Provider use of OSAP iPads: - New Mexico Prevention

COMMUNITY DATA COLLECTION PROTOCOL Turn in to PIRE for SEOW Review by January 22, 2020 Program Name: Date: Original or Resubmission: Name of program representative(s) who attended online data collection training: Please provide a general description of the geographic area & population to be affected by the interventions and therefore, surveyed. Provide any information that might influence where & how data are collected in your community (e.g., any sub-populations you will specifically try to over sample; native lands with few locations where tribal members gather regularly; native and non-native lands that will require separate data collection strategies to reach.) How many completed surveys are needed for your program? (You should aim for between 300 & 400 in most cases. If less than 300, please explain.)You must seek to repeat your previous year’s data collection to the degree possible. At the same time, we ask you to correct issues that in the previous year could have made your sample less representative of your community. What issues, if any will you address this year to correct for last year, and what areas may be difficult to collect data as you had experienced last year? (Make sure to attach last year’s data tracking log to this year’s submission!!!!)Please list all those who will be involved in the data collection/recruiting process. Start with the primary contact person for data collection (PIRE will be calling the Primary Contact Person on a regular basis to check in.) Only those 18 years or older can collect surveys. Name of Staff Person or VolunteerEmail AddressPhone #Role (e.g. supervisor, trainer, data collector, data entry, etc.)18 years old or over? Y/NWho will train those responsible for collecting surveys about the data collection protocol and approved data collection sites and approaches? When will training take place? Do you plan to provide small up-front incentives? If yes, please tell us about the small incentives (e.g., type of food, amount of money.) Remember the OSAP guidance regarding maximum allowable incentives ($1 cash or $2.50 gift card) Please see budget form and decision tree document for additional details. Will these be incentives you purchase or provide, or will you seek donation from local businesses? If you intend to seek donation, please elaborate on who, what, where, etc., you will seek donations? Do you need to advertise or promote the survey? If no, why not? If yes, what are your plans for promoting the survey? Attach copies of advertising for review. For human subjects’ protection, no advertising can be used without SEOW approval. Please explain how you intend to adequately protect respondent’s anonymity/confidentiality while taking the survey and returning the completed survey. If you prefer manila envelopes for paper surveys, please let PIRE know how many and we can bring some to the Recipient Meeting. After sealing the completed survey, respondents will then place their survey into a large box with a cover. Do you need to have data collectors that can communicate in languages other than English? What is your plan for approaching these populations? Are there sub-populations (examples: young adults age 18-25, Latinx, elders, LGBTQ) for whom you plan to collect data? Who are they and what is your plan? It likely will be your evaluator who will be conducting or heading up the data entry for the paper and pencil surveys. Does anyone need to attend data entry training? Who? Who will keep the completed surveys locked and safe for 5 years?Would you like for PIRE to provide additional assistance and/or training for your program prior to data collection? You are required to include all the core survey questions as they currently exist, but you may add additional questions at the end if you choose. If you intend to add additional question, please provide a list of those questions and responses and the introductory statement to be used. Please also select/check the sub-modules you intend to use: methamphetamine opioids community college community marijuana adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) tobacco gambling mental health You may wish to check out an iPad from Coop Consulting in order to use the Qualtrics app to collect data offline or to complete the survey online. You can also upload the survey app onto your own iOS or Android device or use your own internet connected device to complete the survey online. Finally, you may use the QR code to take people to the survey. The benefit of these approaches is that there is no need for data entry. Briefly describe your plans for using the app or online data collection. (Note that a detailed management protocol for iPad & app use is provided below.)Do you need special permission to collect data anywhere? Besides obtaining permission from private businesses, typically you need to address the IRBs of universities and Tribes. PIRE can help you with this process, so please inform us if this is your intent.How will paper surveys be stored following data collection and in preparation for data entry? Describe a secure process of transport and storage. Is there anything else the SEOW should know when reviewing this protocol? Is this a sampling approach that is familiar to your program staff, coalition and community? Are there significant changes from previous approaches that enhance your data collection approach? We have worked hard to design a protocol that is as protective as possible for the research volunteers and, consistent with Federal regulations, we have received the approval of PIRE's Institutional Review Board (IRB) for this protocol (and possibly other IRBs). We are relying on you to ensure that you adhere to this protocol. If any deviations from the IRB-approved protocol occur, we require that you notify us immediately so that we can notify our IRB (or the involved IRBs) as required by the regulations. Please assent that you have read and understand this statement. ______________.19) I have sent my budget to OSAP for approval ______________. (initial here).DATA COLLECTION ONLY CAN BEGIN AFTER PROTOCOL IS APPROVEDDATA COLLECTION DATES ARE FEBRUARY 24, 2020-APRIL 27, 2020IF USING THE NM COMMUNITY SURVEY APP TO COLLECT DATA YOU MUST COMPLETE THE PROTOCOL FOLLOWING THE TABLE ON THE NEXT PAGEDon’t forget to attach your last year’s data collection tracking form and COMPLETE the NEXT PAGE! Instructions: Using your data collection log from the previous year, choose your sites. If a new site, be sure to mention in question 3 above. ATTACH LAST YEAR’s LOG TO YOUR SUBMISSION. We acknowledge that your data collection log will not match this exactly, especially in numbers, dates, and times, but any NEW SITES MUST BE APPROVED BY PIRE. 19) List population or subpopulation targeted on separate rows(e.g., young adults age 18-25)20) List locations you propose to recruit adult community members to complete the survey. Provide any additional information that may be needed to understand the location if it is not clear how you collect data in that situation. 21) List times you propose to recruit residents (having planned time intervals will help increase the representativeness of your sample). 22) Using what you learned from your data collection log from last year, list your projected numbers for this site or event. This will help you be prepared with the appropriate number of paper surveys when you travel to your site. 23) Plan to bring an iPad with the survey app or an internet connected device? Mention which type of device. (If using an internet connected device like a laptop, be sure you have access to the internet.)24) List the dates when recruitment & data collection will take place. (Base dates upon previous years’ protocol to the extent possible). 25) List who or how many people will be on site to recruit/collect data.26) Do you need permission to collect date in the location? Who will seek that permission? What is the “back up” plan if you cannot get permission? (If you elaborate above in Q 15 please just mention “see Q 15”)27) Who will be in charge of completed surveys and devices? Goal # of English surveys collected# of Spanish surveys Internet or app users????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Don’t forget to complete the next page if collecting data using the Qualtrics app!COMMUNITY PROCEDURES FOR USE OF THE NMCS DATA COLLECTION QUALTRICS APPKeep these two pages with you while collecting data with the NMCS data collection app.Provider use of OSAP iPads: Each program checks out iPads from Coop Consulting, who manages their distribution and return on behalf of OSAP. Only trained data collectors can use OSAP iPads or the installed app on a private device. OSAP iPads can only be used for data collection purposes. Do not install any additional apps. Do not leave devices in sight in a locked or unlocked vehicle. Return devices to the prevention office as soon as feasible, preferably immediately following any data collection. When data collection is completed, you are responsible for returning the iPads to Coop Consulting in a timely manner and in good condition.If any OSAP iPad is lost or stolen, the provider must immediately inform Coop Consulting (505- 424-4365) and PIRE (Dave Currey at 505- 765- 2330 or 919-265-2622). Using the NMCS app on a private deviceIf you wish to install the NMCS app on your own device, contact PIRE so we can provide you the most up to date information. Even if using a private device, you must follow the procedures for the Qualtrics app described below. NMCS App Protocol KEEP WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES AND REVIEW PRIOR TO COLLECTING DATA USING THE APPWhen possible, always collect data while connected to the internet using a browser rather than the Qualtrics app. When connected to the internet (and using a laptop or computer or tablet that is accessing the survey via the website location), the participants’ data can be immediately submitted, and participants can opt to participate in the online incentive, which means the provider may not need to provide an incentive. This is the most secure way to collect the data. When collecting data using the app, data are stored on the tablet itself. Please note the data will need to be uploaded when you complete your data collection for the day, as soon as you are able to connect to the internet. Once the data are uploaded, they will continue to be stored on the tablet until you “log out” from the app (please see detailed instructions). We recommend logging out immediately after uploading your data. When using the tablet to collect data off-line, your program may want to provide a small upfront incentive since participants will not be eligible for the on-line drawing. When using the app to collect data: Instruct the respondent on how to navigate the survey instrument and how to close the survey at the end. Upon completion of the survey in both the online and app version, the survey participant will be sent to an ‘end’ screen and the survey will be sent to the app’s database. Explain to participants that nobody can go back into the survey once this final screen is reached, and even through you cannot go back, instruct participants to close this final screen when they are done, so they feel secure that their data will not be shared. If a participant decides to stop taking the survey before reaching the end, the surveyor should instruct the participant to simply click ‘next’ until the app reaches the ‘end’ screen. If the participant wishes to withdraw their participation altogether, the ‘close’ button will allow them to withdraw. Keep an eye on the individual using the device (at a respectful distance to maintain privacy) to deter theft. You may let them know that you will be nearby to make sure they are safe and to answer any questions they may have but will be respecting their privacy. When your data collection is completed for the day and you have wireless access to the internet, immediately upload the surveys from inside the app. You may do this at home or at the office. But do not leave the data on the tablet for long. After uploading data, you should see the number of pending responses reduce and the number of uploaded responses increase. Please note that these numbers may be different than the total number of surveys you believe have been completed/collected.From the main app screen after uploading survey responses, go to the settings icon in top right corner of screen. Select “Log Out”. If you have already uploaded all the completed surveys, ignore the warning that says that logging out will delete all responses and proceed. You want survey responses to be deleted from your device after they are uploaded. All devices using the app will be set to log out within 3 minutes of inactivity. Do not share the passwords for devices except with those trained to use them for data collection. If theft occurs, do not put yourself at risk in order to retrieve it. Report to authorities, Coop Consulting, and Dave Currey @ PIRE immediately. Use the device only in locations where you can maintain control over the interactions and environment and feel safe allowing people to use them. Do not leave devices unattended at any time. Here write your own procedures for use of the app, answering the following questions: How many IOS (Apple) or Android devices will have the app installed? ___ How many of these devices are an OSAP iPad? ___Who will be in charge of tracking the use and storage of the devices? _______Who will be trained to use the devices and who will do the training? _______How will devices be securely stored when not in use? _______Will any data be collected using the app offline? ___Based on your data collection protocol, where are the locations this likely to take place? Where will data collectors go to upload the data collected offline? For SEOW USE only: Date of review (include this text in subsequent reviews): SEOW REVIEW CHECKLISTWhen reviewing the data collection protocols submitted by local prevention providers, please consider how well the following topics are addressed.Does the provider seem to have a good understanding of the population in his/her community? Have s/he described any idiosyncrasies of their community that might influence the data collection process?Has the provider identified any subpopulations s/he wishes to focus on during data collection? What are they? Does the provider intend to over-sample young adults aged 18-25? Based upon your knowledge of the program, are there any subpopulations they should consider? Is the number of surveys the provider intends to collect realistic given their person resources? Why not?Are sufficient details provided in the table on who will be involved, the roles that each will play and where and how data will be collected so that you feel you could replicate their strategy easily? What is missing?Has the provider demonstrated adequately how s/he will protect respondents’ anonymity/ confidentiality? Please pay particular attention to this if the program is indicating they will administer the ACEs module. Do you have any suggested changes to improve privacy and anonymity of those participating, the representativeness of sample, or to increase number of targeted respondents? Are the incentives offered appropriate?Any additional comments or concerns? Do these changes require resubmission? Has the program indicated that they have read question 18 and signed it? If using the Qualtrics app to collect data, have they completed the protocol form sufficiently? If the program is using additional questions, are they sound? Is this program “good to go?” ................

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