God Activity

Name__________________________________________ Period________ Class ID#______

Unit V: Classical Greece


HW1- God/Goddess Activity

HW2- Greece Vocab

HW3- Greece Review Questions

Homework 1

God/ Goddess Activity

Option 1

Directions: Imagine yourself as a god or goddess. Oh, sorry, I forgot that you already are! Anyway, create a picture of yourself as a Greek god or goddess. You may draw yourself, cut out magazine clippings or use the computer to create yourself as a god or goddess. Think about what you are the god or goddess of (for example, Athena is the goddess of wisdom). On the bottom of your picture, write at least 2 sentences stating what you are the god or goddess of, including what your powers are, and why you chose to make yourself the god or goddess of that.

Option 2

Directions: Imagine that a Greek god or goddess is a modern day person. Draw, use magazine clippings or use the computer to create your Greek god or goddess as a modern day person. Think about what they are the god or goddess of and use that to show what they would be like as a person today. On the back are a list of Greek gods and goddesses. You are not limited to these, they are just suggestions. You may also use any other characters from Greek mythology that may be mortals, titans, nymphs, cyclops or creatures (for example, Achilles, Paris, Hector, Odysseus, Cronos, Atlas, Daphne). Look online for lists of Greek mythological characters if you want to find someone different to do. On the bottom of your picture, write at least 2 sentences stating what Greek being you chose with a brief description of them then and now.

Major Olympian Deities (Gods and Goddesses)

|Greek name (transliteration)|English name |Description |

|Aφροδίτη (Aphroditē) |Aphrodite |Goddess of beauty and love. |

|Απόλλων (Apollōn) |Apollo |God of the light, music, healing, prophecy, the sun, and poetry. |

|Ἀρης (Arēs) |Ares |God of war, primarily violent war and bloodshed. |

|Άρτεμις (Artemis) |Artemis |Goddess of the hunt and the moon. |

|Ἀθηνά (Athēna) |Athena |Goddess of wisdom, strategy, and war. |

|Δήμητρα (Dēmētra) |Demeter |Goddess of agriculture. |

|Ἡαδης (Hades) |Hades |God of the Dead and lord of the Underworld. Brother of Poseidon and Zeus |

|Ἡφαιστος (Hēphaistos) |Hephaestus |God of fire and the forge. |

|Ἡρα (Hēra) |Hera |Goddess of marriage, family, motherhood and childbirth. Zeus' jealous wife. |

|Ἡρμής (Hērmēs) |Hermes |God of travel, thieves, and commerce. Messenger of the gods. |

|Ἑστία (Hestia) |Hestia |Goddess of the hearth and domestic life. Eventually replaced by Dionysus. |

|Ποσειδων (Poseidōn) |Poseidon |God of the sea. Brother of Hades and Zeus and father of Polyphemus |

|Ζεύς (Zeus) |Zeus |King of the gods. God of air, thunder and lightning. Brother of Poseidon and Hades. Destroyed his |

| | |father who was a titan. Loves women and cheats on Hera very much in mythology. |

You can also go online to the following websites to find other mythological creatures you may wish to use for this assignment.

Name: ___________________________ Homework 2: Odyssey Questions

1. Who is the main character of the Odyssey?

2. Why were suitors (men who wanted to marry) at Odysseus’ mansion?

3. Who is Telemachus?

4. How did Odysseus and his men escape the Cyclops?

5. What did the enchantress Circe turn Odysseus’ men into?

6. How did Odysseus and his men survive the Sirens?

7. What does Odysseus disguise himself as while in Ithaca?

8. How does Penelope test the suitor at the end of the story? (What must they do?)

9. Who actually wins the contest for Penelope?

Name:__________________________________ Period:_____ Class ID: __________ Homework 3: Greece Review Sheet

Directions: Using your notes, vocabulary sheet, homework, textbook and Do Nows (IN THAT ORDER!), complete the following using as much important information as you can!


1. Alexander the Great

2. Philip II

3. Homer

4. Pericles

5. Hellenism

6. Idealism

7. Realism

Answer the Question

8. List two ways Greece’s geography affected its development.

9. What were the causes of the Trojan War (the historical reason and the mythological reason)?

10. What was the result of the Trojan War? (In other words, who won and how?)

11. Summarize and describe life in Sparta. (What was the government like? How did Spartan males live? What were the expectations for Spartan females? How did Spartans view education?)

12. Summarize and describe life in Athens. (How were boys raised? How were girls raised? What was important to them?)

13. Describe the government of Athens. (Think about how it encouraged more freedom but why it was considered to be limited too!)

14. List two ways Athens and Sparta are similar and two ways Athens and Sparta are different.

Similarities Differences

15. What cultural ties united the Greek world? (What did all Greeks have in common?)

16. Describe the religious beliefs of the Greeks.

17. Describe the Persian War. (What were the causes? Who was involved? What were the effects?)

18. Describe the Peloponnesian War. What was the result? (What were the causes? Who was involved? What were the effects?)

19. What affects did Alexander the Great’s empire have?

20. List three Greek philosophers (in order of who taught whom).

21. List three Hellenistic thinkers (mathematicians, scientists, etc.) and what ideas they are remembered for.

22. What is an archipelago? Provide two examples.

Review from Chapter 1-4

23. What do ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China have in common?

24. What is a natural barrier? Provide two examples.

25. Why was China isolated before the Silk Road was established? What was the effect?

26. Why was Mesopotamia considered a “crossroads”?

27. What is culture?

28. What was the Neolithic Revolution?

29. What is the difference between cultural diffusion and cultural diversity?

30. List three beliefs of Hinduism.


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