
?Primary 4 Core Tasks Grid 11th – 15th JanuaryWe recommend that you complete one literacy and one numeracy/maths task each day for 4 days a week.We also recommend reading on a daily basis and completing an AR quiz once the book is within your AR range. There is one additional task from another curricular area on this grid weekly. Many other opportunities for learning across a range of contexts to develop physical skills, creativity and life skills can be found in the Home Learning Grid. Please share your learning on OneNote in the ‘Home Learning Term 3’ Section which can only be viewed by your teacher or on Microsoft Teams in the ‘Core Tasks’ Channel which can be viewed by the whole class.LiteracyChoose something fun that happened over the holidays and write a descriptive short story about it. Think about using similes, descriptive adjectives and verbs. Don’t forget to write in paragraphs. Practise reading it aloud and you can record yourself reading it and upload it to your OneNote page under the home learning section.NumeracyComplete the worksheet titled ‘Mixed multiplication WC1101’. Don’t forget to use strategies like skip counting, using 100 square and counters to help you work out each answer. Please write the question and the answer for each one.LiteracyLast term we started to look at homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. For example, their, they’re and there.There is a castle on a hill in Edinburgh.They never clean their toys up.They’re always singing and dancing in the playground.?Please copy out and complete these sentences with the correct homophone:?1. Put the rubbish over _____ in the bin.2. Strawberries are the best, __________ my favourite fruit.3. They packed _______ bags and went camping.4. I went ___ last summer too!5. The cold wind made _____ teeth chatter.6. _________ eating ______ lunches in the classroom because of the rain?Challenge – Can you make a list of other homophones? I will start with knight/night.NumeracyNumeracy:?Revise your times tables that you already know. Use your knowledge of times tables to write the linked division facts. For?example?6x6=36 and 36÷6=6.? You can use this game to challenge yourself with the timer.? a story to watch from Storyline Online. up the meanings of any words you are unsure of. Write a short summary of the story and include a picture.MathsRevision of symmetry: Numeracy:?Go on a symmetry hunt around your house and garden to find things that have at least 2 lines of symmetry. Make a record of what you have found by drawing a picture or taking a photo?of what you have found and add it to your OneNote. Remember you can use a mirror to help you find the lines of symmetry and use a ruler to draw the lines.LiteracyWrite a letter to your future self. Ask an adult to keep the letter safe and you can look back at it at the end of the year. This is an informal letter and you can watch the following clip on YouTube to help you with the important aspects of an informal letter In the body of the letter you should include the following:1. Two new year’s resolutions you have for 2021.2. A favourite memory from 2020.3. Something you hope to achieve in 2021.4. Something you are excited for in 2021.MathsThis term we will be learning about time. Make an analogue clock to help you tell the time. You can use a paper plate, or recycled cardboard for the face, then paint on the numbers and minutes and attach hour and minute hands. Be careful to be accurate! Mark the’ o’ clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to.’ You could use one colour to show the times past the hour, and a different colour to show the times to the hour. Be creative, and think what would help you best.Other Curriculum AreaSTEM: Design a model of the castle you wrote about before Christmas and make it entirely from recycled materials. You can take a photo and upload it to your OneNote to share with the rest of the class if you wish.? ................

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