NAME _____________________________________ Grade Section ____________

1. Emotions are the _______________ a person has.

_____ 2. (T or F) It is not normal for an individual to experience a variety of emotions.

____ 3. (T or F) It is the way that a person expresses an emotion that can be healthful

or harmful.

4. List ONE emotion (cannot use anger) and describe how it could be harmful if not expressed properly.

The emotion is ____________________


Complete the following guidelines for healthful ways to express emotions.

(The first letter of the missing words are given)

5. A______________ that you feel the emotion.

6. I______________ the E_______________ you feel and the cause of your reaction.

7. C____________ D_____________ - try not to act when your feelings are strong.

8. T___________ O____________ what you feel by saying “I feel angry”, or “I feel hurt.” This helps others from feeling attacked.

9. W___________ A _____________ if you feel you are loosing control.

10. T________ with a T____________ A____________ if you have problems with emotions.

11. Intense sadness caused by loss or death is _____________________.


NAME ____________________________________ Grade Section __________

_____ 1. A hormone that prepares the body for quick action.

A – Beta-Endorphins B – Eustress C – Adrenaline

_____ 2. The body’s reaction to the demands of daily living.

A – Distress B – Stress C – Stressor D – Depression

_____ 3. A cause of stress is known as a

A – Eustress B – Adrenaline C – Stressor D – Distress

_____ 4. What part of the body identifies a stressor?

A – Perspiration increases B – Stomach slows down digestion

C – Muscles tense and tighten D – The brain

5. Some signs of stress are: Muscles tense, Sugar is released into the bloodstream, perspiration increases, breathing becomes faster, Adrenaline is released to the body, Stomach and intestines slow down,

Name another major sign as a way the body reacts to stress …


6. Name a stressor in your life. ___________________________________

7. People can manage stress by using these four steps. Fill in step number 3

1 – Identify the signs of stress

2 – Identify the cause of stress

3 – ___________________________________________________

4 – Take action to lessen the harmful effects of stress

8 – Name an action you can take to reduce your stress…

_____ 9. (T or F) One of the best ways to increase stress is to manage your time better.

_____ 10. (T or F) Stress is the same for everybody.


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