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People: (Matching)William VanderbiltGeorge WestinghouseCornelius VanderbiltAndrew CarnegieHenry BessemerJohn D. RockefellerJ.P. MorganCyrus FieldAlexander Graham BellThomas EdisonGustavus SwiftElijah McCoyGranville T. WoodsHenry FordWright BrothersMother JonesJay CookeTerms: (Fill in the Blank)ConsolidationVertical IntegrationMonopolyTrustFree Enterprise systemSherman Antitrust ActPatentMoving assembly lineMass productionSweatshopTrade unionGospel of WealthLaissez-faire capitalismSocial DarwinismThe following will be a mix of multiple choice, short answer, and long answer.General:What five factors contributed to the growth of the industrial US in the late 1800’s?What three industries fueled the so-called “Second Industrial Revolution?”In your opinion, using historical evidence, could the United States have become the industrial giant that it was at the opening of the 20th century without the reliance on sweatshops and poor immigrant labor? Why or why not? Is it fair to tell other countries not to repeat our actions from our past today?Why is this era in US History frequently referred to as the “Gilded Age?Gilded = something of lower quality that is covered with gold.Railroads:How did railroads impact American industrialization in the late 1800’s?After the Civil War, railroads consolidated as large railroad companies too over smaller ones. What ere the advantages of consolidation? What were the disadvantages?Big Business:How did corporations and baking help the US economy to expand?How did John D. Rockefeller monopolize the oil Industry?What arguments were used to support big business?What arguments were used to oppose big business?How would you define the term “Robber Baron” and give on example from history. Explain why they fit the role using historical evidence.How would you define the term “Captain of Industry” and give an example from history. Explain why they fit the role using historical evidence.Innovation and Invention:Choose two new technologies from the era and be able to discuss who invented it and the impact that the invention had on American society.What was the assembly line, and how did it transform manufacturing?Labor:How did change in factory conditions in the time after the Civil War promote the rise of labor unions in the late 1800s? (How was factory work different in the late 1800s from the time before the Civil War?)What were the traditional goals for all labor unions during this period and why were they fighting to achieve these things? (Talk about conditions)List and explain two methods labor unions used to achieve their goals.Choose one of the three famous labor events (Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, Haymarket Affair, or Homestead Strike) and discuss what problems existed before the event, what occurred during the event, and what changes, if any, occurred after the event and why.Picture Analysis: (You may use the internet to get a better version)Who does the octopus represent?Why did the artist choose to use an octopus?What things are in the grip of the octopus?What does this image say about this company and about the Industrial Revolution in general? ................

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