Mr. borombozin

Study Guide for Theme 3 Test : International Relations in an Age of Extremism, 1919-1939 Complete this study guide to help you prepare for the test. Use Chapter 3 (Pg. 69-97) from the Cambridge book, Chapters 31.3, 31.4 and 32.1 of the big, blue Textbook, and your notes to assist you. Blue Book Chapter 31.31. Who were the three fascist dictators we studied in this unit? 2. Define Nazism:3. What is the title of Hitler’s book in both English and German?4. Why did millions of Germans turn against the leaders of the Weimar Republic?5. What caused Germans to start taking Adolf Hitler’s message seriously?6. Which Eastern European country was the only one to maintain a democracy (until it was unfairly invaded by Hitler!)?7. What is lebensraum and how would Hitler accomplish this goal?8. Which “ism” wants a ‘classless’ society (everyone should be “equal”)? Fear of this “ism” also contributed to the appeal of fascism in Italy and Germany.9. Describe the characteristics of fascism:10. What is a “one-party” system?Blue Book Chapter 31.411. What is the name of the empire that Hitler hoped to build to make Germany great again (for a third time )?12. What was the Munich Conference about, and what policy did it show the weakness of?13. Define the policy of appeasement:14. Which 3 nations did the League of Nations appease as they invaded other nations?15. Which aggressive nation invaded Manchuria?16. What was the non-aggression pact about and what happened as a result?17. Which nations made up the Axis Powers?18. What is it called when a nation such as the United States believes that political ties to other countries should be avoided?Blue Book Chapter 32.119. Why did Britain declare war on Germany in 1939 and what was the result?20. Define blitzkrieg:21. What did the Battle of Britain teach Hitler, as well as the allies?Cambridge book Chapter 3 (Mussolini, Spanish Civil War and Hitler) pgs. 69-9722. List the characteristics of a “cult of leadership”:23. When he created the world’s first fascist nation, his main goal was to make is country ‘great, respected and feared.’ The name of this fascist leader was:24. Why did Mussolini invade Ethiopia?25. What was the reason that the League of Nations had such a weak response to Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia?26. What did Mussolini mean by the ‘Rome-Berlin’ axis?27. Define anarchists:28. What did the monarchists in Spain want?29. What were the reasons that foreign countries got involved in the Spanish Civil War?Germany – Italy – USSR – 30. Who did Hitler refer to as the ‘November Criminals’ and why?31. What event, inspired by Mussolini’s march on Rome, was unsuccessful and landed Hitler in jail, rather than starting his revolution?32. Why did France, Britain and Italy form the Stresa Front?33. When Hitler took over the rest of Czechoslovakia, it showed the failure of the appeasement policy. How did Britain respond at home (think militarily)?34. Define conscription:35. Why were German Generals concerned about Hitler’s foreign policies after 1939?36. List several reasons why Hitler and Stalin signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact despite their dislike for each other: ................

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