GLY/MFC 137: The Dinosaurs

GLY/MFC 137: The Dinosaurs Name ________________________

Spring 2002

Homework # 9 –

1. Fossilized skin impressions are known for

a. ornithopods b. theropods c. ceratopsians d. all of the above e. none of above

2. Typically, what type of fossil is a skin impression ? _____________________________

3. The posture and overall body shape of a dinosaur is determined by analyzing its

a. skull b. soft tissue c. neurology d. muscle attachment points

4. The more weight a limb bone bares, the larger its

a. length b. cross-sectional area c. condyles d. trabeculae

5. The most common way to estimate dinosaur weights is from

a. footprints b. skeletal proportions c. scale models d. none the above

6. Stegosaurus probably weighed __________ tons.

7. If an animal stops growing after it reaches adulthood, this is called

a. determinate growth b. indeterminate growth

c. racial senescence d. ontogenetic trajectory

8. Dinosaur growth rates and longevity depended on their

a. geological ages b. environments c. metabolisms d. clutch sizes

9. Numerous, sharp, serrated bladelike teeth were characteristic of ____________ dinosaurs.

a. plant-eating b. giant c. clam-eating d. meat-eating

10. List at least three dinosaur defensive strategies that we have evidence of in the fossil record.

11. Other than some __________, there is no compelling evidence for aquatic behavior in dinosaurs.

a. hadrosaurids b. sauropods c. theropods d. stegosaurs

12. List at least three pieces of fossil evidece for group behavior among dinosaurs


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