“Dude… Where’s my iphone

“Dude… Where’s my iphone?”

SSR Project #3 (Summative 100 points)

Pretend that you have found an iphone on the ground on the way to school, and it happened to belong to the protagonist of your SSR novel. Being the busybody that you are and feeling the need to snoop and be in everybody’s business, you decide to see what this person has on their phone (luckily, your protagonist forgot to password protect their phone).

The requirements for this summative project are to “check out” your character’s phone and report your findings.

Part I: Playlist – List 6-8 songs that are found in your character’s phone complete with title and artist information. After each song, write a short response (4-6 sentences) explaining why that song is appropriate for that character. Your response must discuss the content of the song as well as text support from the novel. (30 points)

Part II: Applications – Who doesn’t love apps? Report on 5 of the apps that you have found on your protagonist’s phone (You cannot use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social networking application in this section of the project). The applications must be divided into three categories: Games (2), “Real Life”/ useful apps (2) [Google Maps, Weight Watchers, etc], and (1) informational app [ ABC news, ESPN, etc.].

For each app, you should include a short response (4-6 sentences) for each application. Your response should include a description of the app and why/how the protagonist would use the app (based upon textual evidence of course…). (30 points)

Part III: Albums

Describe 5 pictures that you have seen on your protagonist’s phone (using one quote from the text – complete with page number- in your description of the photo (3-4 sentences – includes the quote). You are in charge of either creating a live version of three of the photos, or (if you have highly developed art skills), draw three of the photos, or if you have poorly developed art skills, create a collage or cutouts from magazines or photoshop, etc. (25 points)

Part IV: Texts

List three text conversations with 5 total posts & replies per conversation. At the end of each conversation list, you should explain how the conversation applies to the novel. (15 points).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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