Literal language— the dictionary meaning; meant to be ...

Literal language— the dictionary meaning; meant to be taken word for word

Figurative language--- the meanings behind the words; meant to be taken as an idea

ex: Get off my back.

literal meaning-You are on my back, hands

clasped around my neck, and I want you off.


figurative meaning- Stop bothering me.


idioms- expressions having a meaning peculiar to the words used

Below is a list of idioms. Write the meaning of each idiom on the space to the right.

|kick the bucket | |

|toss your cookies | |

|screwed up | |

|pull yourself together | |

|eyes in the back of my head | |

|get something off my chest | |

|fly off the handle | |

|tickled pink | |

|bury the hatchet | |

|blinded by love | |

|bundle of joy | |

|eye on the prize | |

|turn over a new leaf | |

|pushing up daisies | |

|in a pickle | |

|rose colored glasses | |

|let sleeping dogs lie | |

|face the music | |

|cry over spilled milk | |

|wet behind the ears | |

|apple of my eye | |

|backseat driver | |

|I have a bone to pick with you | |

|off the hook | |

|rain check | |

|head in the sand | |

|knocking on the wrong door | |

|saved by the bell | |


Mad as a Wet Hen! and Other Funny Idioms by Marvin Terban



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