Monday 1st February – P4Watch PE with Jo LIVE at 9am! That was hard work. Have a drink and get ready for maths.IntroductionWarm up your brain by playing a classic version of the numbers Countdown game. Spend about 10 minutes playing. Generate new numbers if you solve it. This is the same as we would do in class.Use a pen & paper or whiteboard to help you if you wish. Or challenge your mental maths skills by trying to work out the solutions in your head.I have included 2 links. The 1st is the one we use in class. The 2nd is one that can be used on a phone / tablet. – Desktop or Laptop.Click the lock in the address bar to enable Flash. Choose your desired difficulty. Turn off the timer by clicking the stop button. - Phone or Tablet.Choose 1 or 2 numbers from the top row and the rest from the bottom or press Quickstart. Click on the cog in the top right to increase the difficulty level.MainLearning Intention (LI) – I can use my Numeracy skills to solve a problem.Task 1Sum FunThere are 2 sums below. Use two + signs and two – signs. Put them in the spaces to make the sums correct. Copy them out onto a whiteboard or piece of paper.Q1) 5 4 3 2 1 = 5Q2) 2 2 3 4 5 = 0Task 2Shaking handsA group of teachers have gathered in the staff room for a meeting after the Summer holidays. Each teacher shakes hands with every other teacher.How many handshakes will take place if the group consists of:2 teachers?3 teachers?4 teachers?5 teachers?Can you find a pattern for your answers to a, b, c and d?Hints & TipsDraw out the teachers or make a model of them.Act it out with some soft toys or action figures.Name or give a number to the teachers.Create a list of the handshakes – Do all for 1 teacher before moving onto the next.I have made a video to explain how I did them and give the answers to the 2 tasks. You can watch it by clicking the link below. HYPERLINK "" is our Maths and Numeracy lesson finished for today. Well done!Refuel! Now would be a good time to have a snack and a drinkERIC stands for Everyone Reading In Class.You may choose to read a few pages of your chapter book, or maybe a family member could read you a story.SpellingAs we would normally do on a Monday morning we are going to continue our spelling.Our words for the week all have the “UR” pattern in them. As with the last few weeks the “u” and the “r” are 2 separate sounds. They are often found in a pattern like we have had in our “AR”, “IR” and “OR” words.Here are the words for this week.burnturnhurtdisturbchurchcurseurgentSaturnmurmurWe usually find this “UR” pattern in the middle of a word, but it can sometimes be found at the beginning (urban) or the end (fur).Tip - When a word starts with a “ur” pattern it can often make a “your” sound, e.g. Uranus. If you’re not sure try it both ways and see which way sounds better.We have 3 activities to practice learning how to spell our words. They are all activities that you will be familiar with. I have spun our wheel to decide what our activities are!Dot & Line – Remember, this is our most important spelling task of the week. Take your time and think about the sounds in each word.Rainbow WritingStaircasesCheck you dot and lines with the picture attached with the blog post. Remember to use this to help you for other activities throughout the week.Remember when we are learning our spelling we are breaking the word down into its sounds. Not the number of letters. For example, church has 6 letters but only 4 sounds, ch-u-r-ch.That is our Literacy lesson finished for today.What a busy morning! Time to refresh our brains and bodies.When you’re ready and finished your lunch move onto the next row.Chinese New YearThis week we have a grid made by Mrs Machowiak to coincide with Chinese New Year. A big thank you to her!You should complete at least 1 of these activities. You are very welcome to complete more, or keep it and do some throughout the week if you have some spare time.?“Home! Time!I hope you have enjoyed your learning today.If you can, please share what you have done via the blog or e-mail. ................

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