A. Name: Joellen E. Coryell

Title: Associate Professor and Director, PhD Program in Adult, Professional, and Community Education

B. Educational Background

Degree Year University Major Thesis/Dissertation

|PhD |2007 |Texas A&M University |Educational Human Resource |“Sociocultural connections, language learning|

| | | |Development; Adult Education |anxiety, and communities of practice: |

| | | | |Insights and perceptions of the adult online |

| | | | |Spanish learner” |

|M.Ed |1998 |Texas State University |Curriculum and Instruction/English as | |

| | | |a Second Language | |

|B.A. |1989 |University of Illinois |International Economics | |

C. University Experience

Position University Dates

|Assistant Dean for Educational Partnerships and | |2019 – present |

|Enrollment |Texas State University | |

| | | |

|Professor: Graduate Programs in Adult, Professional, and | |2019 - present |

|Community Education | | |

| | | |

|Director, PhD Program in Adult, Professional, and | | |

|Community Education | |2016 – 2018; |

| | |2019 |

|Associate Professor: Graduate Programs in Adult, | | |

|Professional, and Community Education | | |

| | |2014 - 2019 |

|Coordinator, M.A. in Adult Education | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |2014 - 2016 |

|Principal Faculty, Memorandum of Understanding: Research,|Between Texas State University and Università degli |2015 - present |

|Teaching, and Student Exchange |Studi di Padova, Italy | |

|Visiting Professor: Department of Philosophy, Sociology, |Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy |2019, Spring |

|Pedagogy, and Applied Psychology | |2015, Fall |

|Assistant Professor: Adult, Professional, and Community |Texas State University |2011 - 2015 |

|Education | | |

|Visiting Scholar |Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy |2019, June/ November |

| | | |

| | |2014, July |

|Visiting Scholar |The University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New |2013, May |

| |Zealand | |

|Assistant Professor and Program Co-Director: Graduate |The University of Texas at San Antonio |2007 - 2011 |

|Programs in Adult Learning and Teaching | | |

| | | |

|Chair and Principal Investigator: Internationalization | | |

|Task Force | |2009 - 2011 |

|Assistant Professor: Emergency Health Sciences |The University of Texas Health Science Center, San |2006 - 2007 |

| |Antonio | |

|Lecturer: Curriculum and Instruction |Texas State University |2004 |

|Technology Training Specialist |The University of Texas Health Science Center, San |2001 - 2003 |

| |Antonio | |

D. Relevant Professional Experience

Position Entity Dates

|Research Fellow: Adult Education |Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and |2005 - 2006 |

| |Learning | |

|English as a Second Language Specialist (3 campuses) |Schertz, Cibolo, Universal City Independent School |1998 - 2001; |

| |District |2003 - 2005 |

|Instructor: Adult and Community Education |Department of Adult and Community Education, Schertz, |1998 |

| |Cibolo, Universal City Independent School District | |

|Instructional and Technology Consultant |Department of Adult and Community Education, Schertz, |1998 |

| |Cibolo, Universal City Independent School District | |

|Adult Education Instructor/Curriculum Developer |Texas Careers, Dept. of Business Technologies |1996 - 1997 |

|Account Coordinator: Sales Management and Training |Estée Lauder, Inc. |1995 - 1996 |

|Account Executive: Sales Management and Training |Halston-Borghese, Inc |1992 - 1996 |

|Manager |Texas 21 Restaurants |1990 - 1992 |

E. Other Professional Credentials (licensure, certification, etc.)

Texas Lifetime Certificate in English as a Second Language

Elementary Self-Contained

Early Childhood


A. Teaching Honors and Awards:

2018, 2013, 2012 Alpha Chi Favorite Professor Award, Texas State University

2015 Presidential Distinction Award for Excellence in Teaching, Texas State University

2013 Top 25 Texas Education Professors, Online Schools Texas

2011, 2009 Advancing Globalization Presidential Award, College of Education and Human Development, The University of Texas at San Antonio

B. Courses Taught:

Texas State University

ED 7311 Education Philosophy in a Social Context

ED 7313 Advanced Studies in Adult Learning and Development (Online, Face-to-Face)

ED 7315 Models of Inquiry: Understanding Epistemologies

ED 7320 Literature Review for Research Writing

ED 7324 Problems and Strategies of Program Planning

ED 7341 Dissertation Proposal Writing

ED 7364 Team Development in Education

ED 7378 /ADED 6388 Seminar in International Educational Research: New Zealand

ED 7379P Problems in Education: International Comparative Adult, Professional, and Higher Education (with Study Tour): Northern Italy

ED 7379 Independent Study: Narrative Analysis

ED 7379 Independent Study: Phenomenology

ADED 7343 Organizational Learning and Development

ADED 7325 Teaching Adults

ADED 5384 Internship

ADED 5344 Multicultural Perspectives

ADED 5321 Adult Learning and Development

Università degli Studi di Padova

Organizational Culture, Teaching and Learning Methods (Master’s course, Professor of Record)

Teaching & Intervention Methods in Organizations (Master’s course, Team Taught)

Università di Roma: Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta

Comparative International Perspectives on Knowing, Development, and Engagement (Master’s course: Professor of Record)

The University of Texas at San Antonio

ALT 6123 International Perspectives on Adult Learning and Teaching

ALT 6223 Distance and Blended Learning in Adult Education and Human Resource Development

ALT 6343 Curriculum and Instruction in Adult Education and Human Resource Development

ALT 6603 Foundations and Contexts of Adult Education and Human Resource Development

ALT 6633 Multicultural Issues, Diversity, and Social Action in Adult Education and Human Resource Development

ALT 6943 Internship in Adult Learning and Teaching

ALT 6953 Independent Study

ALT 6973 Special Problems: Successful Professional Development/Workshops

ALT 6983 Master’s Thesis

C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations, Honors Theses, or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please indicate):

Texas State University

Dissertations as Chair/Co-Chair, Completed

1. Angelina Lapina Salazar. 2020. “Does Exposure to Problem-Based Learning Stategies Increase Postformal Thought and Need for Cognition in Higher Education Students? – A Mixed-Methods Study” Co-Chair

2. Brenda Rodriguez. 2020. “Leadership and Advancement in Higher Education: A Multiple Case Study of Latina Presidents at Four-Year Institutions” Chair

3. Dana Fitzpatrick. 2020. “Namaste in Teaching: How Yoga Practice Affects Novice Teacher Resilience” Co-Chair

4. Jonathan Tyner. 2019. “The Decision-Making Process: Experiences of New International Graduate Students Enrolled in US Higher Education” Chair

5. Kevin Collins. 2019. “Living with and Learning about Asthma on the College Campus” Chair

6. James Cleveland. 2019. “From Combat to Care Giver” Chair

7. Karen Miller-Kopp. 2018. “The Professional Development of Successful Principals: Adult Learning and Leading” Co-Chair

8. BJ Spencer. 2017. “Study Abroad’s Impact on Professional Architectural Practice” Chair

9. Judith Livingston. 2017. “Career Transitions of Third Age Women Pediatricians” Chair

10. Christine Moon. 2016. “Perceptions of Culture and Identities: Korean and Korean American Women Faculty in the Spaces of the U.S. Academy” Chair

11. Cristina Valverde-Poenie. 2015. “The Perceptions of Science Without Borders Students of Internationalization Strategies in Practice in a U.S. University: A Phenomenographic Study” Chair

12. Oleksandra Sehin. 2015. “The Impact of International Graduate Students on Measuring and Assessing Internationalization Efforts” Chair

Dissertations as Chair/Co-Chair, In progress

1. Rosemary Riggs. “Teachers as Researchers: The Impact of a Quantitative Intervention on Teacher Professional Agency” (defended proposal, 2020) Co-Chair

2. Brittany Davis. “Peer Mentor Circles: Examining Transitions and Sense of Belonging Among International Graduate Students” (defended proposal, 2019) Chair

3. Daniel Leal. “Ready, Set, Relaunch: The Lived Experience of Women Engineers Returning to the Workforce After a Careeer Break” (defended proposal, 2019) Chair

4. Peggy Everett. “A Phenomenological Investigation of Student Veterans Mentoring Student Veterans” (defended proposal, 2018) Chair

5. Felix Villarreal. “The Experiences of Biology Instructors at a Community College with the Inverted Classroom: A Phenomenological Study” (defended proposal, 2016) Chair

6. Nicholas Henry. (in proposal development) Chair

7. Autumn Guel. (in proposal development) Co-Chair

8. Humberto de Farias Santos (in proposal development). Chair

Dissertations as Committee Member, Completed

1. Danette Myers. 2019. “Narratives of Black Elderly Women Communicating with Healthcare Professionals”

2. William Crooks. 2019. “Resettlement in Central Texas”

3. Terrance McClain. 2019. “Advising African American Males: From the Advisors’ Viewpoint”

4. Leo Collegio. 2018. “School Micropolitics: Understanding and Preparaing for Common Micropolitical Challenges that Novice Principals Encounter in K-12 Schools”

5. Natalie Hendrix. 2018. “Fluffy Women of Color: Examining the Identities of Plus Size Hispanic and African American Women Through a Lens of Intersectionality”

6. Vanessa Terrell. 2018. “Dialogue and Difference: Facilitating Difficult Dialogues in the Learning Environment”

7. Blanca Gamez. 2017. “The Lived Experiences of the Latinx Mentor and the Role of Community Cultural Wealth”

8. Chinedu Anumudu. 2017. “Embodied Learning as a Tool for Meaning Making Change: A Forum Theatre Training”

9. Jan Adversario. 2017. “Professional Journeys of Immigrants Creating New Work Identities”

10. Michelle Holcomb. 2017. “Her Response to Hurricane Ike: A Narrative Analysis of My Mother’s Stories which Contribute to the Construction and Renegotiation of Self”

11. Moira Martin. 2016. “An Integrative Phenomenological Analysis of Flood Survivors and First Responders”

12. Regina Hernandez. 2016. “Teaching and Learning New Media and Technology in Community Based Programs: Adult Educators and Older Adult Learners’ Experiences”

13. Clint-Michael Reneau. 2016. “My Brother’s Keeper: Contesting Masculinities in Higher Education”

14. Dawn Robarts. 2016. “Living Non-Related Kidney Donation: Who Are the Likely Donors?”

15. Kayon Murray. 2015. “Toward a Construct of Balance: Graduate Education Faculty and the Navigation of Difficult Dialogues on Race”

16. Naomi Garcia. 2015. “Building Bridges—A Case Study of Living and Working Abroad”

17. TaNeisha Page. 2015. “College Athletes’ Transition to the Workplace”

18. David Gibbs. 2015. “Constructing Requirements: A Qualitative Study of the Challenges Associated with Eliciting Requirements for Information Systems”

19. Benjamin Jimenez. 2015. “A Phenomenological Study of Adult Learners’ Experiences with Prior Learning Assessment and the Portfolio Development Process”

20. Lisa Kirkpatric. 2015. “Elders in Assisted Living: Excavating Hospitality from Within”

21. Lynn Taylor. 2015. “Organizational Downsizing and the Aftermath: The Impact on Survivors’ Commitment to Personal Career Development”

22. Celina Bley. 2014. “Public Pedagogy in Public Schools: The Journey to Creating a Welcoming Environment for Parents to Support Involvement and Student Learning”

23. Brandon Beck. 2014. “TRANS/FORMING Educational Leadership: Retrospectives of Transgender Persons as Public Intellectuals in School Contexts”

24. Geleana Alston. 2014. “Cross-Cultural Mentoring Relationships in Doctoral Education: A Feminist Grounded Theory Study”

25. Phillip Jones. 2013. “Community College Nontraditional African American Students and Their Journey to College Level Writing: A Look at the Writing Experiences Encountered in the Freshman English Composition Classroom”

Dissertations as Committee Member, In progress

1. Malika Pitts Harvey. Boots2Suits: African American Males Transitioning from the Military into the Civilian Private Sector Workplace (defended proposal, 2020)

2. Colby Self. A Study of the Longevity Factors of Mid-Career Teachers in Suburban Title One Public Schools (defended proposal, 2020)

3. Christian Nanry. Relationship of Higher Education and Law Enforcement Performance (defended proposal, 2020)

4. Kerry Elliott. “Relationship of Institutional Support to Online Graduate Learning” (defended proposal, 2020)

5. Reba Fuggs. “Faculty Perceptions: Diversity and Justice in the University Classroom” (defended proposal, 2020)

6. Sierra Sullivan. “For This We Will Defend: Military Connected Competency Training and University Faculty Perspectives Teaching Student Veterans” (defended proposal, 2019)

7. Jill Carter. “TESOL Instructors’ Perceptions and Praxis Teaching Adult Emergent Readers” (defended proposal, 2019)

8. Thymai Dong. “Mutual Vulnerability: Deepening Human Interconnectedness in Cross-Racial Relationships” (defended proposal, 2019)

9. Tanya Long. “Social Justice in Leadership Preparation: A Poststructural Exploration of a Concept from Within Liminal Spaces” (defended proposal, 2017)

External Research Committee Membership

Dissertations as Co-Chair, Completed

1. Leo Wittnebel. 2013. “Learning within the Confines of a Continuing Professional Education Activity: Perspectives from Respiratory Therapists” The University of Texas at San Antonio

2. Shelbee Nguyen. 2012. “The Influence of Public Pedagogy on Adult and Higher Education Learners’ Perceptions of and Motivations to Study Abroad at a Hispanic Serving Institution” The University of Texas at San Antonio

Dissertations as Committee Member, Completed

1. Kathryn Hix. 2016. “Exploring the Effects of Study Abroad for Students at a Community College”. Lesley University Graduate School of Education

2. Jennifer Swoyer. 2014. “Being and Becoming Teachers of Adult ELLs: Case Studies of Professional Identity Negotiation, Development and Performance”. The University of Texas at San Antonio

Thesis as Committee Chair, Completed

1. George Midla. 2008. “PBL Preparation for Physician Assistant Facilitators”. The University of Texas at San Antonio

Thesis as Committee Member, Completed

1. Joseph Senesi. 2009. “Keeping the Care in Military Health Care”. The University of Texas at San Antonio

D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:

Texas State University

ED 7313 Advanced Studies in Adult Learning and Development (Online, Face-to-Face)

ED 7315 Models of Inquiry: Understanding Epistemologies

ED 7320 Literature Review for Research Writing

ED 7324 Problems and Strategies of Program Planning

ED 7325 Teaching Adults

ED 7341 Dissertation Proposal Writing

ED 7364 Team Development in Education (Online; Face-to-Face)

ED 7378 /ADED 6388 Seminar in International Educational Research: New Zealand

ED 7379P Problems in Education: International Comparative Adult, Professional, and Higher Education (with Study Tour): Northern Italy

ED 7379 Independent Study: Narrative Analysis

ED 7379 Independent Study: Phenomenology

ADED 7343 Organizational Learning and Development

ADED 5384 Internship in Adult Education (Online; Face-to-Face)

ADED 5344 Multicultural Perspectives

ADED 5321 Adult Learning and Development

The University of Texas at San Antonio

ALT 6123 International Perspectives on Adult Learning and Teaching

ALT 6223 Distance and Blended Learning in Adult Education and Human Resource Development

ALT 6343 Curriculum and Instruction in Adult Education and Human Resource Development

ALT 6603 Foundations and Contexts of Adult Education and Human Resource Development

ALT 6633 Multicultural Issues, Diversity, and Social Action in Adult Education and Human Resource Development

ALT 6943 Internship in Adult Learning and Teaching

ALT 6953 Independent Study

ALT 6973 Special Problems: Designing and Delivering Successful Professional Development for a Variety of Settings

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

EMSP 3100: Orientation to Online Learning in EHS

Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy

Teaching & Intervention Methods in Organizations (Hybrid). Spring 2019

Organizational Culture. Teaching and Learning Methods. Fall 2019

E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:


Fulbright Commission and The Council for International Exchange of Scholars. Title: Transnational, Cross-Cultural Learning and Instruction: The Investment in the Professional Development of University Educators and Students. A teaching/research Core Fulbright Scholar Award with appointment to Italy. (2018-2019).

* Also listed under Research Grants on this vita because the award contains two distinct components: one in teaching and one in research.

U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission. Title: Diversity in Recruitment, Selection, and in-Country Assistance – University, International Exchange Programs, Fulbright Program. A consultancy training workshop for Commission staff on issues of diversity. (2019). Awarded: $1550.00.

Contracts: Student Seminars and Workshops

Coryell, J. E. Working in Groups, Team Development, and Active Learning. Master’s Student Workshop. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. March, 2018.

Coryell, J. E. Student Research Forums, Professional Development, and Comparative Inquiry. Doctoral Student Seminar. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. March, 2018.

Coryell, J. E. Models of Inquiry: Understanding Epistemological Paradigms for Educational and Social Research. Doctoral Student Seminar. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. March, 2017.

Coryell, J. E. Feedback as an Active Learning Strategy. Master’s Student Lecture. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. March, 2017.

Coryell, J. E. Working in Groups and Team Development. Student Soft-Skills Seminar. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. November, 2016.

Coryell, J. E. Learning Styles and Active Learning Methods. Doctoral Student Seminar. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. November, 2016.

Coryell, J. E. Knowledge Sharing and Problem Solving in a World of Constant Change. Graduate Student Soft-Skills Seminar. Università di Siena, Italy. May, 2016.

Coryell, J. E., Fedeli, M., & Frison, D. US and Italian Adult and Higher Education Systems: A Comparative Investigation and Cross-Cultural Research Perspectives. Doctoral Student Soft-Skills Seminar. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy: May, 2016

Coryell, J. E. Knowledge Sharing and Problem Solving in a World of Constant Change. Approaches in Conversational Leadership for Use in Today’s Organizations. Doctoral Student Soft-Skills Seminar. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy: May, 2016.

Coryell, J. E. Group Discussion and Team Development: Graduate Student Soft-Skills Seminar. Università di Siena, Italy. December, 2015.

Contracts: Faculty Professional Development Workshops

Coryell, J. E. Telling Isn’t Teaching: Powerful Methods for Better Learning. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy, Department of Math. November, 2019.

Coryell, J. E. Telling Isn’t Teaching: Powerful Methods for Better Learning. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy, Department of Psychology. November, 2019.

Coryell, J. E. Progetto Mentori Per La Didattica: 3-Day Workshop Intensivo. Active Learning Per Grandi Numeri e Assement Nell’apprendimento. Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy. November, 2019

Coryell, J. E. Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Teaching4Learning@Unipd. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. June, 2019.

Coryell, J. E. Workshop on Active Learning and Teaching. Università degli Studi di Pisa, Italy. January, 2019.

Coryell, J. E. Workshop on First Year Student Experiences: Comparative Insights and Practices. Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy. January, 2019.

Coryell, J. E. Active Learning. Università degli Studi di Catania. December, 2018.

Coryell, J. E. & Cinque, M. Proposta Formativa Apprendere ad Insegnare nell’Higher Education - Percorso Formativo. Junior Faculty Development Workshop. Politecnico di Torino, Italy. March, 2018.

Coryell, J. E. Proposta Formativa Apprendere ad Insegnare nell’Higher Education - Percorso Formativo. Junior Faculty Development Workshop. Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy. March, 2018.

Coryell, J. E. Teaching for Effective Learning. Faculty Development Workshop. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. July, 2017.

Coryell, J. E. Teaching for Learning (T4L): New Strategies for Successful Teaching. 3-Day Engineering Faculty Development Workshop. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. July, 2017.

Coryell, J. E. Proposta Formativa Apprendere ad Insegnare nell’Higher Education - Percorso Formativo. Junior Faculty Development Workshop. Politecnico di Torino, Italy. March, 2017.

Coryell, J. E. Teaching for Learning (T4L): New Strategies for Successful Teaching. 3-Day Engineering Faculty Development Workshop. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. November, 2016.

Coryell, J. E. Knowledge Sharing and Problem Solving in a World of Constant Change. Faculty Instructional Skills Seminar. Università di Siena, Italy. May, 2016.

Coryell, J. E. Active Learning, Interactive Lecturing, Flipped Classrooms: Faculty Instructional Skills Seminar. Università di Siena, Italy. December, 2015.

Coryell, J. E. Transformative Learning. 3-Day Faculty Workshop. Università di Siena, Italy. November, 2015.

Coryell, J. E. Teaching at University in the Modern Era: Junior Faculty 3-Seminar Series. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy: May, 2015.

Coryell, J. E. Working with the Struggling Student: Credit Recovery Program. In-service Teacher Professional Development, Austin ISD: 2005-2006.

I. Other:

Teaching Professional Development/Personal Learning

• Foundations of Online Course Design and Development, Texas State University, 2016, Participant

• Program for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Texas State University, 2011-2012, Participant

• Allies of Texas State University Training. 2012, Participant

• A Global View Symposium on Graduate Study Abroad, Michigan State University. 2012, Participant

• How to Develop a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program. Texas State University, 2011. Participant


A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press)

1. Books

b. Chapters in Books

Coryell, J. E. (2018). Learning to teach: Adult learning theory and methodologies for creating effective learning environments and promoting students’ active learning. In E. Felisatti & A. Serbati (Eds.), Sviluppare la professionalità docente e innovare la didattica universitaria (pp. 53-66). Milano: Franco Angeli. [refereed].

Coryell, J. E. (2017). Adult learning in study abroad. In S. C. O. Conceição, L. G. Martin, & A. B. Knox (Eds.), International compendium of adult and continuing education: Mapping the adult and continuing education field (pp. 187-190). Sterling, VA: Stylus. [refereed].

Coryell, J. E., Stewart, P., *Wubbena, Z., *Spencer, B. J., & *Valverde, C. (2016). International service-learning, study abroad, and global citizenship development in a post-disaster locale. In D. Velliaris (Ed.), Handbook of research on study abroad programs and outbound mobility (pp. 420-445). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. [refereed].

Coryell, J. E., Stewart, T., Wubbena, Z., Valverde, C., & Spencer, B. J. (2019). International service-learning, study abroad, and global citizenship development in a post-disaster locale [reprint]. In M. Khosrow-Pour, & Information Resources Management Association (Eds.), Civic engagement and politics: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications (Vol. 3, pp. 1258-1283). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI:10.4018/978-1-5225-7669-3

Coryell, J.E. (2016). Active learning and interactive lectures. In M. Fedeli, V. Grion, & D. Frison (Eds.), Coinvolgere per apprendere. Metodi e tecniche participative per insegnare (pp. 141-163). Lecce, Italy: Pensa Multimedia. [refereed].

2. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles: (*indicates publication with graduate students)

Coryell, J. E. (2020). Reflections on higher education international service-learning, post-disaster communities, and international educational research. Educatio Catholica, V(2/3). 87-95.

Coryell, J. E., Fedeli, M., & *Lapina Salazar, A. (2020). Survey of faculty instructional professional development for teaching international graduate students: The case of the Università degli Studi di Padova. Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching, 2, 22-41. DOI:10.3280/EXI2019-002002

Coryell, J. E. (2020). Active learning: Strategie e techniche per coinvolgere. Educational Reflective Practices, 9(1). 58-78. DOI: 10.3280/ERP2019-001005

*Davis, B., & Coryell, J. E. (2020). Relationships, engagement, and characteristics of a community of practice in short-term adult study abroad. Adult Learning, 31(1) 17-26. DOI:10.1177/1045159519849903

*Davis, B., Fedeli, M., & Coryell, J. E. (2019). International experiences to increase employability for education doctoral students. A comparative study. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 147-161. DOI: 10.1002/ace.20348

Fedeli, M., Coryell, J. E., Frison, D., & *Tyner, J. (2019). Studio qualitativo transnazionale sulle prospettive dei formatori nel faculty development per l’insegnamento a studenti di nazionalità differenti. Form@re: Open Journal per La Formazione en Rete, 21, 101-114. Retrieved from

Coryell, J. E., Sehin, O., & *Peña, C. (2018). Adult education through a cosmopolitan lens: A review of the research literature. Adult Education Quarterly, 68(3), 179-196. DOI: 10.1177/0741713618761092

Sehin, O., & Coryell, J. E., & Stewart, P. (2017). Engendering hope: Women’s community (dis)engagement in Afghanistan. Adult Learning, 28(3), 91-98. DOI: 10.1177/1045159516679357

Coryell, J. E., Sailors, M., *Nelson, R., & *Sehin, O. (2016). Capacity building at mid-programme: An international education development programme in Malawi. Development in Practice, 26(3), 272–284. DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2016.1150416

Coryell, J. E. (2016). Creating and sustaining teaching and learning centers: Models of resources and support, lessons learned, and building a culture of teaching and learning excellence. Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning. Research and Practices, 1(1), 71-83.

Fedeli, M., & Coryell, J. E. (2015). Investigating teaching and learning methods in Italian universities and beyond: The quest to improve and share practices and strategies in the international higher education context. Educational Reflective Practices, 4(2), 35-50. DOI: 10.3280/ERP2014-002003.

Nguyen, S. R., & Coryell, J. E. (2015). Flipping the script in study abroad participation: The influence of popular culture and social networks on perceptions and motives. Journal of International Students, 5(1), 23-37.

Dentith, A., Wright, R. R., & Coryell, J. E. (2015). Those “mean girls and their friends”: Bullies and mob rule in the academy. Adult Learning, 26(1) 28-34. DOI: 10.1177/1045159514558409

Coryell, J. E., & *Murray, K. (2014). Adult learning and doctoral student research forum participation: Insights into the nature of professional participatory experience. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 9, 309-327. Retrieved from

Coryell, J. E., *Spencer, B. J., & *Sehin, O. (2014). Cosmopolitan adult education and global citizenship: Perceptions from a European itinerant graduate professional study abroad program. Adult Education Quarterly, 64(2), 147-166. DOI:10.1177/0741713613515067

Coryell, J. E. (2013). Collaborative comparative inquiry and transformative cross-cultural adult learning and teaching: A Western educator metanarrative and inspiring a global vision. Adult Education Quarterly, 63(4), 299-320. DOI: 10.1177/0741713612471420

Coryell, J. E. (2013). Learning on-location: Evaluating the instructional design for just-in-time learning in Italian interdisciplinary short-term study abroad. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 24(2), 5-31.

Fedeli, M., *Giampaolo, M., & Coryell, J. E. (2013). The use of learning contracts within an Italian university setting. Adult Learning, 24(3), 104-111. DOI: 10.1177/1045159513489113.

Coryell, J. E., Clark, M. C., Wagner, S., & Stuessy, C. (2013). Becoming real: Impressions of developing an educational researcher identity. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 37(3), 367-383. DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2011.645456.

Coryell, J. E., Durodoye, B., Wright, R. R., Pate, P. E., & *Nguyen, S. (2012). Case studies of internationalization in adult and higher education: Inside the processes of four universities in the US and UK. Journal of Studies in International Education, 16(1), 75-98. DOI:10.1177/1028315310388945.

Coryell, J. E. (2011). The foreign city as classroom: Adult learning in study abroad. Adult Learning. 22(3), 4-11. DOI:10.1177/104515951102200301

Durodoye, B.A., Coryell, J. E., Wright, R. R., & Pate, P. E. (2011). Assessing global perspectives at a Hispanic and minority serving institution: A university-wide effort. Journal of College and Character, 12(3), 1-6. DOI: 10.2202/1940-1639.1776.

Wright, R. R., Coryell, J. E., Martinez, M., Henkin, R., Harmon, J., & Keehn, S. (2010). Rhyme, response and reflection: An investigation of the possibilities for critical adult learning through reading poetry. Journal of Transformative Education, 8(2), 103-123. DOI:10.1177/1541344611406737.

Coryell, J. E., Clark, M. C., & Pomerantz, A. (2010). Cultural fantasy narratives and heritage language learning: A case study of adult, heritage learners of Spanish. The Modern Language Journal, 94(3), 453-469.

*Midla, G. S., & Coryell, J. E. (2010). Problem-based learning preparation for physician assistant faculty. The United States Army Medical Department Journal (Oct-Dec), 39-47.

Coryell, J. E. (2010). Adult computer-assisted language learning. Texas Adult and Family Literacy Quarterly, 14(4), 8-9.

Coryell, J. E., & Clark, M. C. (2009). One right way, intercultural participation, and language learning anxiety: A qualitative analysis of adult online heritage and nonheritage language learners. Foreign Language Annals, 42(3), 483-504.

Coryell, J. E., & Clark, M. C. (2008). Examining online language practice communities. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 12(3), 95-101.

Coryell, J. E., & Chlup, D. T. (2007). Implementing e-learning components with adult English language learners: Vital factors and lessons learned. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 20(3), 263-278.

b. Non-refereed Articles:

Coryell, J. E. (2009). The TESOL doctoral forum: Helping to develop TESOL’s rising stars. Essential Teacher, 6(2), 46.

3. Conference Proceedings (*indicates publication with graduate students)

a. Refereed Conference Proceedings:

Serbati, A., Felisatti, E., Da Re, L., & Coryell, J. E. (2018). Modeling professional development programs for junior faculty: Experiences and reflections from Italian universities. Proceedings the Annual International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation, (pp. 1159-1167). Seville, Spain.

Coryell, J. E. (2018). Operationalizing cosmopolitan adult education: Collaborative inquiry frameworks for adult educators’ international cross-cultural study of learning and knowing. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference, University of Victoria, Canada.

Stephens, M., Coryell, J. E., & *Peña, C. (2017). Adult education-related graduate degrees: Insights on the challenges and benefits of online programming. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma. papers/25

*Davis, B., & Coryell, J. E. (2017). Relationships developed abroad: Impacts on learning during a short-term field study in Italy. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma.

*Mora, N., *Davis, B., & Coryell, J. E. (2017). Group size and adult international field study programs: A literature review. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma.

*Davis, B., & Coryell, J. E. (2016). The power of relationship building in international short-term field study experiences at the graduate level. In M. Boucouvalas, M. Avoseh, & V. Colón (Eds.), Proceedings of the Commission of International Adult Education Pre Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (pp. 79-90). Albuquerque, NM.

Coryell, J. E., Fedeli, M., Frison, D., & *Tyner, J. (2015). Teaching internationally diverse students: An international comparative study of faculty development during higher education internationalization. Proceedings of the 8th annual International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation (pp. 311-320). Seville, Spain.

Coryell, J. E., Fedeli, M., *Tyner, J., & Frison, D. (2015). Faculty development and teaching international students: A cross-national study of faculty perspectives in a global era. Proceedings of the Commission of International Adult Education Pre Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, (pp. 15-26). Oklahoma City, OK.

Coryell, J. E., & *Sehin, O. (2014). Cosmopolitanism and adult education: A review of the research literature. Proceedings of the Commission of International Adult Education Pre Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (pp. 32-44). Charleston, SC.

Fedeli, M., *Frison, D., & Coryell, J. E. (2014). First step of Italian national research on teaching and learning methods in higher education. Proceedings of the International Pre Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (pp. 45-56). Charleston, SC.

Coryell, J. E. (2012). Combining specialized professional skills with personal global citizenship development: The case of an itinerant graduate study abroad program. Proceedings of the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (pp. 63-72). Leicester, UK: University of Leicester.

Coryell, J. E., *Alston, G. R., & Nguyen, S. R. (2012). “Slow down. Listen. Observe. Know yourself. Understand your own culture. Get advice from others…and start planning early”: Instructor learning and professional development in international field-based education. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 96-102). Saratoga Springs, NY: SUNY Empire State College.

Nicolaides, A., Chlup, D. T., Wright, R. R., Coryell, J. E., Ramdeholl, D., Cox, T. D. (2012). Who are we becoming? A critical, communicative, reflective, transformative, timely inquiry into the coming-to-be of adult education in the early 21st century. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 412-419). Saratoga Springs, NY: SUNY Empire State College.

Coryell, J. E. (2011). Insights into experiences in student research forums: The case of the TESOL Doctoral Student Forum. Proceedings of the National Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education/Association Canadienne pour l'Étude de l'Éducation des Adultes and the Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 140-147). Toronto, CA: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.

*Nguyen, S. R., & Coryell, J. E. (2011). What’s the social network got to do with it?!?: An adult and higher education evaluation of perceptions and motivations to study abroad. Proceedings of the National Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education/Association Canadienne pour l'Étude de l'Éducation des Adultes and the Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 496-501). Toronto, CA: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.

Coryell, J. E. (2010). Reflexive design for international/cross-cultural adult and higher education: The case of short-term study abroad. Proceedings of the International Pre Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (pp. 38-47). Clearwater, FL.

Coryell, J. E., & Wright, R. R. (2010). Exploring the power of poetry for fostering critical reflection: Adult poetry readers and self-reflexivity. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 108-114). Sacramento, CA: Sacramento State University.

Coryell, J. E. (2009) Critical transformational learning: Collective inquiry and inspiring a global educational vision. Proceedings of the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (pp. 97-105). Cambridge, UK: University of Cambridge.

Wright, R. R., Coryell, J. E., Pate, P. E. (2009). The internationalization of an Hispanic-serving American university – Effective research strategies for policy, structure, and curricular change. Proceedings of the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (pp. 443- 451). Cambridge, UK: University of Cambridge.

Coryell, J. E., Clark, M. C., Wagner, S., & Stuessy, C. (2008). Anxiety in the doing: Impressionist tales of adults learning to be educational researchers. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference, St. Louis, MO. Retrieved

Coryell, J. E. (2006). E-Acquisition? The intersection of the research from the fields of adult language acquisition and online L2 education. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 88-93). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.

Chlup, D. T., Gardner Flores, L., & Coryell, J. E. (2006). Working for it: The other work in graduate school. Procuring fellowship funding and designing the research to accompany the funds. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 506-507). Minneapolis, MN.

5. Reports: (*indicates publication with graduate students)

Coryell, J. E., Pate, E. Durodoye, B., Wright, R. R., Johnson, D., & *Nguyen, S. (2010). UTSA Internationalization Task Force: Evaluation study on research, learning/teaching, and organizational approaches and Logic Model. Retrieved from

6. Book Reviews: (*indicates publication with graduate students)

Coryell, J. E. (2009). Review of the book, “What they don't teach you in graduate school: 199 helpful hints for success in your academic career.” P. Gray & D. E. Drew. Text and Academic Authors Association Recommended Reading List, 4.

Coryell, J. E., *Palow, J., *Che, N., *Senesi, T., & *Longoria, G. (2008). Review of the book “Non-western perspectives on learning and knowing.” S. Merriam. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2(2). Retrieved from

B. Works not in Print

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings: (*indicates presentation with graduate students)

Coryell, J. E., Cinque, M., Fedeli, M., *Lapina-Salazar, A., & Tino, C. (2020). University Teaching in Global Times: U.S. – Italian Fulbright Research on the Perspectives of Italian University Faculty on Teaching International Graduate Students. Paper presentation to the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults. Vancouver, Canada. (Canceled due to COVID-19).

Coryell, J. E., Bierema, L., & Brooks, A. (2019, October). Fulbright opportunities for adult education scholars and students: The program, proposals, international research, and teaching. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, St. Lous, MO.

Coryell, J. E. (2018, December). Survey on faculty professional development in an era of globalization and international student mobility: U.S. Fulbright Core Scholar to Italy research and preliminary findings. Keynote Presentation to the International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education, Paris, France.

*Davis, B., & Coryell, J. E. (2017, November). The impact of relationships on learning for adult students on a short-term international field study. Paper presentation to the International Research Conference for Graduate Students, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.

*Mora, N., *Davis, B., & Coryell, J. E. (2017, November). Grouping adult students abroad: In what ways does group size affect adult learning while abroad? Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Memphis, TN.

Stephens, M., Coryell, J. E., & *Peña, C. (2017, November). Adult education-related graduate degrees: Insights on the challenges and benefits of on-line programming. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Memphis, TN.

Coryell, J. E., *Flores, A., *Hendrix, A., *McClain, T., & Reardon, R. (2016, November). Transitioning to online: Pedagogical, administrative, and marketing insights of a graduate program in adult education. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Albuquerque, NM.

*Davis, B., *Young, A., *Hendrix, A., *Spencer, B. J., & Coryell, J. E. (2016, November). Ciao tutti! Graduate adult education students’ reflections from international field study and future directions. Roundtable presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Albuquerque, NM.

Coryell, J. E., Fedeli, M., *Tyner, J., & Frison, D. (2016, June). Personal and professional learning of university faculty in an era of international student mobility: A comparative investigation. Paper presentation to the Clute Institute International Education Conference. Venice, Italy.

Stewart, P., & Coryell, J. E. (2015, January). International service learning and study abroad in post-disaster Christchurch, Aotearoa. Presentation to the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Coryell, J. E., & *Murray, K. (2013, November). Entering the community of educational research practice: Participatory experience and presenting at education conferences. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Lexington, KY.

Coryell, J. E., & Dentith, A. (2013, November). Criticality in international perspectives in adult education. Paper presentation to the Commission of Professors Co-Conference with the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Lexington, KY.

*Livingston, J., Griffin, M., Monserrat, C., & Coryell, J. E. (2013, November). Preparing compassionate leaders: A novel approach in medical education. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Lexington, KY.

Coryell, J. E., *Sehin, O., & *Spencer, B. J. (2013, October). International adult education, cosmopolitanism, and graduate/professional study abroad. Paper presentation to the Intercultural Horizons Conference, The International Center for Cultural Exchange, Siena, Italy.

Coryell, J. E., Sailors, M., *Sehin, O., & *Nelson, R. (2013, May). International adult education in third-space practice, capacity building, and education aid collaborations in Malawi. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Coryell, J. E., *Sehin, O., & *Spencer, B. J. (2012, November). Cosmopolitan adult education, international professional development, and itinerant graduate study abroad: A European case study. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Las Vegas, NV.

Wright, R. R., & Coryell, J. E. (2012, November). Developing a graduate program in adult education: Scope and pedagogy at a complex time. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Las Vegas, NV.

Coryell, J. E., Sailors, M., & *Sehin, O. (2011, November). International adult education and capacity building: What’s the connection? Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Indianapolis, IN.

*Cohen Miller, A., Coryell, J. E., & Wright, R. R. (2011, November). Technology and the Internet: A form of oppression or liberation? Roundtable presentation to the American Association for Adult & Continuing Education, Indianapolis, IN.

Coryell, J. E., & Gribou, J. (2011, July). Case studies in internationalization: An analysis of the processes of four US and UK institutions of higher education. Presentation to the Association of Public and Land-Grant University’s Commission on International Programs Summer Meeting, Ottawa, Canada.

Littlefield, J., Coryell, J. E., & Wright, R. R. (2011, May). Needs assessment: Fellowship program in health professions education. Poster presentation to the 7th Annual Innovations in Health Science Education Conference. Interprofessional Health Science Education: The Innovation Imperative, San Antonio, TX: The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

*Nguyen, S. R., & Coryell, J. E. (2011, April). Lifestyles of the rich and the famous…: Looking at perceptions and motivations of adult and higher education study abroad through the lens of popular culture. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Coryell, J. E. (2011, March). Supporting adult student development through graduate research forums. Paper presentation to the Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages, International Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Coryell, J. E. (2010, October). Collective inquiry and transformational cross-cultural adult learning and teaching. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Clearwater, FL.

Gribou, J., Coryell, J. E., Pate, P.E., Wright, R. R., Durodoye, B., Johnson, D. (2010, July). Internationalizing an Hispanic-serving institution: Findings of an evaluation study on internationalization at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Paper presentation to the Association of Public and Land-Grant University’s Commission on International Programs Summer Meeting, Sedona, AZ.

Coryell, J. E. (2010, May). Intercultural participation and language learning anxiety: A qualitative analysis of adult online language learners. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Denver, CO.

Coryell, J. E., Wright, R. R., Pate, P.E., Durodoye, B., Johnson, D., & *Nguyen, S. R. (2010. May). Curricula, research, scholars, and study abroad: Evaluating the internationalization perspectives and possibilities at an Hispanic-serving institution. Paper presentation to the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Coryell, J. E. (2010, March). CALL, intercultural participation, and language learning anxiety. Paper presentation to the Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages, International Convention, Boston, MA.

Gribou, J., Durodoye, B., Coryell, J. E., Pate, P.E., Wright, R. R. (2009, July). UTSA Internationalization Task Force: Evaluation study of research, learning/teaching, service, and organizational approaches. Paper presented to the Association of Public and Land-Grant University’s Commission on International Programs Summer Meeting, Colorado, Springs, CO.

Coryell, J. E., Wright, R. R., Pate, P. E., Durodoye, B., & Johnson, D. (2009, May). The University of Texas at San Antonio internationalization evaluation study: Employing the power of the logic model. Poster presentation to the National Association for International Educators (NAFSA) Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Clark, M. C., Coryell, J. E., Wagner, S., & Stuessy, C. (2009, May). Impressionist tales: The view from inside the developing educational researcher. Paper presentation to the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL: The University of Illinois.

Gardner-Flores, L., Coryell, J. E., & Chlup, D. T. (2009, March) Transitioning adult ESL students: Programmatic pathways that lead to success. Paper presentation to the Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages, International Convention, Denver, CO.

Coryell, J. E. (2009, March). Impressionist tales: The view from inside the developing educational researcher. Paper presentation to the College of Education and Human Development Junior Faculty Research Brown Bag Series, San Antonio, TX: The University of Texas at San Antonio.

Coryell, J. E. (2008, October). Collective perspective transformation: The use of an inquiry framework in an international adult learning and teaching course. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Curriculum and Teaching, Austin, TX.

Coryell, J. E., & Flores, L. (2008, May). Cultural fantasy narratives and heritage language learning: A case study of adult, heritage learners of Spanish. Paper presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Washington DC.

Coryell, J. E. (2006, April). Language anxiety in online settings. Poster presented to the Educational Research Exchange, College Station, TX: Texas A&M University.

Coryell, J. E. (2006, March). English language learner-centered lessons supported with free Internet resources. Workshop presented at the Conference on Adult Basic Education, Houston, TX.

Coryell, J. E. (2005, November). Foreign language anxiety in online education: A pilot study. Paper presentation to the El Paso Adult Literacy and Learning Conference, El Paso, TX.

Coryell, J. E., Gonzales, E., Cary, C., Cisneros, J. (2001, March). Los Compadres: ESL student mentor program. Paper presentation to the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages International Convention, St. Louis, MO.

Coryell, J. E. & Gonzales, E. (2001, March). Bilingual literacy mentoring. Program presentation to the Bilingual Conference, Kingsville, TX: Texas A&M Kingsville.

Coryell, J. E., Gonzales, E., Cary, C., Cisneros, J. (2000, November). Los Compadres: Bilingual mentoring program. Program presentation to the TexTESOL State Convention, San Antonio, TX.

Coryell, J. E., Gonzales, E., Cary, C., Cisneros, J. (2000, June). Los Compadres: Bilingual Mentoring. Program presentation to the TexTESOL III Conference, Austin, TX.

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:

Coryell, J. E. (2019, November). Invited Presentation and Panelist. Findings on Faculty Professional Development During Globalization and International Student Mobility. Glocal Thinking for Education and Entrepreneurship. Università di Roma, Tor Vergata. Rome, Italy.

Coryell, J. E. (2019, June). Invited Presentation. Results of Fulbright Research Concerning Teaching in Italian Universities nd Internationalization. Teaching and Internationalization: Research. Paper presentation to the Meeting on “Glocal” Teaching & Learning: Internationalization of Higher Education and Local Perspectives of Teaching. LUMSA Università, Rome, Italy.

Coryell, J. E. (2019, January). Invited Lecture. Teaching in University During Complex, Yet Exciting Times. LUMSA Università, Rome, Italy.

Coryell, J. E. (2018, December). Invited Lecture. Microteaching and Reflection. Libera Università Maria Santa Assunta.

Coryell, J. E. (2018, November). Invited Lecture. Teaching Innovations and Change for Higher Education. Libera Università Maria Santa Assunta.

Coryell, J. E. (2018, October). Invited Lecture. Teaching ESL in Italy. Fulbright Italian Commission, ESL Teacher Orientation.

Coryell, J. E. (2018, September). Invited Workshop Presenter: Drafting Academic Conference Proposals. APCE Graduate Student Organization. Texas State University.

Coryell, J. E. (2018, May). Invited Keynote: Teaching International Students. For the Conference on Interrogating Higher Education Actors in Learning and Teaching. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy.

Coryell, J. E. (2018, May). Invited Panelist: L’internazionalizzazione nella Ricera. Il Dialogo con le Organizzazioni Educative. For the Conference on Interrogating Higher Education Actors in Learning and Teaching. Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy.

Coryell, J. E. (2018, May). Invited Lecture: PhD Programs in Education in the United State. Conference on Adult Learning and Education in Doctoral Studies. Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy.

Coryell, J. E. (2017, October). Invited Scholar Lecture: Have Suitcase; Will Travel: International, Cross-Cultural Adult and Higher Education, Research, and Cosmopolitanism. Inside the Lion’s Paw Guest Scholar Lecture. Penn State Harrisburg.

Coryell, J. E. (2017, October). Invited Workshop Presenter: Writing a Proposal to the Adult Education Research Conference. APCE Graduate Student Organization. Texas State University.

Coryell, J. E. (2016, November). Invited Panelist: Transition from Face-to-Face to Online: What is There for Adult Educators? The American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Commission for Distance Learning and Technology, Albuquerque, NM.

Coryell, J. E. (2015, June). Invited Panelist: Centers of Teaching and Learning Excellence: Insights from the US Context and Developing a Culturally-Based Community of Teaching and Learning. The Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI), Rome, Italy.

Coryell, J. E. (2014, November). Invited Panelist: Graduate Student Breakfast Panel on Job Searching in Adult Education. The American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Commission of Graduate Students, Charleston, NC.

Coryell, J. E. (2014, July). Invited Lecturer: Adult Education, Instructional Methods, and Strategies in the US: Traditions and Trends. Doctoral seminar given at the Scuola di Dottorato in Scienza Pedagogiche dell’Educazione e della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy.

Coryell, J. E. (2014, June). Invited Panelist: Teaching and Learning Centers: Models of Resources and Support, Lessons Learned, and Building a Culture of Teaching and Learning Excellence. Professionalita’ Docente ed Innovazione Didattica (PRODID). Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy.

Coryell, J. E. (2013, May). Invited Lecturer: Internationalizing the Academy: Challenging, Concentrating, and Connecting. Senior Leadership Meeting on Internationalization, Christchurch, NZ: University of Canterbury.

Coryell, J. E. (2013, May). Invited Lecturer: Meaningful Teaching and Learning in Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs: Pedagogy, Faculty Development, and the Future of Study Abroad. Invited Visiting Scholar Lecture. Christchurch, NZ: University of Canterbury.

Coryell, J. E. (2012, November). Invited Panel Respondent: The American Association of Adult and Continuing Education’s Commission of Professors of Adult Education Opening Session: The Adult Education Doctorate in North America. The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.

Coryell, J. E. (2012, June). Invited Discussant: The Academy for the Critical Inquiry of the Cultural Commons. San Antonio, TX: The University of Texas at San Antonio.

Coryell, J. E. (2012, May). Invited Workshop Presenter: Internationalizing the Academy. To the Texas State University Globalization Faculty Development Workshop. San Marcos, TX

Coryell, J. E. (2009, February). Invited Lecturer: A Graphic Approach to Research Time and Effort. Presentation to the University of Texas at San Antonio, College of Education Faculty Research Forum. San Antonio, TX.

Coryell, J. E. (2008, June). Invited Keynote. Facilitating Learning in Adulthood. Literacy Coaching Conference. San Antonio, TX: The University of Texas at San Antonio.

Wright, R. R., & Coryell, J. E. (2008, May). Invited Lecturer: Awesome Assessment and Fantastic Feedback: Techniques for Evaluation that Promotes Learning. Presentation to the UTSA Learning Communities 2008 Summer Teaching Institute, San Antonio, TX.

3. Consultancies:

Board of Experts. eLene4Life Erasmus+ European collaborative research project (2018-2021). eLene4Life supports curriculum innovation in higher education (HE) through the development of active learning approaches for transversal skills, with the ultimate aim of improving students’ employability.

Comitato dei Saggi di PRODID, International Scientific Committee, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy (University of Padova, Italy). 2013-2015: Organizational and teaching research consulting on the institution’s creation of the first Teaching and Learning Center at an Italian university.

4. Workshops:

Globalization Faculty Development Workshop, Co-Coordinator, 2012, Texas State University

Team-Based Learning Strategies Professional Development Workshop, Director, 2007, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

5. Other Works not in Print:

a. Works “submitted” or “under review” (*indicates publication with graduate students)

Stephens, M., & Coryell, J. E. (Manuscript under review). Teaching and learning online “is not easy,” but “I love all of that access!” Faculty perspectives on context, benefits, and challenges in fully online graduate adult education programs. Adult Learning.

Coryell, J.E., Cinque, M., Fedeli, M., Lapina-Salazar, A., & Tino, C. (Manuscript under review). University teaching in global times: Research on the perspectives of Italian university faculty about teaching international graduate students. Journal of Studies in International Education.

b. Works “in progress” (*indicates publication with graduate students)

Coryell, J. E., & Salcedo, A. (Manuscript in preparation). Values and attitudes important for teaching international student populations: European insights for faculty professional development during higher education internationalization

Coryell, J. E. (Manuscript in preparation). Reaching for deeper integration of knowledge, culture, teaching skills, and communication: Experiences of a U.S. professor teaching and researching in Italian universities

Hernández, D. J., González Ortiz, J. J., Tornel Abellán, M., & Coryell, J. E. (Manuscript in preparation). University faculty instructional development and methodological innovation.

C. Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:

Fulbright Commission and The Council for International Exchange of Scholars. Title: Transnational, Cross-Cultural Learning and Instruction: The Investment in the Professional Development of University Educators and Students. Principal Investigator for a teaching/research Core Fulbright Scholar Award with appointment to Italy. (2018-2019). Awarded = $12,569.

* Also listed under Teaching Grants on this vita because the award contains two distinct components: one in teaching and one in research.

USAID. Title: Malawi Reads! Alliance for the International Study of Texts and Literacy: Textbooks and Learning Materials Program Project. Coordinator of capacity building research team; consultant for adult and higher education. (2009 – 2012). Recognizing that the education of African children and adults is essential to Africa’s future economic growth and sustained democracy, this project submission established a collaboration between UTSA, USAID and the Department of Education in Malawi. This partnership included promoting literacy through teacher training and native language textbooks and instructional materials development, as well as the creation of a Center for Teaching Excellence in the ninth poorest country in the world.

The University of Texas Health Science Center System. Title: Educational Needs Assessment Plan: Improve Teaching-Learning Expertise of UT System Health Professions Faculty. Co-Principal Investigator. (2011). Awarded budget = $12,000.

USAID, Title: Ithuba Writing Project. Lesson Designer. (2008). Joint venture between the Department of Education, the University of Texas at San Antonio and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Instructional Materials Designer. The project promoted and facilitated the writing of story books for the Intermediate Phase, with particular emphasis on African languages, namely, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, Sepedi, IsiZulu, IsiXhosa, Isindebele, Siswati, Sesotho, and Setswana.

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:

National Science Foundation Innovations in Graduate Education Grant. Title: Measuring the Societal Value of a Discipline: A Focus on Geography. Co-Principal Investigator. (2018, non-funded). This project aims to acquire a stronger empirical grasp of contemporary forces driving disciplinary change and how this influences curriculum goals and decisions by geography faculty about what and how to teach. It also seeks to measure the ways geographers are contributing to human welfare through their professional work and civic engagements. Proposed budget = $576,743.

National Science Foundation Innovations in Graduate Education Grant. Title: A Capabilities Approach to Innovating Graduate Education in Geography. Co-Principal Investigator. (2017, non-funded). This project sought to contribute to recent debates concerning the role of higher education, and the discipline of geography specifically, in preparing students for life and work in the complex modern era of globalization and interdependence. Proposed budget = $499,224.

The Spencer Foundation, “New Civics Grant,” Title: Global Citizenship and Post-Disaster Community Engaged Study Abroad. Co-Principal Investigator. (2011, non-funded). This study aimed to investigate learners’ sense of and development of global citizenship through the combined experience of study abroad and service-learning in post-disaster Christchurch, NZ, in collaboration with the University of Canterbury. Proposed budget = $322,698.

National Science Foundation ADVANCE Grant. Title: Advancement of Women in Academics in the STEM Disciplines. Co-Principal Investigator. (2008, non-funded). Proposed budget = $191,000.

3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

Texas State University

The College of Education Faculty Pilot Research Grant, Title: Faculty Development Processes in Teaching International Graduate Students: An International Comparative Study of Faculty Narratives in a Global Era. Principal Investigator. (2015-2016). The purpose of this study was to examine stories of professional development regarding the motivations, preparations, challenges, and personal learning adult higher education instructors in the U.S. and Europe have experienced when teaching international students. This study consequently employs a definition of faculty professional development to include the informal and formal means by which instructors enhance their knowledge and skills through research, teaching, and personal social development. Awarded budget = $5000.

Research Enhancement Program, Title: Community Engagement and Study Abroad: The Case of Post-Earthquake Adult and Higher Education in Christchurch, Aotearoa (New Zealand). Principal Investigator. (2012-2013). The purpose of the study was to investigate study abroad learners’ sense of leadership, self-efficacy, global perspective, and civic responsibility in a service learning program in post-disaster Christchurch, NZ. Awarded budget = $13,573.

The College of Education Faculty Pilot Research Grant, Title: Cosmopolitan Adult Education and Global Citizenship: The Case of an Itinerant Study Abroad Program. Principal Investigator. (2012). Framed through cosmopolitanism and experiential learning theories, this qualitative case study aimed to investigate learners’ sense and development of global citizenship through engagement in an innovative itinerant master’s degree program in architecture, archaeology, and museum design. The program is organized around a unique educational formula that includes students and local professionals and professors interacting in multiple sites in different international locations where individual professional design workshops are held. Awarded budget = $4,185.

The College of Education Mentor-Scholar Program, Title: Collective Inquiry And Transformational Cross-Cultural Adult Learning and Teaching: Inspiring a Global Educational Vision. (2011-2012). Mentor: Dr. Jovita Ross-Gordon; Awarded = $1,000.

The University of Texas at San Antonio

Incentive Fund Grant. Title: UTSA Internationalization Task Force: Evaluation Study on Research, Learning/Teaching, Service, and Organizational Approaches. Principal Investigator. (2008-2010). This project approached an evaluation study from two integrated methods: organizational and academic. Outcomes for this study included a UTSA Internationalization Status Report and Action Plan. Awarded budget = $100,000.

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant. Title: Perspective Transformations on Global Diversity through the Study of Italian Urban Culture: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Study Abroad. Principal Investigator. (2009). Awarded budget = $3,370.

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Pre-Proposal Finalist. Title: The Global Graduate: Higher Education for Leadership and Success that Transcends Regional and National Boundaries Principal Investigator.. (2008). Awarded budget = $2,500.

Faculty Research Award, Title: Faculty Development and Study Abroad Programs: Insights and Lessons Learned to Inform the Future. Principal Investigator. (2008). Awarded budget = $5,000.

D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:

2016 Presidential Distinction Award for Excellence in Scholarship, Texas State University

2013 Exemplary Paper Award, The American Educational Research Association (AERA), Adult Literacy and Adult Education SIG

2012 Early Career Award, The American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Commission of Professors of Adult Education

2005-2006 Research Fellow, Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and Learning, Awarded = $25,000

Research Professional Development/Personal Learning

• Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory Training (BEVI), 2017, Participant

• NVivo Training, Texas State University, 2011, Participant

• Preparing a Proposal, Texas State University, 2011, Participant


A. Institutional

1. University:

Texas State University

Faculty Senator, 2019

Graduate Council, 2014 – 2018, 2019

International Research Conference for Graduate Students, Evaluator, 2019

Commencement University Mace Bearer, 2019

COE Dean Search Committee, 2017 - 2018

Faculty Sponsor, Adult, Professional, and Community Education (APCE) Graduate Student Organization, 2017 - 2018

Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching Selection Committee, 2017 - 2018

Presidential Work/Life Council, 2016 - 2018

Student Travel Committee, 2016

CLAS Department Chair Search Committee, 2013 - 2014

Globalization Faculty Development Workshop Committee, Co-Coordinator, 2012

Common Experience Committee, 2012 - 2013

The University of Texas at San Antonio

Internationalization Task Force, Chair, 2009, 2010

Teaching and Learning Center Advisory Committee, 2009, 2010

New Faculty Orientation, Promotion and Tenure Panel, 2009

Piper Professor Selection Committee, 2008

New Faculty Orientation, First Year Professor Panel, 2008

UTSA TEAM Center Director Search: Candidate Interviewer, 2008

Freshman Seminar Instructor Training Leader, 2008

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Technology Training Advisory Committee, Member, 2001 - 2003

School of Allied Health Educational Technology Advisory Committee, Member, 2006 - 2007

2. College:

Texas State University

COE Community Engagement Website, Curator 2020 - present

COE Outreach Coordinator Search, Chair 2019-2020

Commencement Doctoral Marshal, 2019

Dean’s Fellow Application Review Committee, Chair, 2019

COE International Committee, 2015 - 2017

COE Research Enhancement Program Proposal Review Committee, 2013

Texas State University Qualitative Research Conference, Discussant, 2013

COE Tenure and Promotion Policy Committee, 2012 - 2013

COE Outstanding Graduate Student Selection Committee, 2011 - 2012

The University of Texas at San Antonio

College Research and Development Committee, 2009 - 2011

COE Commencement Marshal, 2011

3. Department/School:

Texas State University

PhD Program Service

APCE Faculty Search Committee Chair (2 positions), 2019 - 2020

PhD Program Director, 2016 – 2018, 2019

Examples of direction service:

• Doctoral Research Assistant Committee Chair

• Doctoral Program Admissions Coordination

• PhD Comprehensive Exam Coordination

• APCE Connect Doctoral Student Orientation Coordination

• Marketing and Recruitment Initiatives

• APCE LinkedIn Group Developer/Administrator

PhD Scholarship/DIA Committee, 2012 - 2016

PhD Comprehensive Exam Reviewer (3 students, 2019; 9 students, 2018; 3 students, 2017; 10 students, 2016; 8 students, 2015; 4 students, 2014; 1 student, 2013; 4 students, 2012; 3 students, 2011)

PhD Transition Committee, 2012

ADED Master’s Program Service

M.A. Comprehensive Exam Reviewer, 2011 - present

Project Manager of Online Transition of MA in Adult Education Concentration, 2016 - 2017

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Search Committee Chair, 2016

M.A. Program Coordinator, 2014 - 2016

Examples of coordination service:

• Faculty Development Workshop Coordinator. Online Teaching and Presence, 2016

• Master’s in Adult Education Fall Kick-Off Event, 2015

• Marketing and Recruitment Initiatives, 2011 - present

• Graduate and Professional School Fair, 2016; 2015

Adult ESL Certificate Proposal Committee, 2011 - 2012

CLAS Department Service

PhD in School Improvement Director Search Committee: 2016 - 2017

Graduate Instructional Assistant Committee: 2016

Acting Chair: 2014 - 2018 (various one-day assistance)

Administrative Assistant II Search Committee, 2015

The University of Texas at San Antonio

Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching

Academic Policy and Curriculum Committee, Member, 2007 - 2011

Graduate Program Committee, Member, 2007 - 2011

Area Coordinator – Adult Learning and Teaching, 2007 - 2011

Member of Graduate Faculty, 2007 - 2011

Executive Graduate Program Committee, Member, 2007 - 2011

Editor of the ILT Department Newsletter, 2010 - 2011

New Graduate Student Orientation, 2007 - 2011

SACS Assessment Report Committee, Member, 2007 - 2011

ILT Chair/Assistant Chair Committee (Ad Hoc), Member, 2009 - 2010

Search Committee for the Instructional Technology Assistant Professor Position, 2008 - 2009

Graduation Greeter, Spring, 2008, Spring, Fall, 2009

Book Fair Volunteer for the Storytelling Festival, 2008

Adult Learning and Teaching Program

Co-Director, graduate programs in Adult Learning and Teaching, 2007 - 2011

Adult Learning and Teaching Assessment Committee, Member, 2009 - 2011

Graduate Student Program Advisor, 2007 - 2011

PhD in Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Program

Curriculum Development Committee (Teaching and Service), Chair, 2010

Doctoral Admissions Committee, 2009, 2011

Celebration Committee, 2009

Procedures for Comprehensive Exam and Dissertation, 2009

Mentoring Committee, 2009

Curriculum Design, 2009

B. Professional:


Co-Editor in Chief, New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2015 - present

Reflections Editor, Adult Learning, 2011 - 2015

Editorial Boards

Didattica universitaria, ricerca e professionalità docente - “Teaching, learning and assessment in Higher Education, scholarship and professional development” (Franco Angeli Book Series) 2018 - present

Journal of Transformative Education 2015 - present

Journal of Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning: Research and Practices, (Italy) 2014 - present

Adult Education Quarterly, Consulting Editor 2013 - present

Adult Learning 2011 - present

Building Sustainable Futures for Adult Learners (Book Series) 2013 - 2014

Research Conferences

Co-Director, EXPO-RESEARCH: International Graduate Student Research Forum on Adult, Professional, Higher, and Community Education, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy 2018

The American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Commission of Professors of Adult Education

Instructional Improvement Special Interest Group Co-Chair, 2012 – 2017: Elected

Executive Board Slating Committee, 2013

The Adult Education Research Conference (AERC): Elected

Steering Committee Chair, 2013 - 2014

Steering Committee, 2012 - 2013

Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages (TESOL), International

TESOL Doctoral Forum Coordinator, Annual Convention, 2008 - 2011

TESOL Doctoral Forum Moderator, Annual Convention, 2007

Adjudicator/Reviewer for Scholarships/Awards

U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission Italian Fulbright Scholars to the U.S., Reviewer, 2019

U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission Graduate Study Fulbright All Disciplines and Graduate Study Fulbright Law, Adjudicator, 2019

Reviewer for Scholarly Journals

Comparative Education Review, 2020

Development in Practice, 2016 - present

Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning. Research and practices, 2018

Compare, 2017

Tuning Journal for Higher Education, 2017, 2019

Globalisation, Societies and Education, 2017

Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 2015

Canadian Modern Language Review, 2013

The Foreign Language Annals, 2011 - 2012

SAGE Open, 2012

International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 2006 - 2007

American Education Research Journal, 2005

Reviewer for Additional Publications

Routledge Book Series Reviewer, Education, 2020

Adult Higher Education Alliance 2018 Book Series Selection Review Committee, 2016

Book Chapter Review: Innovative Approaches in Heritage Language Teaching: From research to practice. Edited by Marta Fairclough & Sara M. Beaudrie, 2015

CQ University (Australia), Great Guide on Internationalising the Curriculum External Reviewer, 2012

Reviewer for National/International Conference Proposals

American Association of Adult and Continuing Education

• Imogene Okes Award Selection Committee, 2016, 2017

• Universities and Colleges, Commission of Professors of Adult Education, History and Philosophy Proposal Review Coordinator, 2013

• Universities and Colleges Proposal Reviewer, 2012

Clute Institute International Education Conference Proposal Reviewer, 2016

The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Annual Conference Proposal Reviewer, 2011

TESOL Doctoral Forum Proposal Reviewer, Annual Convention, 2006

American Education Research Association Annual Meeting

• Instructional Technology Special Interest Group, 2006

• Adult Literacy and Adult Education Special Interest Group, 2006, 2019

• Language and Social Processes Special Interest Group, 2006

• Division B – Curriculum Studies, 2006

External Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2020

Kansas State University, 2016

Ohio University, 2015

C. Community:

Delta Delta Delta Alumnae Association

• St. Jude’s Children’s Cancer Research Fundraising 2005 - 2018

• Golden Circle Chair, 2012 - 2015

• First Vice President, 2008 - 2010

• Secretary, 2005 - 2009

Oak Run Middle School, Campus Improvement Committee: Member, 2010 - 2013

Kick-It Kickball Philanthropy. Cure Search for Children’s Cancer. New Braunfels, 2011

Pantheon Institute for Study Abroad (Rome, Italy). 2010 - 2011. Marketing and Recruitment Consultant for academic and professional programs offered in Italy and throughout the Mediterranean on architecture and landscape architecture.

Texas Center for Adult Literacy and Learning, Barbara Bush Family Literacy Fellowships. Reviewer, 2008, 2009

The City of San Antonio and The University of Texas Health Science Center Medical Director National Search: Adult Education Representative, 2008

D. Service Honors and Awards:

2017 Presidential Distinction Award for Excellence in Service, Texas State University

F. Other

Service Professional Development/Personal Learning

• GATO Training, 2020

• Canvas Training, 2020

• Social Media: The Next Step. Texas State University, 2012, Participant.


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