OAS - Organization of American States: Democracy for peace, …

Consultation for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Strategic Plan



The IACHR is in the process of preparing its strategic plan for the next five years, 2016-2010. It considers the participation of the member states and of the human rights organizations that use the system to be very important to this process.

Note that you may attach more extensive or supporting documents to any of the questions.

1. Evaluation of progress made in 2011-2015

The objective of this part is to receive input on the progress made in the past five years on the promotion, protection, and defense of human rights in the Americas resulting from the activities carried out in the execution of the IACHR strategic plan during the 2011-2015 period, as well as to proposals that can be used in preparing the new plan.

1.1 Do you consider the promotion and protection of human rights in the region to have made progress or backtracked in the past five years? Do you know of any legislative, judicial, or administrative decisions made in any of the States of the region during the past five years associated with the improved protection of and respect for human rights that can be considered to be an effect or result or reaction to any of the IACHR’s reports, visits, hearings, or recommendations? List at least five changes that you have seen/know of:

|Country |Date |Name of the regulations/judicial |Result of which action taken by |Progress or backtracking on|

| | |decision/public policy/law or issue |the IACHR? |which issue? |

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1.2 Do you consider the government of your country to have an improved understanding of the human rights situation? Yes, No, Why?



1.3 Which aspects of the 2011-2015 plan do you feel were unsuccessful and should be taken into account in order to improve the next plan?



1.4 Which aspects of the 2011-2015 plan do you feel were successful and should be kept in the next plan?



2. On regional problems

The objective of this part of the consultation is to get to know what the current problems are that the States, civil society, experts, and key interested players consider to be affecting the human rights situation in the region, and which the IACHR should focus on addressing in the next period.

1. Current problems in the region

What do you consider to be the current human rights problems facing the countries of the hemisphere at the present time?







2. Which problems related to the human rights situation in the region do you feel the IACHR could or should address in the next period 2016-2020 (keeping in mind its mandate)?





Justify your response:




3. On the top priority issues for the 2016-2012 period

The idea is to order or prioritize the issues that the Commission would work on in the next few years and that it will specifically include in the plan’s programs.

1. Priority issues

Yes/no Priority Priority issue

______ ____________ Promotion of the universalization of the inter-American instruments for the protection of human rights

______ ____________ Judicial independence

______ ____________ Access to justice for all

______ ____________ The fight against impunity

______ ____________ Civil and political rights. Any one in particular?__________________

______ ____________ Economic, social, and cultural rights. Issue ________________

______ ____________ Equality and the fight against discrimination

______ ____________ Human rights defenders. Issue __________________________

______ ____________ Rights of afro descendent persons. Issue_____________________________

______ ____________ Rights of indigenous peoples. Issue_____________________________

______ ____________ Rights of women. Issue________________________________________

______ ____________ Rights of children and adolescents. Issue___________________

______ ____________ Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Transsexual, bisexual, intersex persons. Issue________________________________

______ ____________ Rights of migrants. Issue___________________________

______ ____________ Rights of persons deprived of liberty. Issue______________

______ ____________ Other groups that are excluded or have historically been discriminated against. Which ones __________________________

______ ____________ Promotion of inter-American human rights standards.


______ ____________ Human rights public policies. Issue________________________________

____________ Another issue. Which one?________________________________________

2. Please explain your response.

3. Do other priority issues or matters need to be stressed in order to address the problems described in point 2.2? Which ones?

4. Strategic use of the mechanisms

What recommendations do you have for achieving a greater impact with the use of each of the mechanisms of the mandate?

Thematic hearings:__________________________________________________________________________



Thematic on merits:__________________________________________________________________________



Country Reports: ____________________________________________________________________________



Thematic Reports: __________________________________________________________________________



Annual Report: ______________________________________________________________________________



Visits: ________________________________________________________________________________________



Petitions and cases: __________________________________________________________________________



Training: _____________________________________________________________________________________



Precautionary measures: ___________________________________________________________________



Friendly Settlements: _______________________________________________________________________



5. Do you have any recommendations on specific programs or strategies that the IACHR should address in the 2016-2020 period?





6. On the consultation participant (you)

Please fill out the following information about you and on your organization:

• Basic contact information:

o Name ________________________________________________

o Contact email________________________________________

o Specialty area_______________________________________

o Organization/entity _______________________________

• Classification: Please indicate which category your organization belongs to:

o State or governmental authority:

▪ Which one? _______________________________________

▪ Topic or purpose of the agency_______________________

o Human rights organization:

▪ What is the main focus of the organization’s work?

• Civil and political rights_________________

• ESCR______________________________

• Rights of groups that have historically been discriminated against __________

• Human rights in general

• Justice and the rule of law _____________

• Socio-legal research _____________

• Other _______________________________

o Private organization:

▪ Which one? _______________________________________

▪ Target sector/industry ________________________________

o Academic: which one? __________________________________________________

If you are not an organization, what motivated you to participate in the consultation?




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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