Changes Made in SOPs in Dec
Overview of Changes Made in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in January 2008
by Child Nutrition & Wellness, Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE)
|SOP Number and Name |Changes Made Due to Introduction of 2005 | |Clarification, Grammar and Formatting Changes |
| |Kansas Food Code |Information Deleted, Replaced or Added | |
|All | |Date in footer changed from 2005 to 2008 |SOP put in parenthesis in header on first page of each SOP and |
| | | |moved from end to beginning of line in header on second page |
| | | |Removed period from end of purpose statements |
| | | |Made section headings all caps in every SOP |
|1 - |Changed “warm” water and 110oF water to water|Broadened scope from “food service employees who prepare and serve food” to |Re-ordered instructions on use of hand dryers and paper towels |
|Washing Hands |that is “at least 100oF” for handwashing |“food service employees and all other individuals who handle food and |so that all instructions on paper towels were grouped together |
| | |equipment in the cafeteria, kitchen and/or dishroom” |Replaced instruction to follow FDA recommendations on use of |
| | |Rewrote list of when to wash hands to match Kansas Food Code and list in SOP |hand sanitizers to an instruction to follow the Kansas Food Code|
| | |#2 and to be more concise |recommendations (which are the same but the reference is closer |
| | |Made rinsing a separate step and instructed hands to be rinsed until soap is |to home) |
| | |removed (rather than simply 5-10 seconds) |Added “or other appropriate log” as an option in Verification |
| | |Added an option to ask local health inspector whether or not specific hand |and Record Keeping section. |
| | |sanitizers are approved | |
| | |Added note to corrective action section to discard any contaminated food and | |
| | |to note it on the Damaged or Discarded Product Log or other appropriate log | |
|2 – Using Suitable | |Inserted instruction to train employees to handle ready-to-eat foods safely as|Moved instruction to wash hands from first to last and referred |
|Utensils When Handling| |specified in this SOP (as instruction #1) |to Washing Hands SOP. |
|RTE Foods | |Added definition of “ready-to-eat” |Rearranged list of when to wash hands and change gloves to match|
| | | |Kansas Food Code and list in SOP #1 |
|3 – Personal Hygiene | |Changed scope from “food service employees” to “everyone responsible for |Changed “Do not wear artificial fingernails and fingernail |
| | |handling, preparing or serving food.” |polish” to “or” |
| | |Changed train “food service employees on the employee health policy and on |Changed use of tobacco products from “outside of school premises|
| | |practicing good personal hygiene” to “train those responsible for handling, |as determined by school policies” to “away from the kitchen and |
| | |preparing and serving food to follow good personal hygiene practices as |follow school or district policies” |
| | |described in this SOP” |Added “or other appropriate log” as an option in Verification |
| | |Replaced the instruction to, “Follow the employee health policy” with an |and Record Keeping section. |
| | |instruction to, “Report to work in good health” and a very specific list of |Removed instruction to “Follow local public health requirements |
| | |when not to report to work. |for personal hygiene.” |
| | |Added reference to the Washing Hands SOP | |
| | |Added note that watches, medical alert and religious bracelets may not be worn| |
| | |in production areas but may be worn in serving and dishwashing areas | |
|4 – Storing and Using | |Added note that all employees should know where MSDS are and how to use them |Combined instructions on sanitizers and other chemicals into one|
|Poisonous or Toxic | |Added list of examples of poisonous or toxic chemicals |(both said to follow manufacturer’s instructions) |
|Chemicals | |Added note about working containers |Added “or other appropriate log” as an option in the |
| | |Added option to ask local health inspector about hand sanitizers |Verification and Record Keeping section |
|5 – Using and | |Added those who “reheat” to scope |Reordered instructions |
|Calibrating Food | |Added instructions to label thermometers if they are not easy to identify |Clarified instructions for using bimetallic stemmed thermometers|
|Thermometers | |Added instructions for using additional types of thermometers (infrared, |Made the wording of the ice-point calibration method match the |
| | |t-sticks, hanging and sitting) and reworded bullets so that they all started |wording of the boiling-point method |
| | |with thermometer type | |
| | |Added note to instructions that thermometers must be calibrated at least once | |
| | |every 2 weeks | |
| | |Added specific instructions on how to use stem thermometers | |
| | |Changed some instructions to bold to indicate they are required | |
|6 – Preventing | |Removed “visible soil” from instruction on cleaning cans and jars and added |Changed meat to beef in two different instructions |
|Cross-Contamination | |instruction to use clean and sanitized can openers |Reordered instructions so that all instructions related to |
|During Storage and | |Added instruction about not combining two or more batches of potentially |storage were grouped together |
|Preparation | |hazardous foods |Reworded instruction on cooling food to explain the reason for |
| | |Added holding and service as places/times raw animal foods must be separated |putting this food on the top shelf and eliminate instruction on |
| | |from ready-to-eat foods and indicated this instruction is required |how to cool food |
| | |Added instructions on storing ready-to-eat foods |Reworded and reformatted instructions on storage requirements to|
| | |Changed some instructions to bold to indicate they are required |clarify |
| | |In corrective action section, removed possible sources of contamination |Added “or other appropriate log” as an option in the |
| | | |Verification and Record Keeping section |
|7 – Cleaning and |Changed two references to the 1999 Kansas |Added instruction to “use a clean, dry cloth to remove any visible debris” |Clarified that a cloth should be used when rinsing with water |
|Sanitizing Food |Food Code to the 2005 Kansas Food Code. |Added instruction to “start with a dry cloth or one stored in a sanitizing |Reordered instructions |
|Contact Surfaces | |solution” when cleaning a surface with soapy water because the Kansas Food |Changed meat to beef |
| | |Code does not allow cloths to be stored in soapy water |Deleted repeated equipment in two instructions |
| | |Added a reference to the Using and Calibrating Food Thermometers SOP |Put examples of food contact surfaces in parentheses |
| | |Removed “for utensils, cutting boards and removable parts of equipment” |Under corrective action, separated discarding of food into a |
| | |because the instructions on how to set up a 3-compartment sink and dishmachine|separate step |
| | |are applicable regardless of the items washed (e.g. trays, pots and pans, | |
| | |etc.) | |
|8 – Receiving | |Changed scope from “all employees who handle, prepare, or serve food” to |Added “if known” in reference to knowing delivery driver’s name |
|Deliveries | |those who are “responsible for receiving food” |Added a note that unsafe food should never be accepted |
| | |Added instruction to “instruct delivery drivers on proper procedures if |Reordered instructions |
| | |deliveries are made when food service employees are not present” |Clarified information in corrective action section on accepting |
| | |Replaced “determine whether foods will be marked with delivery date or use-by |and refusing cans |
| | |date” with specific instructions to mark perishable food with either to ensure| |
| | |FIFO and very specific instructions on what and how to mark with the use-by | |
| | |date | |
| | |Added an instruction for a food service employee to check in deliveries (for | |
| | |quantity and quality) as soon as possible if deliveries are made when they are| |
| | |not present | |
| | |Changed “refrigerated foods “must” to “should” be delivered on refrigerated | |
| | |trucks and added instructions for receiving and handling refrigerated foods | |
| | |that are not delivered on refrigerated trucks. | |
| | |Added an instruction to “record any concerns” after checking the internal | |
| | |temperature of refrigerated delivery trucks. | |
| | |Replaced instruction to contact the vendor “if the driver’s name is | |
| | |different…” with “if anything is suspicious” | |
| | | | |
| | |Added specific instructions on checking frozen foods | |
| | |Added additional instructions for checking refrigerated foods | |
| | |Added information to instruction section on accepting and refusing cans | |
| | |Changed some instructions to bold to indicate they are required | |
|9 – Handling a Food | |Broadened scope to include food service directors, supervisors and managers |Clarified how to account for total amount of recalled product |
|Recalls | |Added instruction to know who has been designated to receive recall notices |Replaced “local health department and state agency” with “Kansas|
| | |from KSDE |State Department of Health and Environment” and “Kansas State |
| | |Added note that recall notices can be viewed on kn-eat |Department of Education” |
| | |Added bulleted list of things to look for on recall notices | |
| | |Added instruction to determine whether or not the product being recalled was | |
| | |purchased, discard the notice if not and continue with steps if so | |
| | |Added instruction to give product code to kitchens | |
| | |Added instruction to return or report the recalled product (as instructed in | |
| | |recall notice) | |
| | |Added instructions on what to do if product has already been served | |
| | |Added instructions on what to do if foodborne illness is suspected to be | |
| | |linked to recalled product | |
|10 – Washing Fresh | |Added instruction not to touch ready-to-eat foods with bare hands and added |Added reference to Washing Hands SOP |
|Fruits and Vegetables | |reference to SOP #2 |Added reference to Cleaning and Sanitizing Food Contact Surfaces|
| | |Indicated that washing fresh produce is required (by Kansas Food Code) |SOP |
| | |Specified that bleach should never be used to wash fresh produce (per KDHE) |Clarified that “washing” means “rinsing thoroughly with water” |
| | |Added instruction to wash fresh produce as close to service or prep time as |Condensed instructions on cleaning fresh produce |
| | |possible |Explained that labeling ensures FIFO |
| | |Added cut tomatoes and Time As a Control as an option to bullet on cut melon |Added references to Date Marking and Time As a Control SOPs to |
| | |Added cut tomatoes and raw seed sprouts to corrective action paragraph |bullet on raw seed sprouts |
| | | | |
|11 – Controlling Time | | |Added reference to Cleaning and Sanitizing Food Contact Surfaces|
|and Temp During | | |SOP |
|Preparation | | |Clarified the reason why batch prep is preferred |
| | | |Changed production log to production records |
|12 – Cooking |Changed temp for ready-to-eat commercially |Removed employees who serve from the scope and first instruction |Added reference to Using and Calibrating Food Thermometers SOP |
|Potentially Hazardous |sealed and processed foods from 140 to 135oF |Separated use of thermometers into a separate instruction and added a |Listed foods and then temperatures (rather than temperatures and|
|Foods | |reference to SOP #5 |then foods) |
| | |Added instructions on washing hands and using clean equipment with references |Changed “Commercially pre-cooked ready-to-eat meat” to |
| | |to SOP #1 and SOP #7 |“Ready-to-eat Commercially sealed and processed (e.g. pre-cooked|
| | |Added an instruction to record final cooking temps on a log |deli meats, baked beans, etc.)” |
|13 – Holding Hot and |Changed 1999 to 2005 Kansas Food Code and |Added instruction to use thermometers and added reference to SOP #1 |Explained why steamtables and hot boxes should be preheated |
|Cold Potentially |changed 140oF to 135oF in 8 places |Added instructions to take and record temps |Reordered cooling methods to explain that dividing into smaller |
|Hazardous Foods | |Added note about Time As a Control being an exception to this rule and added |portions can be used along with other methods |
| | |reference to SOP #14 |Added a note that adding ice as an ingredient may impact the |
| | |Changed some instructions to bold to indicate they are required |recipe yield |
| | |Added details on what and when to record temps to Verification and Record | |
| | |Keeping section | |
|14 – Using Time As a |Added the need to get a variance from KDHE |Completely rewrote instructions |After instruction to discard food after 4 hours added “or at end|
|Control to Limit |and specified that KSDE has provided a sample|Added an instruction to train food service employees how to use thermometers |of serving period, whichever comes first” (per KDHE) |
|Bacteria Growth in |letter to be used if desired |and referred to SOP #5 |Replaced instruction on how to handle two batches of food that |
|PHFs | |Made it clear that a list of foods for which time as a control will be used |have been combined with an instruction not to mix two different |
| | |must be included on the SOP (either by hand or on a separate page) |batches of potentially hazardous foods |
| | |Stated that the discard time can be identified on logs or by marking pans (in |Rearranged the order of some instructions |
| | |instruction section, monitoring section and in the verification and record | |
| | |keeping section) | |
| | |Changed almost all instructions to bold to indicate they are required | |
|15 – Date Marking |Changed 140oF to 135oF in 2 places |Provided more information on how to date mark ready-to-eat, refrigerated, |Rewrote purpose and removed reference to one type of foodborne |
|Ready-to-Eat, | |potentially hazardous foods |illness |
|Potentially Hazardous | |Provided additional examples using a variety of foods |Separated one instruction into several to clarify the difference|
|Food | | |between recommended date marking and required date marking |
| | | |Replaced local health department with “the Kansas Department of |
| | | |Health and Environment” |
|16 – Transporting Food|Changed 140oF to 135oF in 2 places |Changed some instructions to bold to indicate they are required |Added a reference to the Cleaning and Sanitizing Food Contact |
|to Remote Sites |Stated that having a variance for using Time |Added an instruction to use clean, sanitized and calibrated thermometers and |Surfaces SOP |
|(Satellite Kitchens) |As a Control is an alternative to maintaining|added a reference to SOP #5 |Replaced “local health department” with “Kansas Department of |
| |temperatures |Moved monitoring bullets to instruction section and changed monitoring note to|Health and Environment” |
| | |say that supervisory or other employee would observe and check logs | |
|17 – Serving Food |Changed 140oF to 135oF |Added instruction on using thermometers and added a reference to SOP #5 |Added ‘and trays’ to instruction on how to hold plates, cups, |
| |Added a note that having a variance for using|Replaced instruction on following local “Employee Health Policy” with |and utensils |
| |Time As a Control is an alternative to |instruction to use good personal hygiene practices and not to report to work | |
| |maintaining temperatures and added a |if ill. Added a reference to SOP #3. | |
| |reference to SOP #14 |Added instruction on handling ready-to-eat foods and added reference to that | |
| | |SOP | |
| | |Added an instruction for holding cold food | |
| | |Provided very specific instructions and options for storing in-use utensils | |
| | |(used for both potentially hazardous and non potentially hazardous foods) | |
| | |Added definition of in-use utensils | |
|18 – Preventing |Changed 140oF to 135oF |Removed instruction on following employee health policy |Added “or other appropriate log” to Verification and Record |
|Cross-Contamination at| |Added note that equipment must be capable of holding food out of temperature |Keeping section |
|Food Bars | |danger zone unless a variance has been received | |
| | |Added option of using packaging, display cases or counter space to sneeze | |
| | |guard instruction | |
| | |Added instruction not to combine different batches of potentially hazardous | |
| | |foods | |
| | |Provided very specific instructions and options for storing in-use utensils | |
| | |(used for both potentially hazardous and non potentially hazardous foods) | |
|19 – Cooling |Changed 140oF to 135oF |Changed scope to those responsible for cooling food |Reordered list of cooling methods and pointed out that ice may |
|Potentially Hazardous | |Separated use of thermometers into a separated instruction and added reference|impact recipe yield |
|Foods | |to SOP #5 |Made pre-chilling ingredients and equipment a separate |
| | |Replaced instruction that said to adjust work schedules, etc. to allow for |instruction |
| | |proper cooling with instructions on how to establish and then follow safe |Removed reference to Kansas Food Code |
| | |cooling procedures in each kitchen |Replaced “take corrective action” with detailed information on |
| | |Added space to insert the procedures used for each type of food in each |steps to take |
| | |kitchen |Added “or other appropriate log” as an alternative |
| | |Separated the combined cooling method into two clear and different options | |
| | |(the two-stage and one-stage) | |
| | |In monitoring section, after “check temps every hour...” added “only when | |
| | |establishing the initial SOPs” | |
|20 – Reheating |Changed 140oF to 135oF |Changed some instructions to bold to indicate they are required |Reworded list of foods that must be reheated to 165oF and added |
|Potentially Hazardous | |Separated use of thermometers into a separated instruction and added reference|baked beans as an example |
|Food | |to SOP #5 |Reordered and reworded the section on reheating in microwaves |
| | |Made bullet on heating processed, ready-to-eat foods from packages or cans a |Added “or other appropriate log” as an option in Verification |
| | |separate instruction |and Record Keeping section |
| | |Removed reference to Kansas Food Code | |
| | |Added instructions to record temps of reheated foods | |
| | |Added Time As a Control as an option and referenced SOP #14 | |
|21 – Procedures for |Changed 140oF to 135oF |Added the option of using a log only (instead of marking every container) to |Removed “Public Health” from title and first instruction |
|Pre-plated Meals |Added the need to request a variance for |indicate discard time | |
|Transported to |using Time As a Control from the Kansas Dept.|Added reference to SOP #14 | |
|Alternate Serving |of Health and Environment | | |
|Locations Using Time | | | |
|Alone As a Control | | | |
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