Korean Librarianship

Korean Studies Librarianship Outside of Korea

A Practical Guide and Manual

Edited by

Joy Kim

University of Southern California

Asian Culture Press

For the

Committee on Korean Materials

Council on East Asian Libraries

Association for Asian Studies


© CEAL Committee on Korean Materials retains copyright for all written materials that are original with this volume.

Published for the CEAL Committee on Korean Materials


Asian Culture Press

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Seoul Korea

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a Practical Guide and Manual

Table of Contents

Foreword—William B. McCloy

Preface—Kenneth Klein

Introduction—Joy Kim

Acknowledgements—Joy Kim

Chapter I. Romanization and Word Division (p. 1)

Introduction—Joy Kim

A. The McCune-Reischauer Romanization System

1. The Romanization of Korean According to the McCune-Reischauer System

2. A Step-by-Step Guide to McCune-Reischauer Romanization—Joy Kim

3. Expanded Simplified Tables—Joy Kim

4. Simple Romanization Exercises and Answers—Joy Kim

B. ALA-LC Korean Romanization and Word Division Rules—The Library of Congress

1. Intermediate Romanization/Word Division Exercises & Answers—Joy Kim and the Library of Congress

2. Advanced Romanization/Word Division Exercises & Answers— Yunah Sung and the Library of Congress

C. The Revised Romanization of Korean— Ministry of Culture & Tourism, ROK


A. Selection Tools

B. Gift and Exchange Partners

C. Vendors

D. Core Serials List

Chapter III. CATALOGING (p. 95)

Searching Tips on Bibliographic Utilities

1. OCLC—Mikyung Kang

2. RLIN—Yunah Sung

Reference Tools for Cataloging—Yunah Sung and the Library of Congress (LC)

A. Korean Elements in MARC Cataloging—Yunah Sung

B. Korean Literary Authors Name List—Taemin Park

C. Romanizing Korean Personal Names that Include Two or More Surnames—LC

LC Subject Headings with Korean Period Subdivisions—Seunghi Paek

Korean Materials from Japanese Period —Mikyung Kang

D. Korean Materials in Classical Chinese—Mikyung Kang

Chapter IV. REFERENCE: Basic Reference Tools —Kyungmi Chun (p.153)



A. Using Hangul on English Operating Systems

B. Email/Web Browsing and Authoring

Contributors (p.180)


I am honored and delighted to have the opportunity to make a few remarks at the beginning of this long-awaited guide for Korean Studies librarians of North America. In addition to having the privilege of working with the authors in the Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL), I was one of the participants in the March 2001 Workshop upon which this guide is based. As such, I know first-hand the depth of knowledge and the commitment to our profession of each and every one of the contributors to this unprecedented work. Further, having been involved personally with cataloging, acquisitions and reference for Korean materials over the last thirty years, I am well aware that the challenges of dealing with these important resources are considerable, particularly since Korean Studies librarians are few and far between. Hopefully, this guide will ease that burden somewhat. It is without doubt an important contribution to the advancement of Korean Studies in the United States and Canada.

On behalf of CEAL, I would to offer special thanks to the University of Southern California and to the East Asian Library of the University of Chicago who offered financial and logistical support for the Workshop on which this book is based. I would also like to express graditude to the Asian Culture Press for their generous offer to publish this work on our behalf, as well as special thanks to Joy Kim, Chair of the Korean Materials Committee of CEAL for her leadership and dedication in seeing this publication to completion. This is a collaborative effort representing hard work on the part of many individuals. Many, many thanks to the Korean Studies experts who have made this important contribution possible.

William B. McCloy, President

Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL)

Association for Asian Studies


If you have opened this book, chances are you have been charged with building a library collection of Korean language materials. If that were the case, it would be best if you already know Korean.

One of the most important readers for which this guide has been compiled, though, is the librarian who does not know Korean, but who has nevertheless taken on responsibility for a Korean collection. In that case, you have this going for you: Korean is easily the most approachable of the East Asian languages. This is especially true if you are starting with a background in Chinese or Japanese. You will already be familiar with such cultural conventions as naming and dating practices. There are many words that are shared by all three languages, albeit with different pronunciations. It does not take very long to learn, for example, that hancha refers to the same thing as hanzi or kanji. Korean is quite similar to Japanese grammatically, while, on the other hand, the pronunciation of Chinese loanwords in Korean is very similar to the Chinese pronunciation. It is important to realize that you are not entering this new venture without some assets on which to rely.

Still, it would be good for you to learn Korean.

Here again, though, Korean is far easier to get a start in than either Chinese or Japanese, even if you have no background at all in East Asian languages. With just a few hours of study, you should be able to learn the basics of the phonetic script, hangul, and to begin sounding out words. With the help of the romanization tables in this guide, you will be able to at least roughly convert Korean book titles to romanized form, whether or not you understand any of the words. With the use of a hancha dictionary, which is organized the same as a hanzi or kanji dictionary, you will be able to romanize those titles also. By the end of your first day, thus, you should be able to search catalogs—printed or online—and “read” booklists. Furthermore, with the use of an English/Korean dictionary (or, for that matter, Japanese/Korean or Chinese/Korean), you could identify keywords to look for in those booklists, specific to your collecting interests.

With just a little bit more time and effort, you will be able to learn the “alphabetic” order of hangul. Once you have passed this mark, you will be able to use Korean/English dictionaries and the meaning of some of those titles will be at least partially within your grasp. You will also be able to find entries in such reference tools as Korean encyclopedias and biographical dictionaries. Inevitably, your Korean vocabulary will begin to grow.

Still, it might be good to think about enrolling in a Korean class…

Ken Klein

Head, East Asian Library

University of Southern California

January 2002


Library schools in the United States have not offered formal training programs in East Asian studies librarianship since 1981, forcing most new librarians to get their training on the job. For most Chinese and Japanese librarians, this is not a major problem. Since the typical East Asian research collection in the U.S. has more than one Chinese and Japanese librarian respectively, new librarians to the field can learn from their experienced colleagues on the job. For Korean studies librarians, the situation is quite different. Compared to their Chinese and Japanese counterparts, Korean studies librarians are few in number and geographically far apart, making on-the-job training practically impossible. Few publications exist that give them the mundane, but very necessary information to perform their daily duties as Korean studies librarians. Worse, many institutions with “substantial” Korean collections (10,000 or more volumes) have no professional librarians with Korean expertise. These libraries typically depend on Korean studies faculty for selection of materials and student assistants for processing them, which is far from ideal. The need for a training program or a manual for Korean studies librarianship has long been felt; but it has become more intense in recent years with the rapid growth of Korean collections.

As an attempt to fill this gap, the Committee on Korean Materials of the Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) conducted a workshop in March 2001 at the University of Chicago with 20 participants. With a grant from the Information Services Division of the University of Southern California and logistical support from the East Asian Library of the University of Chicago, the first-ever Workshop on Korean Studies Librarianship was a big success, judging from the reviews from the participants. The materials prepared for the Workshop form the core of this book, although this volume contains much more information than was presented at the Workshop.

Reflecting the subtitle, this book aims at providing practical help to those who need to develop and service Korean studies collections in the Western world. As many of us in the field know, Korean librarianship in a non-Korean speaking environment poses a unique set of challenges and questions. This book will answer many of questions on a wide range of issues, from identifying and acquiring Korean materials to processing and delivering the information to end-users. The target readership includes not only library personnel (professional librarians and paraprofessionals who work with Korean collections on a part or full time basis), but also scholars interested in bibliographic issues for their Library’s Korean collection or for their own research. A project of the CEAL (an affiliated group of the Association for Asian Studies), the obvious academic bias in many areas of its contents was inevitable. However, public and special library personnel will also find plenty of information applicable to their practices.

A few caveats regarding this volume need to be mentioned. The McCune-Reischauer and the ALA/LC Romanization Rules have been applied consistently for romanization of Korean words, but there are some inconsistencies in the use of diacritics and citation styles because of the many people who contributed to this volume. An online version of this book is also available at the CEAL home page and will be updated periodically:


The contributors and the editors sincerely hope that readers will find this book useful, and are eager to hear comments. Please use the contact information listed in the back of the book to ask questions, make comments, or send suggestions. The editors, contributors, and sponsors would like to extend our best wishes on your endeavors for your Korean collection.

Joy Kim

Chair, Committee on Korean Materials

Council on East Asian Libraries

Association for Asian Studies

January 2002


This book is a result of two years of work by many people. I am very grateful to all the contributors who have devoted much of their energy and countless hours to prepare the materials on top of their full time jobs. As to the value and extent of their efforts, their works speak for themselves.

This book would not have been possible without the assistance of many additional people. Since their contributions are not as apparent as that of the authors, I would like to specifically acknowledge them here.

Sharon Domier, East Asian Studies Librarian at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, most graciously and cheerfully accepted my invitation to join the team as Copy Editor at a time of crisis. She not only managed copy editing all the pages of the book within short deadlines, but also helped to enhance the contents by offering new ideas. Her fresh perspective was invaluable and her excellent copy editing skills were a lifesaver.

Dr. Kenneth Klein, Head of East Asian Library at the University of Southern California, handled all the scanning job for reprints. Without warning, I dumped one scanning job after another on his lap with short deadlines. An ordinary person would have frowned to this injustice, but not my extraordinary boss. He never lost his customary calm and graciously handed me everything I needed. More importantly, I am deeply grateful for his moral support throughout the process. He always made me believe that this was a worthy project, giving me the courage and confidence I needed to bring the project to completion.

Sunyoon Lee, Korean Studies Librarian at the University of Southern California, was my technological consultant and problem solver. As long as I have her around, I had no reason to fear. She always could figure out how to solve technological problems, such as converting files from one format to another, etc. Her keen eyes and expert knowledge in word processing provided the final finishing touch on formatting.

In addition to providing materials to be included in the book, Philip Melzer, Team Leader, Korean/Chinese Cataloging Team at the Library of Congress, and the Korean Catalogers at LC carefully reviewed the manuscripts and provided valuable input. Thanks to their sharp eyes and thoughtful advice, errors were corrected and some new materials added. I am most grateful for their time and effort.

I am grateful to the Rev. Steve Shields of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch, and Mr. Beacher Wiggins of the Library of Congress for their permissions to reprint the articles. Ms Sue J. Bae, General Manager, Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch, and Mr. Kim Sejung of the National Language Institute of Korea graciously provided prompt assistance in obtaining materials and permit to reprint them.

Abraham Yu, Chair of the CEAL Committee on Technical Processing, let me use his Committee members’ work (Taemin Park’s Korean Literary Authors list and Seunghi Paek’s Korean Subject Headings with Period Subdivisions).

As mentioned in the Introduction, this book was based on the materials prepared for the Workshop on Korean Librarianship, held in March 2001 at the University of Chicago. Yuan Zhou, Head of the East Asian Library, made all logistical arrangements for the Workshop with regard to the facilities and foods. He deserves much credit for the success of the Workshop.

Dr. Jerry D. Campbell, Chief Information Officer and Dean of University Libraries, University of Southern California, underwrote the expenses of the 2001 Workshop. His moral and financial support was exemplary to all East Asian Librarians and gave me much encouragement personally. I am most grateful for his support.

Panmun Book Company, Ltd. gave two grants over the few years to support the activities of the CEAL Committee on Korean Materials, a major portion of which will be used to publish and distribute this book.

The editors and contributors are deeply grateful to Asea Munhwasa for publishing this book free of charge as a donation to the Korean studies field. We are deeply indebted to President Youngbin Lee for his generous gift and service, and wish to let him know that his donation was to a good and worthy cause and will have a lasting impact.

Joy Kim




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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