Ministry of health of Ukraine


National University of Pharmacy

Department of pharmaceutical technology of drugs

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ІІ INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL Distance CONFERENCE «Modern aspects of extemporaneous allopathic, homeopathic and cosmetic medicines creation»


Уважаемые коллеги!

Department of pharmaceutical technology of drugs of National University of Pharmacy of Ministry of Health of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine invites You to participate in the II International Scientific and Practical Distance Conference “Modern aspects of extemporaneous allopathic, homeopathic and cosmetic medicines creation”, that will take place in March 1-2, 2018.

The conference is included in the Register of conventions, congresses, symposiums and scientific-practical conferences for the year 2018. (Certificate № 596 of Ukrainian institute of scientific-technical and economical expertise of October 11, 2017).


• Legislative rationing of preparation and quality control of extemporal medicines;

• Prospective biologically active and modern excipients;

• Biopharmaceutical aspects of extemporal medicines creation;

• Improvement of composition and technology of allopathic and homeopathic medicines;

• Validation of technological process of extemporal medicines preparation;

• The role of educational disciplines "Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs", "Biopharmaceutics" and "Technology of homeopathic medicines" in preparing students by the educational programme "Pharmacy";

• Hospital pharmacy.


Scientists, master students, postgraduate students, post-doctoral students, employees of pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmaceutical companies, teachers of higher pharmaceutical and medical educational institutions.


Distance, extramural


Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Publication of the conference materials

Conference materials will be published in issue IV Collection of scientific works “Modern achievements of pharmaceutical technology and biotechnology” (National University of Pharmacy, Department of Industrial Pharmacy, Department of Biotechnology, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs).

There are accepted the works for publication, which are devoted to the following topics:

• Development, preparation, realization and prospects of creating medicines;

• Standardization of drugs, pharmaceutical, chemical and technological analysis;

• The study of plant raw material and the creation of herbal medicines; modern technology and extemporaneous compounding of medicines; clinical trials of new drugs;

• Organisation and economics in pharmacy, marketing management and pharmacoeconomics at the stages of creation, sale and use of medicines

• Pharmaceutical and medical biotechnology, promising biologically active substances;

• Food Biotechnology, environmental technologies;

• Biotechnology in plant cultivation, stockbreeding and veterinary medicine;

• Modern biotechnology for national economy;

• Theory and practice of training students of directions "Technology of Pharmaceutical medicines" and "Biotechnology and Bioengineering»


• Font ( Times New Roman, font size ( 14 pt, margins 2 cm on all sides, line spacing ( single, spacing before and after paragraph – 0 pt (absent), main line spacing – 1,25 cm (use ruler settings, not spaces), volume, including tables, figures and references ( 3-5 (not more) pages;

• in the headline give: the first line – UDC, the second line – name of the article (bold capitals), the third line – names and initials of authors, separated with comas (bold italics), the fourth line – complete name of authors’ affiliation (bold);

• with one line space type the text of the abstract;

• an article must contain the following sections: introduction with statement of relevance and aim of the study, research methods, main results exposition, opinion or conclusions, references list;

• an article might contain black and white tables and graphs, created using Microsoft Word tools and must be editable; text must contain references to graphic material (see Fig. 1, see graph 2 etc.). The number of figures and/or tables in an article should not be more than 2. Figures data should not repeat tables’ materials. Tables must contain generalized and statistically processed research materials, have number and title. In tables all columns must be titled, numbers and units must be according to text, words abbreviations are not allowed. In the article words abbreviation is only allowed with primary indication of complete name or according Standards Committee approved list. Units of measurement are given according the International units system SI;

• after the main text of the article should be given numbered references list (not more than 5 sources) as complete bibliographical description of works in alphabetical order (first Cyrillic, then Latin alphabets). Reference links in text are given as reference number in square brackets (footnotes in the end of the page are not allowed);

• Article formalization sample is given below.

• Materials, drawn to the requirements, please send to the following e-mails: atl@nuph.edu.ua; michailvladimirovich87@ before February 10, 2018:

Articles must be presented in electronic version, saved in *.doc format. One file must contain one article.

• Name of the file must correspond the first author (e.g. Ivanov I.M.doc). If more than one article of an author is submitted, the files are numbered with Arabic numbers (Ivanov I.M.1.doc).

Formalization sample:



Ivanov I.M., Sidorov V.P.

National university of pharmacy, Kharkov, Ukraine

Introduction. Text, text, text, text, text, text, text

The aim of the study. Text, text, text, text, text, text, text

Methods of research. Text, text, text, text, text, text, text

Main results. Text, text, text, text, text, text, text

Conclusions. Text, text, text, text, text, text, text



2. and so on.

Terms of participation


Materials (articles and registration card of the participant (Appendix 1) send to the address atl@nuph.edu.ua; michailvladimirovich87@ before February 10, 2018.

PLEASE NOTE: Your address will be sent with a notification of receipt of materials and their acceptance for publication. If within three days you have not received such a message - please, duplicate the letter.

The materials of the conference and the certificate of the participant will be placed in the electronic collection on the following websites:

nuph.edu.ua, atl.nuph.edu.ua


National University of Pharmacy,

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs,

(4, Valentinovskaya (Blukhera) str., Kharkov, 61168).


Responsible secretary from department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs, PhD., assistant Marchenko Michael Volodimirovich (0572) 67-91-84, (095-814-18-98).

E-mail: atl@nuph.edu.ua; michailvladimirovich87@

With exceptional care and amiability,

The organizing committee of the conference:

Kotvtskaya A.A. – rector of the National University of pharmacy, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor, Honoured personality of science and technics of Ukraine, chairman of the organizing committee.

Chernykh V. P. – Homoured rector of the National university of pharmacy, academician of NAS of Ukraine, winner of the State award of Ukraine in the field of science and technics, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, doctor of chemical sciences, professor, Honoured personality of science and technics of Ukraine, Honoured inventor of Ukraine, Honourable citizen of Kharkov, co-chairmen of the organizing committee.

Krutskikh T.V. – provost on scientific work of NUPh, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor, member of the organizing committee.

Polovko N.P.– doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor, head of chemist’s technology of drugs department of NUPh, vice-head of the organizing committee.

Vyshnevska L.I. – doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor, dean of pharmaceutical faculty N. 1, vice-chairman of the organizing committee.

Appendix 1

Registration card of the participant

The filled in registration card is obligatory forwarded to the address of the Organizing Committee together with the article in electronic form by e-mail. (atl@nuph.edu.ua; michailvladimirovich87@)

|Registration card of the participant |

|Full Name | |

|(in full) (author) | |

|Place of work, department / section, position | |

|Degree, academic rank (if any) | |

|Contact phone | |

|e-mail | |

|Full name (in full) recipients of certificates (list) | |

|Name of article | |

|Form of participation (put "+") | |Article print |

| | |Report at the conference in video |

| | |communication mode |

|Title of the report | |



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