree maps/Curriculum maps (C)Links to what parents and students see about learning outcomes, Gen Ed (C)Data on success outcomes and how shared (C)Consumer information page (C)APRs (C) HYPERLINK "" Manual of General Policy, Article 1 Academic Policy, Programs and Research, Policy 1.06 Academic Program ReviewCUNY Academic Program ResourcesCUNY General Education Assessment CUNY Assessment Council Consideration and use of assessment results for the improvement of educational effectiveness. Consistent with the institution’s mission, such uses include some combination of the following:assisting students in improving their learning;improving pedagogy and curriculum;reviewing and revising academic programs and support services;planning, conducting, and supporting a range of professional development activities;planning and budgeting for the provision of academic programs and services;informing appropriate constituents about the institution and its programs;improving key indicators of student success, such as retention, graduation, transfer, and placement rates; and,implementing other processes and procedures designed to improve educational programs and services.Center for Teaching and Learning (C)CUNY Coordinated Undergraduate Education (CUE) college documents (C)Uses and assessments of Student Technology Fees (C)Assessment reports describing improvements made as a result of assessment (C)CUNY Centers for Teaching and Learning CouncilCUNY-wide Remediation Reform (TBD)Strong Start to Finish GrantMathematics Remediation CUNY Office of Undergraduate StudiesDevelopmental EducationCUNY Immersion Program Evaluation HYPERLINK "" CUNY Office of Career Success InitiativesAdult Learners at CUNYCUNY Experiential Learning HYPERLINK "" CUNY HR Learn and DevelopmentCUNY Faculty AffairsCOACHEExamples of use of results:Requirement for new programs (CUNY Academic Program Resources), focus on STEM and tech, creation of new scholarships and programs 4. If applicable, adequate and appropriate institutional review and approval of assessment services designed, delivered, or assessed by third party providers.Please note MSCHE definition of Third-Party Provider5. Periodic evaluation of the assessment processes utilized by the institution for the improvement of educational effectiveness.PMP cycle: annual realignment of college goals (C)Examples of sharing assessment reports for peer review/faculty review and feedback outside of your college, working with assessment networks and associations (C)CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article 1 Academic Policy, Programs and ResearchPolicy 1.06 Academic Program Review See 3.7 External ReviewCUNY Assessment CouncilOpportunity for peer review of assessment reportsAssessments of CUNY Programs HYPERLINK "" Pathways (See Pathways Updates)USIP Fact BookSTANDARD VI: Planning, Resources, and Institutional ImprovementThe institution's planning processes, resources, and structures are aligned with each other and are sufficient to fulfill its mission and goals, to continuously assess and improve its programs and services, and to respond effectively to opportunities and challenges.Assemble the following, as appropriate:?The institution’s two most recent externally-audited financial statements, including management letters?Financial projections for the next two years.?Documentation of an implemented, systematic, and sustained institutional assessment process linking planning, assessment and resource allocation decisions.?Institutional strategic planning documents.?Processes and procures relevant to planning, resources and institutional improvementIn the section below, list any other documentation demonstrating the institution’s ability to meet the expectations of this standard that the institution has assembled.Click here to enter text.This standard includes the following Criteria, which explicate the standard and specify particular characteristics or qualities that are incorporated in the standard. The Criteria are not a simple checklist. When an institution does not demonstrate evidence of a particular Criterion, it may demonstrate through alternative information that it meets the standard. This alternative information should be included in the expandable box plete the following table:Standard VI CriteriaDocuments, Processes, and Procedures1. Institutional objectives, both institution-wide and for individual units, that are clearly stated, assessed appropriately, linked to mission and goal achievement, reflect conclusions drawn from assessment results, and are used for planning and resource allocation.College documents showing links from mission and goals to decision-making and resources (e.g., Key Performance Indicators; for faculty diversity, show HR lines). Note it’s the linkages that are important. (C) E.g., PMP College Focus Goal reports, operating budget, fundraising plan, College foundation documents (C)Strategic Plan implementation and assessment update reports (C) HYPERLINK "" State Enacted/City Executive BudgetUniversity Budget RequestCUNY Master Plan (most recent) 2. Clearly documented and communicated planning and improvement processes that provide for constituent participation and incorporate the use of assessment results.Description of strategic planning, implementation and assessment process (C)Enrollment projections (C)Financial projections (C)Supplemental educational services (C) HYPERLINK "" \l "Accountability" CUNY PMP, Office of the Chancellor: Performance Management Process (Page 2 of 2016-17 PMP Data Book: “The University PMP Data Book is designed to track progress on goals articulated in the CUNY Strategic Framework”)CUNY University Faculty Senate Committees See planning documents, reports CUNY University Student Senate CommitteesCUNY Central and CUNY-wide councils that contribute to planning and improvement processes: COPs, Academic Council, Academic Council subcommittees (Academic Policy Council) University Council of Admissions and Recruitment Directors, CUNY Advisement Council, CUNY Assessment Council (TBD).3. A financial planning and budgeting process that is aligned with the institution’s mission and goals, evidence-based, and clearly linked to the institution’s and units’ strategic plans/objectives. College analyses of available city funding, if applicable (C)CUNY Office of Budget & FinanceState Enacted/City Executive BudgetsUniversity Budget RequestCUNY Audited Financial Statements (Use three most recent) HYPERLINK "" CUNY Master Plan (most recent) Academic Technology at CUNYCUNY Administrative Excellence InitiativeCUNY Administrative Excellence Strategic Vision 4. Fiscal and human resources as well as the physical and technical infrastructure are adequate to support the institution's operations wherever and however programs are delivered.IPEDS Human Resources (HR) reports (C)Fundraising/College Foundation documents (C)College auxiliary enterprises (C)Space allocation policy, reports showing sufficient space (C)See your college data in Campus Statistics on the Capital Budget websiteSpace/facilities master plan (C)Libraries master plan (C)New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125 Section 6201Section 6206 HYPERLINK "" Section 6221 HYPERLINK "" Section 6229 (community) HYPERLINK "" Section 6230 (senior)Section 6231 HYPERLINK "" Section 6233-ACUNY BylawsArticle VIII Organization and Duties of the FacultyArticle XI Duties and Qualifications of Titles in the Instructional StaffArticle XVI Student Activity Fees and Auxiliary EnterprisesHYPERLINK ""CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article V Faculty, Staff and Administration HYPERLINK "" Agendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on Faculty, Staff and Administration HYPERLINK "" CUNY Workforce StatisticsCUNY Facilities Planning, Construction and ManagementPSC CUNY Contract Article 30: Facilities and ServicesCUNY Computing & Information Services Academic Technology at CUNY HYPERLINK "" Research Foundation Annual Reports HYPERLINK "" University Advancement5. Clear assignment of responsibility and accountability.CUNY Budget & Finance Leadership6. Comprehensive planning for facilities, infrastructure, and technology that includes consideration of sustainability and deferred maintenance and is linked to the institution's strategic and financial planning processes.Space/facilities master plan (C)Fundraising/College Foundation documents (C)College auxiliary enterprises (C)Space allocation policy, reports showing sufficient space (C)See your college data in Campus Statistics on the Capital Budget websiteNew York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125 HYPERLINK "" Section 6233-A Master Capital PlanCUNY Master Plan (most recent) University Budget Request (use most recent)CUNY Facilities Planning, Construction and ManagementAgendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on Facilities, Planning and Management Agendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on Long-Range PlanningCUNY Computing & Information Services Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY)7. An annual independent audit confirming financial viability with evidence of follow-up on any concerns cited in the audit's accompanying management letter.Audited financial statements of college foundation, student associations, auxiliary enterprises (C) HYPERLINK "" \l "1441814255723-3b52ef5d-5847" CUNY Audited Financial Statements CUNY Research Foundation Annual Reports and Financial Statements8. Strategies to measure and assess the adequacy and efficient utilization of institutional resources required to support the institution's mission and goals.Evidence, data, and documents related to e.g., faculty workload policies, student faculty ratios (C)CUNY Administrative Excellence Strategic Vision HYPERLINK "" University Budget Request (use most recent)CUNY Budget Administration HYPERLINK "" CUNY Workforce Statistics PSC-CUNY Contract Article 15: Workload9. Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of planning, resource allocation, institutional renewal processes, and availability of resources.Mapping of resources onto initiatives (why they are funded) (C)College budget requests (C)Comparisons of projections to actuals (e.g., enrollment, budget) (C) CUNY Budget Administration HYPERLINK "" \l "Accountability" CUNY PMP, Office of the Chancellor: Performance Management Process CUNY Operating Budget Process STANDARD VII: Governance, Leadership, and AdministrationThe institution is governed and administered in a manner that allows it to realize its stated mission and goals in a way that effectively benefits the institution, its students, and the other constituencies it serves. Even when supported by or affiliated with governmental, corporate, religious, educational system, or other unaccredited organizations, the institution has education as its primary purposed, and it operates as an academic institution with appropriate autonomy.Assemble the following, as appropriate:?By-laws and other institutional documents identifying the group legally responsible for the institution and its role in governance.?Conflict of interest policies and other ethics policies of the Board.?A list of current governing board members (name, affiliation, and occupation; members who are remunerated by the institution through salaries, wages or fees; members who are creditors of the institution, guarantors of institutional debt, or active members of businesses of which the institution is a customer).?Organizational chart for the institution (names and titles of the individuals in each position)?Succession planning for board members and senior leadership?Processes and procedures relevant to governance, leadership, and administration?In the section below, list any other documentation demonstrating the institution’s ability to meet the expectations of this standard that the institution has assembled. Click here to enter text.This standard includes the following Criteria, which explicate the standard and specify particular characteristics or qualities that are incorporated in the standard. The Criteria are not a simple checklist. When an institution does not demonstrate evidence of a particular Criterion, it may demonstrate through alternative information that it meets the standard. This alternative information should be included in the expandable box plete the following table:Standard VII CriteriaDocuments, Processes, and Procedures1. A clearly articulated and transparent governance structure that outlines its roles, responsibilities and accountability for decision making by each constituency, including governing body, administration, faculty, staff, and students.College governance plan, bylaws (C)Academic/ Senate charter, bylaws, policies (C)Organizational charts (C) New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125 Section 6201Section 6204Section 6206 HYPERLINK "" \l "Navigation_Location" CUNY BylawsArticle II Officers of the Board HYPERLINK "" Article III Committees of the BoardHYPERLINK ""Article IV Council of PresidentsHYPERLINK ""Article VIII Organization and Duties of the Faculty Section 8.11 College Governance PlansArticle IX Organization and Duties of Faculty DepartmentsArticle X The Central OfficeArticle XI Duties and Qualifications of Titles in the Instructional StaffSection 11.2 ChancellorSection 11.3 Senior University StaffSection 11.4 The President Article XV StudentsCUNY Manual of General PolicyHYPERLINK ""Article II Board of TrusteesArticle V Faculty, Staff and AdministrationCUNY Administration HYPERLINK "" CUNY University Faculty SenateCUNY CommitteesHYPERLINK ""CUNY University Student SenatePSC CUNY Constitution CUNY Legal AffairsGovernance PlansResearch Foundation Governance2. A legally constituted governing body that: serves the public interest, ensures that the institution clearly states and fulfills its mission and goals, has fiduciary responsibility for the institution, and is ultimately accountable for the academic quality, planning, and fiscal well-being of the institution;has sufficient independence and expertise to ensure the integrity of the institution. Members must have primary responsibility to the accredited institution and not allow political, financial, or other influences to interfere with their governing responsibilities;ensures that neither the governing body nor individual members interferes in the day-to-day operations of the institution;oversees at the policy level the quality of teaching and learning, the approval of degree programs and the awarding of degrees, the establishment of personnel policies and procedures, the approval of policies and by laws, and the assurance of strong fiscal management;plays a basic policy-making role in financial affairs to ensure integrity and strong financial management. This may include a timely review of audited financial statements and/or other documents related to the fiscal viability of the institution;Appoints and regularly evaluates the performance of the Chief Executive Officer;is informed in all its operations by principles of good practice in board governance;establishes and complies with a written conflict of interest policy designed to ensure that impartiality of the governing body by addressing matters such as payment for services, contractual relationships, employment, and family, financial or other interests that could pose or be perceived as conflicts of interest; and,supports the Chief Executive Officer in maintaining the autonomy of the institution.New York State Senate Legislature, Title 7, Article 125 Section 6204Section 6206 HYPERLINK "" \l "Navigation_Location" CUNY BylawsArticle II Officers of the Board HYPERLINK "" Article III Committees of the BoardCUNY Manual of General PolicyHYPERLINK ""Article II Board of TrusteesPolicy 2.03 Chancellor SearchesPolicy 2.05 Code of ConductHYPERLINK ""Article VI LegalPolicy 6.01 Conflict of InterestCUNY HistoryMinutes of CUNY Board of Trustees MeetingsNew York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE)HYPERLINK ""JCOPE Ethics LawsCUNY Legal AffairsGovernance PlansCUNY PMPHYPERLINK ""CUNY Budget Proposals to the City and State Agendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on Academic Policy, Programs, and ResearchAgendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on Long-Range PlanningAgendas and minutes of CUNY Board Committee on Fiscal Affairs3. A Chief Executive Officer who: is appointed by, evaluated by, and reports to the governing body and shall not chair the governing body;has appropriate credentials and professional experience consistent with the mission of the organization;has the authority and autonomy required to fulfill the responsibilities of the position, including developing and implementing institutional plans, staffing the organization, identifying and allocating resources, and directing the institution toward attaining the goals and objectives set forth in its mission;has the assistance of qualified administrators, sufficient in number, to enable the Chief Executive Officer to discharge his/her duties effectively; and is responsible for establishing procedures for assessing the organization's efficiency and effectiveness.The Chancellor is the CEO of the system, and the President is the CEO of the college.Link to President’s Office, CV, cabinet, organizational charts (C) HYPERLINK "" CUNY Bylaws Article XI Duties and Qualifications of Titles in the Instructional StaffSection 11.2 ChancellorSection 11.4 The PresidentHYPERLINK ""CUNY Manual of General Policy, Article II Board of TrusteesPolicy 2.03 Chancellor SearchesPolicy 2.08 Governance of the University, 3.1 The PresidentPolicy 2.12 Presidential Searches4. An administration possessing or demonstrating:an organizational structure that is clearly defined and that clearly defines reporting relationships;an appropriate size and with relevant experience to assist the Chief Executive Officer n fulfilling his/her roles and responsibilities;members with credentials and professional experience consistent with the mission of the organization and their functional roles;skills, time, assistance, technology, and information systems expertise required to perform their duties;regular engagement with faculty and student in advancing the institution’s goals and objectives;systematic procedures for evaluating administrative units and for using assessment data to enhance operations.Agendas, schedules, and minutes from faculty, student, and administrative councils (C)Organizational charts (C)Documents showing councils and their relationships to CUNY and Central Administration, e.g., COPs, CAO meetings, Council of Librarians, CIS (C)Documents showing appropriate size, such as comparative analysis with other CUNY colleges (C)CUNY Administration5. Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of governance, leadership, and administration.CUNY PMPCUNY Faculty AffairsCOACHE ................

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