Tareas | Escuela de Educación Personalizada

|[pic] |LISTA SEMANAL DE TAREAS |Week: September 4th to September 8th. |



HOMEWORK 2nd grade “A”


|Tuesday |Year goals |

|September 5th | |

| |You will make a wheel map (look at the picture below) with your goals for the school year, take the time to think on what you did last|

| |year that you wish to change or be better at this year. Write 30 words for each topic, be creative, add colors. Do your homework on a |

| |white sheet and place it in the English mailbox. |

| |Write on the following topics: |

| |English class goals. |

| |Attitude goals. |

| |Goals with my friends. |

| |Personal goals. |

| |Family goals. |

| |Any other subject or area you would like to write about. |

| | |

|Thursday |Story time |

|September 7th | |

| |You will write a funny 100 word story with the following words included: Donald Trump, captain America, Christmas, money, pet, |

| |basketball and Barbie, the words don`t have to be in order these words must be in red when you write your story. You must follow a |

| |sequence in your story (first, then, next, after that, finally), add a drawing to your story, write it on a white sheet and put it in |

| |the English mailbox. |

| | |


|Tuesday September 5th|Reading in English! |

| |You will use the following questions as a guide to record yourself talking about your Reading in English experience. You will talk for a |

|Speaking |minimum of 2 minutes. You can share your recording on ONEDRIVE using your hotmail or you can bring it on a USB. Here´s my E-mail: |

| |cjinzungon1969@ |

| |Remember: You will only talk, you won´t answer any of the questions!. |

| | |

| |You can talk about: |

| |-How old were you when you learnt to read in English? Who taught you? |

| |-How important to you is reading in English? Why? What do you enjoy about it? |

| |-How often do you read in English and where? |

| |-What are you reading in English at the moment? |

| |- What sort of things do you like to read in English ( novels, newspaper, articles, magazines? |

| |-Has there been a book in English that has had a big impact on you? Why? |

| |-What are the benefits of reading in general? |

| |-Do you read enough? |

| |-Do you think children will read books more or less in the future? Why? |

| |-Do you think books will disappear as computers become more popular? Why? |

| |-Have you ever bought a book as a present for someone? Was it easy or difficult to choose a book for someone? Why? |

|Thursday September 7th|Pomodoro Technique |

|Listening |You will send to my email: cjinzungon1969@ a word document with ONLY the answers of the following exercises. Please include your |

| |name, date, title of the homework, your group and your teacher´s name. You will write the title of the homework on the subject and don’t |

| |forget to double check the email address before you send it. |


| |Before watching the video you will match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a-h next to numbers 1-8. |

| | |

| |______to go off |

| |______a timer |

| |______productivity |

| |______”to-do” list |

| |______sensible |

| |______an A-grade student |

| |______to waste time |

| |______to deserve |

| | |

| |a device that makes a sound or shows you when a certain amount of time has passed. |

| |a student who gets the best marks in school. |

| |having good judgment or common sense. |

| |how much is being done or achieved. |

| |a list of things you need to do. |

| |to start making a noise ( as an alarm or signal) |

| |to earn or merit something because of what you have done. |

| |to spend time doing something useless. |

| | |


| |Now, you will watch the following video to do the next exercises. |

| |

| |20B1%20-%20Organising%20your%20time.mp3 |

| |Write true or false for these sentences. |

| |The Pomodoro Technique was invented in the 1980s. |

| |Students and workers can use the technique. |

| |The technique is a bit complicated to use. |

| |You need to break down your tasks into smaller sections. |

| |Each break is called a “pomodoro” |

| |Peter uses an app on his mobile to time himself. |

| |After four or five short breaks you can have a longer break. |

| |Peter takes less time to do his homework these days. |

| | |


| |Complete the sentences with a word from the box. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |The Pomodoro Technique is designed to help people work effectively and avoid wasting |

| |1._________________. It helps you to get the maximum 2.______________________ |

| |in the time you have. First you have to break down each 3. ______________________ |

| |into steps. Then you use a 4. _____________________to organize your time into intensive work and 5. _____________________. You write a list of|

| |the things you need to do, set the timer to twenty-five minutes and start working on the first 6. ___________ |

| |on your list. When the timer goes off you stop work for 7. ________________________ |

| |minutes. Then you repeat these steps four or five times, ticking off items on your 8.____ |

| |______________as you finish them. After a few short breaks you can take a longer break. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |[pic] |

Second A- Miss. Lulu

| |Photo Caption |

| |Choose one of the pictures below to write a short 70 – 80 word paragraph were you are describing what is happening in the picture |

|Tuesday September 5th |and how that image makes you feel. The images were taken after the hurricane that just hit Texas. |

| |[pic] [pic] |

|Email your homework. |[pic] [pic] |

| |Write the paragraph and copy the image on to a word document and make sure to send it to my e-mail. misslulu0506@ |

| |include your name and group as the subject line of your e-mail |

| |Remember to include all the information required when turning anything in to the teacher. (Name, Date, Group, English List #, |

| |teacher and title). |

|Thursday September 7th |Are zoos a good thing? |

| |Reread the article that we read in class last week about zoos. Think about the following points and if needed take personal notes. |

|Email your homework. |The emotional stress it causes animals. |

| |The opportunity to teach people about different animals. |

| |The fact that they protect endangered animals. |

| |The allegation that zoos are selling animals and not returning them back into the wild. |

| |After you have thought about these points make a one to two minute video of yourself giving your opinion about zoos. |

| |Email your video to misslulu0506@ using remember to use your name and group as the subject line|

| |of your e-mail. |

| |Make sure you mention whether you feel they are good or not and why. |



list / breaks / productivity / five / item / timer / task / time


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