
9th Huddersfield (Crosland Hill) Scout Group



I couldn't think of a better title for this, but it is fun to play both for kids and adults. Each team sends a person to challenge a member of another team. The person challenging says something like "I AM PATTING MY HEAD" but in fact they are rubbing their tummy. The person being challenged has to say in reply "I AM RUBBING MY TUMMY" and at the same time be patting their head. If they fail to do it properly in a given time or get it the wrong way round, then the challenging team wins a point.


This is a knockout competition, and is played in two's. Each person has to keep talking at the other person. It doesn't matter what they are talking about, but there must be no repetition or pauses. You will need a referee to decide the winner of each pair. We have played this several times and it has proved very popular. Often the younger Scouts have walked all over the older Scouts in this game.


You will need: 5 different coloured pieces of chalk, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and Brown.

Split the Troop or pack into equal teams and get them to number themselves off in their teams. Then draw a number of coloured circles on the floor, several of each colour.

The Leader now calls out an object and a number e.g. "GRASS 2", the number two in each team now has to run and stand in a circle that matches the colour of the object. The first person standing in the correct coloured circle wins a point for his team.


RED = Blood, Cherries, Ruby

BLUE = Violet, Sapphire, Electric

GREEN = Grass, Emerald, Cucumber

YELLOW = Lemon, Primrose, Sulphur

BROWN = Earth, Potato, Leather

Please remember that some lads may have trouble with colours and so you may have to point out which circles are which.

Compendium Of Games

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9th Huddersfield (Crosland Hill) Scout Group


Sixes stand in teams and are numbered. Each number is given the name of a car. When the number OR the name of the car is called out, they have to race to the end of the hall and back to their place, using the method they have been told. e.g.


Volkswagon - hop


Jensen - pigeon steps

Skoda - walk sideways

Cavalier - skip


This is a running about game which is good if you are in a large hall or outside with a lot of boys. Split them into two teams, in two lines across the hall. There should be a gap of about ten feet between them. Near each end of the hall should be a home line for each team. Don't make it too close to the wall or they will run into it. One team are the crows, the other team are the cranes.

If you shout cranes, the cranes team must run to their home line without getting tagged by the crows team. Any member of the cranes that gets tagged has to join the crows team. If you shout crows, the crows team has to run to their home line without getting tagged by the cranes team. Any member of the crows that gets tagged has to join the cranes team.

If you shout crabs they must all stand still. Anyone that moves must join the opposing team. You start off each time with both teams lined up across the hall facing each other. The game ends when one team has all the players. You can have a lot of fun rolling your RRRRR'S with this. CRRRRRRRRABS, CRRRRRRROWS, CRRRRRRANES.


You will need: ball

This is a continuous game with no winners or losers. Five or Six players stand in a line, in the centre of the circle formed by the rest of the Troop or pack. Each player in the line puts his arms round the waist of the player in front. The object of the game is for the players around the circle to hit the player at the end of the line or snake, below the knees with the ball. The snake can move around inside the circle to make this more difficult. When the player at the back of the snake is struck by the ball, he leaves the snake and moves into the circle of throwers and the player who threw the ball, joins on as the front man of the snake. The game carries on for as long as you wish.

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9th Huddersfield (Crosland Hill) Scout Group


If your Scouts or Cubs like rolling around on the floor then they will love this quickie. I would advise activity dress, so as not to dirty uniforms. Pair the Scouts off in size. One boy in each pair lies on his back on the ground. On the word go the other Scout has to try and turn him over onto his stomach. The Scout on the floor tries to prevent this by spreading out his arms and legs and moving around on the floor. No tickling or foul play is allowed.


You will need: A rope or cloth tail for each Patrol or Six

Each Patrol stands in a line behind their Patrol Leader. Each man holds the belt or waist of the man in front. The last man has a tail tucked into his trousers. On the word `GO' the Patrol Leaders have to move around the room and try to get as many of the other Patrols tails as possible. Any Patrols that break their chain are disqualified. The winning Patrol is the one with the most tails.


Each boat is made up of eight to ten players each in full knees-bent position. Each player has his hands on the shoulders of the man in front. Facing the line of players in each boat is a `COX'. The Cox holds the hands of the front player in the boat. When the race starts, the boats move forwards by all players in a boat springing together off both feet. The Cox for each boat shouts encouragement for his team and calls out the rhythm for the spring. During the race, any boat that breaks up into two or more parts is deemed to have sunk and is disqualified from the race.


You will need: Various noise makers such as whistles, rattles and bells

This game is similar to the game where you shout out Port and Starboard. The players are told what action they must perform when a certain sound is heard. Play this a few times with nobody being out, then start taking out people who do the wrong action or who are the last ones to do the action.


Players sit in two lines team A and Team B, each line numbered 1 to N. Player 1 in team A says to player number 1 in team B the name of a city, town or Country.

We will suppose for example that he says `GERMANY". Player 1 in team B must now say a town city or country, beginning with the last letter of Germany. Let us suppose that he says "YORK". Player 2 in team A now has to say a city, town or country beginning with the letter K. This goes on all the way down the line. If a player fails to give a correct answer or duplicates a previous answer, then a point is awarded to the other team. When the end of the line is reached play begins at player number 1 again.

Compendium Of Games

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9th Huddersfield (Crosland Hill) Scout Group


In a large, pitch black room, with light switches at each end, the Troop is split in half. Each half gets on their hands and knees near the light switch that they are protecting. On the Scout Leader's signal, the Scouts, staying on their hands and knees, attempt to turn on the light on the other end of the room while protecting their own.

Like British Bulldog, this game can get a bit violent, what with kids fighting in the dark to get to the switch. This game would probably have to be modified for other meeting areas (especially those with hard floors!)


Turn all the lights off in the entire church (including those intended to be left on permanently). One Scout stays in the meeting room and counts to twenty, the rest of the Scouts hide anywhere (except for pre-set off limits areas) in the building. "It" begins looking for the Scouts. Once a Scout is found, he joins "it" in the hunt. The last Scout found is the winner. The Scouts especially enjoy jumping out of a dark corner and scaring their Scout Leader.


Each Scout is assigned a number between one and x, x being the number of Scouts. In a circle outside (we circle around a flagpole) one person throws a ball (tennis, racquet, or similar) as high as he can, straight up, and calls out a number. The Scout whose number is called catches the ball as the rest of the Scouts fun away from him as fast as possible. Once the called Scout catches the ball, he yells "STOP!" at which time all retreating Scouts are supposed to stop dead in their tracks. (This is where the most arguments crop up in this game...) The Scout with the ball is allowed to take three really long steps (more like standing long jumps) so that he can get as close to the nearest Scout as possible. He then attempts to hit the Scout with the ball (not in the head or other vital organs). The Scout being shot at is allowed to twist and bend, but may not move his feet. If the Scout is hit, he gets to retrieve the ball while the rest of the Scouts get back in a circle. He is also given a "spud," or a point. If the Scout is missed, the throwing Scout chases after the ball and gets a spud. Once the ball is retrieved, the game begins again, with the number called and the ball thrown. The Scout with the least number of spuds at the end of the game wins.


Scouts get in a circle facing in, with both hands, palms up, behind their backs. Scouts must be looking into the circle. One Scout, with a rolled up newspaper, walks around the outside of the circle. When he chooses, he puts the newspaper into the hands of a Scout, who then proceeds to "whomp" the Scout to his right. The Scout being "whomped" runs as fast as he can (unless he enjoys being whomped) around the circle back to his starting position. The

Scout now holding the newspaper walks around the outside of the circle, looking for a Scout to whomp the person to his right, as above. No winners, everyone wins.

Compendium Of Games

Games & Activities



9th Huddersfield (Crosland Hill) Scout Group



You will need:

? Coloured wool to match up with Six's colours

? talcum powder

? plastic plant identification labels

? TIME to lay the trail

Tell story to the pack about the elephants who have escaped from the local circus, who have asked for the Cubs help in getting the elephants back. The circus tell us that each elephant is wearing a coloured mat on its back, each mat matches one of the Sixes colours. So each Six can look for the elephant wearing their Sixes colour on its back.

The Cubs then follow a trail of wool, picking up their colours as they go. They must not pick up any other colours. You could tell them how many pieces they should find. The trail divides and finally the coloured wool disappears. All that can be seen is large (talcum powder) elephant footprints on the ground. These all lead to one place where the elephants can clearly be seen, wearing tatty mats on their backs, (parents or Leaders). But the elephants have been caught by a gang of thieves who will sell them back to the Cubs for ?200 no more, no less.

The Cubs are then told that they can gather this money from around a certain bush. This money is the plastic plant tabs, stuck into the ground around the bush. Each label is marked with an amount of money. Each Six must only take labels to exactly ?200 and pay the thieves for their elephant . They then take their elephant back to the circus where there is sure to be a reward.


You will need:

? A sheet of heavy duty paper or brown wrapping paper

? for each Six or Patrol and a thick wax crayon

On the command go, each Patrol leaves the hut in search of roadsigns to rub. They have to make up the phrase " BE PREPARED " on the sheet of paper. They have to brass rub the letters onto the sheet of paper with the wax crayon, from the road signs. The first Patrol back with the completed phrase are the winners. This is an excellent game as it makes the Scouts think of all the road names in their locality that might contain the letters they need. You can of course use other phrases for repeated use. It is also a good idea to supply each Patrol with a damp cloth, this is to clean the road sign of wax crayon should the paper split.

Compendium Of Games

Games & Activities



9th Huddersfield (Crosland Hill) Scout Group


You will need: A name card for each activity base Leader and an activity for them to look after at that base

Each of the Leaders or the people manning the bases is given a card similar to the ones described below:

1. You are "THUNDER FIST". Tell them they must find "THE KRAKEN". 2. You are "THE KRAKEN". Tell them they must find "THORIN". 3. You are "THORIN". Tell them they must find "THE HULK". 4. You are "THE HULK". Tell them they must find "Robin Hood". 5. You are "Robin Hood". Tell them they must find "THUNDER FIST".

You can of course vary the number of bases that you have. Each person manning a base is also given an activity that the Cubs or Scouts have to complete at that base. The base men are sent out and hide within a given area. The Patrols are then sent out, each having been given a different "NAME" to find. When a baseman is found, the Scouts or Cubs have to ask him if he is the name they are looking for. If he is not then they have to keep looking. If he is then he asks them to complete a simple Scouting exercise such as tying a bowline. He then gives them the name of the next person they have to find. A point is given for completion of an exercise to the satisfaction of the baseman. The winning Patrol is the one that finds all the basemen and completes the most tasks.


You will need:

? a bucket or large tin

? a large number of coloured balls or plastic clothes pegs all the same colour

? Skittles or rope to mark off the target area

This is played by two teams. The attacking team are called the rockets and the defending team are called the interceptors. The target area is marked off and the bucket or large tin is placed in the centre. Only rockets are allowed to go inside the target area. Up to four interceptors are allowed to hover around the target area. The rockets have a base at which they pick up their warheads. Each rocket can carry only one warhead to the target area. If a rocket is tagged by an interceptor before going inside the target area, they must hand over their warhead and return to their base. 20 warhead units in the bucket or tin destroy the interceptor target area. All the coloured balls count for 1 warhead unit. The five white balls are special multi warheads and count as 5 warhead units for each white ball. If the interceptor target area is not destroyed after 20 minutes then change over the teams so that everyone has a turn at attacking and defending. This game is best played where there is a bit of cover for hiding and creeping up on the target, or at night when visibility is reduced.

Compendium Of Games

Games & Activities



9th Huddersfield (Crosland Hill) Scout Group


You will need:

? Coloured wool (or cloth) to be worn on the arm for each team

? 6 cards bearing the name "DESTROYER"

? 4 cards bearing the name "SUBMARINE"

? 2 cards bearing the name "BATTLESHIP"

Instead of cards you could use coloured counters or plastic clothes pegs.

This is best played with three or more teams. Each team is given a base which is their naval shipyard. Each player is allowed to take one card from their shipyard to take part in the combat. When they take a card, they also take a length of their teams coloured wool to tie round one arm. A combat area is marked off in the centre of the field and combat may only take place within this area. Combat takes place in the following manner, a player will tag a player from an opposing team. Both players then compare their cards as follows:

A battleship takes a destroyer, a destroyer takes a submarine and a submarine takes a battleship. The losing boy hands over his piece of wool to the winner and returns to his shipyard for a new piece of wool. Combat can only take place between two players who are each wearing a piece of wool. If both players have craft of equal status such as two submarines then it is an even match and there is no victor, they then have to go and challenge somebody else. A boy can exchange ships only at his shipyard when he is getting a new piece of wool. The winning team is the one which has collected the most pieces of wool at the end of the game.


You will need: 4 lamps such as hurricane lamps

The game is played in the dark between two teams. Two lamps are placed about 100 metres apart. These are the home bases. Another two lamps are placed about 40 metres apart, and at right angles to the first two lamps. They should be about halfway between the first two lamps. One team is split into two, one half going to each home base lamp. Their object is to get to the other homebase lamp, without being caught. They must go between the other two lamps to get there. There is no restriction on how far out they go to either side to get to the other home lamp, but they must go between the two 40 metres apart lamps. For each member who reaches the other home base, their team wins a point.

Compendium Of Games

Games & Activities



9th Huddersfield (Crosland Hill) Scout Group


You will need: a hat, scarf or some other `bacon'

Divide the Troop into two halves (not three halves, nor one half). Number off EACH half separately. If there are 30 boys in the Troop, then you would have two groups, each numbered from 1-15.

Line them up facing each other, about 30-40 feet apart. In numerical order. Place your `bacon' between the lines. Now the field will look kinda like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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