First Nations School Assessment


First Nations

Schools Association

First Nations

School Assessment




[Name of School]


First Nations School Assessment Process

The First Nations schools assessment process is intended to enable First Nations schools to undertake a meaningful review of their operations, including their challenges and successes, in order to continually work toward school improvement.

Table of Contents

First Nations School Assessment Report

| | | |Page |

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|Description of assessment process | | |

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|Part 1 - School administration/procedures | | |

| |First nations school assessment guide | | |

| |staff list | | |

| |Mission/philosophy of the school | | |

| |School administration | | |

| |student records | | |

| |policies and procedures | | |

| |school staff and support | | |

| | | |

|Part 2 - School programs | | |

| |Professional development | | |

| |Communications and Parental involvement | | |

| |School and community connections/Integration of Services | | |

| |school environment | | |

| |school LEADERSHIP | | |

| |First Nations LANGUAGE and Culture Programs | | |

| |English LANGUAGE Program | | |

| |Math Program | | |

| |Social Studies program | | |

| |Science program | | |

| |Library Resources and Skills Development | | |

| |Computer Resources and skills development | | |

| |Special Education | | |

| |Career and Education Planning | | |

| |Counselling and student support programs | | |

| |Assessment and Reporting of Student Progress | | |

| |Phys Ed | | |

| |fine arts | | |

| | | |

|School Growth Plan | | |

| |Table of contents | | |

| |Process used | | |

| |List of Priorities/goals | | |

| |school growth plan | | |

| | | |

|surveys | | |

| |Primary students | | |

| |Secondary Students | | |

| |Parents (K-7) | | |

| |Parents (8-12) | | |

Describe your assessment process (e.g. who was involved, the activities undertaken).


Part One

School Administration/Procedures



[Name of School]


First Nations School Assessment Guide

|School Name |

|School Address |

|Principal’s Name |E-mail |

|School Phone |School Fax |

|Length of Time School Has Been in Existence |

|Brief Description of School Governing Authority |

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|Student Enrolment |

|A/ Elementary |

|K4 |

|Grade 8 |

Staff List

First Nations School Assessment

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|Name |Position(s) |

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1. Mission/Philosophy of the School

Does the school currently have a mission/philosophy?

yes ( no (

If no, go to question 2

If yes, please answer the following three questions:

Please describe the mission and philosophy of the school and how it relates to school programs and curriculum.

Please describe how the school’s mission and philosophy relate to the uniqueness of your school and community.

Please describe how the school’s mission and philosophy have been developed with and/or shared with the community.

2. School Administration

Please describe the school’s current administrative structure.

Does the school have a Principal?

yes ( no (

How many years has the current Principal been with the school? _____________

What percentage of time does the Principal have for administrative duties? _______________%

3. Student Records

Are you satisfied with the maintenance/storage of your student records?

yes ( no (

Are the following available?

Fireproof storage cabinet yes ( no (

Disclosure policy yes ( no (

Student cumulative files yes ( no (

4. Policies and Procedures

Does the school currently have a student discipline policy?

yes ( no (

Does the school ensure that students are adequately supervised at all times when they are on school grounds?

yes ( no (

Does the school currently have an abuse protocol?

yes ( no (

Does the school have procedures in place for dealing with accidents, fire, transportation, and field trip emergencies?

yes ( no (

Are staff members trained to deal with the emergencies listed above?

yes ( no (

5. School Staff and Support

Have satisfactory criminal record searches been obtained for all employees working with children?

yes ( no (

Do teachers and other school staff undergo regular evaluations?

yes ( no (


Part Two

School Programs



[Name of School]

|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Professional Development |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Teachers: 16, 17, 18 | |

|Analysis Statement: |

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|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Communications and Parental Involvement |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: |Parents (K-7): 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 |

|Secondary Students: 34 |Parents (8-12): 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 |

| |Teachers: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 |

|Analysis Statement: |

| |

|School Programs |

| TOPIC: School Community Connections/Integration of Services |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 14 |Parents (K-7): 6 |

|Secondary Students: 16, 18, 19 |Parents (8-12): 4, 5, 6 |

| |Teachers: 24, 25 |

|Analysis Statement: |

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|School Programs |

| TOPIC: School Environment |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 11, 12, 16, 18 |Parents (K-7): 16, 17, 19, 21, 22 |

|Secondary Students: 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 |Parents (8-12): 16, 19, 22 |

| |Teachers: 14, 26, 27 |

|Analysis Statement: |

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|School Programs |

| TOPIC: School Leadership |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

| |Teachers: 32, 33 |

|Analysis Statement: |

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|School Programs |

| TOPIC: First Nations Language and Culture Programs |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 3, 4, 14 |Parents (K-7): 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21 |

|Secondary Students: 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 31 |Parents (8-12): 4, 5, 6, 7, 19, 20, 21 |

| |Teachers: 4, 5, 6 |

|Analysis Statement: |

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|School Programs |

| TOPIC: English Language Program |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 1, 2 |Parents (K-7): 1, 2 |

|Secondary Students: 1, 2, 3 |Parents (8-12): 1, 2, 3 |

| |Teachers: 1, 2, 3 |

|Analysis Statement: |

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|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Math Program |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 5 |Parents (K-7): 9 |

|Secondary Students: 9 10 |Parents (8-12): 10 |

| |Teachers: 9 |

|Analysis Statement: |

| |

|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Social Studies Program |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 6 |Parents (K-7): 6, 7, 20 |

|Secondary Students: 7, 11 18, 19, 20 |Parents (8-12): 4, 5, 8, 20 |

| |Teachers: 7 |

|Analysis Statement: |

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|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Science Program |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: |Parents (K-7): 8, 20 |

|Secondary Students: 8, 17 |Parents (8-12): 9, 20 |

| |Teachers: 8 |

|Analysis Statement: |

| |

|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Library Resources and Skills Development |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: |Parents (K-7): |

|Secondary Students: 11, 24 |Parents (8-12): |

| |Teachers: 30 |

|Analysis Statement: |

| |

|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Computer Resources and Skills Development |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 9 |Parents (K-7): 13, 14 |

|Secondary Students: 13, 14, 23 |Parents (8-12): 14, 15, |

| |Teachers: 13 |

|Analysis Statement: |

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|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Special Education |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 13, 17 |Parents (K-7): 23 |

|Secondary Students: 22, 29 |Parents (8-12): 23 |

| |Teachers: 28, 29 |

|Analysis Statement: |

| |

|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Career and Education Planning |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 15 |Parents (K-7): 15 |

|Secondary Students: 12, 35, 36 |Parents (8-12): 30 |

| |Teachers: |

|Analysis Statement: |

| |

|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Counselling and Student Support Programs |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 11, 12, 16 |Parents (K-7): 16, 17, 18 |

|Secondary Students: 26, 28, 29, 30 |Parents (8-12): 16, 17, 18 |

| |Teachers: 15 |

|Analysis Statement: |

| |

|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Assessment and Reporting of Student Progress |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: |Parents (K-7): 25 |

|Secondary Students: 32, 33 |Parents (8-12): 25, 26 |

| |Teachers: 21 |

|Analysis Statement: |

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|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Phys Ed |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 7 |Parents (K-7): 10 |

|Secondary Students: 25 |Parents (8-12): 11 |

| |Teachers: 10 |

|Analysis Statement: |

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|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Fine Arts |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: 8 |Parents (K-7): 11 |

|Secondary Students: 5 |Parents (8-12): 12 |

| |Teachers: 11, 12 |

|Analysis Statement: |

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|School Programs |

| TOPIC: Additional ________________________________________ |

|Opportunities Provided |Indicators of Success/Survey Results |

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|Corresponds to Survey Questions: | |

|Primary Students: |Parents (K-7): |

|Secondary Students: |Parents (8-12): |

| |Teachers: |

|Analysis Statement: |

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School Growth Plan


[Name of School]



School Growth Plan

Table of Contents

| | |Page |

|1. |Establishing Priorities | |

|2. |Process Used | |

|3. |List of Priorities/Goals | |

|4. |School Growth Plan Sample Template | |

Establishing Priorities for the Development of a School Growth Plan

Please list the program areas that have been shown to fall within the following categories (program areas include mission of school, student records, policies and procedures, staff professional development, communications, school community connections and education programs).

A well-established strength that should be maintained:

A strength that is partially established and requires ongoing support:

An area needing change that can be addressed easily and quickly:

An area needing change that will require more time and effort to address:

Please describe the process used to set 3-4 priorities and select the school growth plan goals.

List of Priorities/Goals

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|4. (optional) |

School Growth Plan

Sample Template

|Goal #1 |

|Objective |

|Description |In-Service/Training Needs|Resources Needed |Person(s) Responsible |Target Dates |Cost |Indicators of Success |

| | | | |Start |End | | |

|Strategy 1 | | | | | | | |

|Strategy 2 | | | | | | | |

|Strategy 3 | | | | | | | |

|Strategy… | | | | | | | |

|Evaluation Plan |

|Communication Plan |

School Growth Plan

Sample Template

|Goal #2 |

|Objective |

|Description |In-Service/Training Needs|Resources Needed |Person(s) Responsible |Target Dates |Cost |Indicators of Success |

| | | | |Start |End | | |

|Strategy 1 | | | | | | | |

|Strategy 2 | | | | | | | |

|Strategy 3 | | | | | | | |

|Strategy… | | | | | | | |

|Evaluation Plan |

|Communication Plan |

School Growth Plan

Sample Template

|Goal #3 |

|Objective |

|Description |In-Service/Training Needs|Resources Needed |Person(s) Responsible |Target Dates |Cost |Indicators of Success |

| | | | |Start |End | | |

|Strategy 1 | | | | | | | |

|Strategy 2 | | | | | | | |

|Strategy 3 | | | | | | | |

|Strategy… | | | | | | | |

|Evaluation Plan |

|Communication Plan |



First Nations School Assessment


Primary Students Survey

First Nations School Assessment

We would like to know how you feel about your school.

This is not a test. There are no right and wrong answers.

For each question, please circle the face that best describes your feelings.

If you are not sure about how you feel, circle the question mark.

Do not put your name on the survey.

| |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|1. I am learning to read |( |( |( |? |

|2. I am learning to write |( |( |( |? |

|3. I like learning about my culture |( |( |( |? |

|4. I like learning my language |( |( |( |? |

|5. I like math |( |( |( |? |

|6. I like social studies |( |( |( |? |

|7. I like phys ed |( |( |( |? |

|8. I like art |( |( |( |? |

|9. I am learning to use computers |( |( |( |? |

|10. I like music |( |( |( |? |

|11. I feel good when I come to school |( |( |( |? |

|12. I feel safe at school |( |( |( |? |

|13. My teachers find ways to help me |( |( |( |? |

|14. I am learning about my community |( |( |( |? |

|15. I am learning about jobs that people do |( |( |( |? |

|16. If I am sad or scared, I can get help at school |( |( |( |? |

|17. My teacher lets me work at my own speed |( |( |( |? |

|18. My teacher cares about me |( |( |( |? |

Thank you!

Secondary Students Survey

First Nations School Assessment

Our school is in the process of planning for our future

by thinking about our education programs and activities.

We would like to identify some of our strengths and weaknesses as part of this process.

Your input is an important part of this exercise, and we would appreciate your opinions about our school. Please answer the questions below. Remember, your input is confidential.

Please do not put your name on this survey.

Please circle your answer for each question

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|strongly disagree |disagree |neither |agree |strongly agree |don’t know |

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

At school, I am continuing to develop knowledge and skills in the following areas:

|1. Writing |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|2. Reading |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|3. Speaking |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|4. My culture |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|5. The ceremonies, beliefs and spirituality of my people |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|6. My Aboriginal language |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|7. Social Studies |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|8. Science |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|9. Math |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|10. Problem solving |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|11. Research |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|12. Personal Planning |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

At school:

|13. I use computers to write |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|14. I use computers to find and retrieve information |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

My school is teaching me:

|15. The importance of caring about others |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|16. Respect for my community and family |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|17. Respect for the environment |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|18. The importance of my Nation’s history |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|19. How to participate in my oral tradition |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|20. Our local history and the history of Aboriginal people |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

At school I:

|21. Learn things that are important to me |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|22. Am allowed to work at the speed at which I work best |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|23. Get to use up-to-date computer equipment |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|24. Have access to relevant and interesting reading materials |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|25. Get to participate in fun physical activities |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|26. Have access to counselling services I need |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|27. I care about how well I do in school |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|28. I feel safe at school |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|29. School makes me feel good about who I am |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|30. I think the school staff care about me |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|31. What I am learning in school is useful and relevant |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|32. My report card clearly tells me how well I am doing in school |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|33. I know how my teachers determine my marks |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|34. I think my parents are welcome in the school |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|35. I am encouraged to think about my future plans and goals |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

|36. I am taught the value of lifelong learning |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |DK |

Thank you!

Parents (K-7) Survey

First Nations School Assessment

We would like to know how you feel about our school.

For each question, please circle the response that best describes your opinion.

Do not put your name on the survey.

|1. My child is learning to read. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|2. My child is learning to write. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|3. My child is learning our language. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|4. My child is learning about our culture. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|5. My child is learning about our traditions and beliefs. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|6. My child is learning about our First Nation’s history. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|7. My child is learning about social studies. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|8. My child is learning about science. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|9. My child is learning about math. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|10. My child likes physical education |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|11. My child likes art. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|12. My child likes music. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|13. At school, my child uses computers to get information. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|14. At school, my child uses computers for different subjects. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|15. At school, my child is learning about different types of work. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|16. I feel that my child is safe at school. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|17. At school, my child feels good. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|18. My child’s school provides the counselling services he/she needs. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|19. At school, my child is learning the importance of caring about other |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|people. | | | | |

|20. At school, my child is learning the importance of respect for the |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|environment. | | | | |

|21. At school, my child is learning the importance of respect for others.|Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|22. At school, my child is respected. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|23. My child’s teachers find the best ways for him/her to learn. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|24. I can tell the school how I feel about my child’s education. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|25. My child’s report card gives me a clear picture of how well he/she is|Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|doing in school. | | | | |

|26. The school provides me with the information about the school. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|27. I feel welcome at my child’s school. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|28. My child’s school encourages me to get involved in school planning |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|activities. | | | | |

Thank you for your help!

Parents (8-12) Survey

First Nations School Assessment

We would like to know how you feel about our school.

For each question, please circle the response that best describes your opinion.

Do not put your name on the survey.

|I am satisfied with my child’s ability to read |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|I am satisfied with my child’s ability to write |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|I am satisfied with my child’s ability to speak effectively |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|I am satisfied with my child’s knowledge of our values and traditions |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|I am satisfied with my child’s knowledge of our First Nations history |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|I am satisfied with my child’s knowledge of our culture |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|I am satisfied with my child’s ability to speak our language |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|At school, my child is progressing well in social studies |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|At school, my child is progressing well in science |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|At school, my child is progressing well in math |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|At school, my child is progressing well in physical education |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|At school, my child is progressing well in art |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|At school, my child is progressing well in music |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|At school, my child uses computers to get information |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|At school, my child uses computers in different subjects |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|I feel that my child is safe at school. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|At school, my child feels good. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|My child’s school provides the counselling services he/she needs. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|My child’s school reinforces the importance of caring about other people |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|My child’s school reinforces the importance of respect for the |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|environment | | | | |

|My child’s school reinforces the importance of respect for others |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|At school, my child is respected |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|My child’s teachers find the best ways for him/her to learn |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|I can tell the school how I fell about my child’s education |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|My child’s report card gives me a clear picture of how well he/she is |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|doing in school | | | | |

|I know how my child’s teachers determine my child’s marks. |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|The school provides me with the information about the school |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|I feel welcome at my child’s school |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|My child’s school encourages me to get involved in school planning |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|activities | | | | |

|At school, my child is being well prepared for further education, |Yes |Sometimes |No |I don’t know |

|training, or work after high school. | | | | |

Thank you for your help!

Teachers/Staff Survey

First Nations School Assessment

We would appreciate your input into the school assessment process.

For each question, please circle the response that best describes your opinion.

All survey responses should remain anonymous.

|1. I am satisfied with my students’ ability to read |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|2. I am satisfied with my students’ ability to write |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|3. I am satisfied with my students’ ability to speak effectively |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|4. I am satisfied with my students’ knowledge of their First |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

|Nations values and traditions | | | |Disagree | |

|5. I am satisfied with my students’ knowledge of their First |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

|Nations history | | | |Disagree | |

|6. I am satisfied with my student’s ability to speak their First |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

|Nations language | | | |Disagree | |

|7. My students are progressing well in social studies |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|8. My students are progressing well in science |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|9. My students are progressing well in math |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|10. My students are progressing well in physical education |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|11. My students are progressing well in art |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|12. My students are progressing well in music |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|13. My students use computers effectively to access information |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|14. I am satisfied with the schools’ pupil/teacher ratios |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|15. I am satisfied with the schools’ counseling services |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|16. I have adequate access to professional development |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

|opportunities | | | |Disagree | |

|17. Our school organizes effective in-service activities |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|18. Teachers have adequate input into the planning of staff |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

|development activities | | | |Disagree | |

|19. I am satisfied with my communications with parents |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|20. I believe the school communicates effectively with parents |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

|about school activities/events | | | |Disagree | |

|21. I believe that parents understand how well their children are |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

|progressing in school | | | |Disagree | |

|22. I am satisfied with the level of parental involvement in school|Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

|activities | | | |Disagree | |

|23. I believe the school makes parents feel welcome |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|24. I believe the school interacts effectively with other community|Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

|service agencies | | | |Disagree | |

|25. I am satisfied with community support for the school |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|26. I believe that children feel safe in this school |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|27. I believe that teachers feel safe in this school |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|28. The school’s special education services are adequate |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|29. This school has an adequate number of teachers’ assistants |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|30. The school’s library materials are adequate |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|31. The teaching materials available in the school are adequate |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

| | | | |Disagree | |

|32. I am satisfied with the leadership shown for the school’s |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

|teaching practices | | | |Disagree | |

|33. I believe that the school governing authority has an |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly |No Opinion |

|adequate/effective role in school activities | | | |Disagree | |

| | | | | | |

|34. Please feel free to add any other additional comments | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


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