Create Your Own Island

Create Your Own Island

Here is a chance to create the island of your dreams! Be creative and develop a theme island which contains the following information:

o Your island must have a central theme.

Example: “Computer Island”, “Ice Cream Island”

o Your island must contain at least ten of the following geographical features:

basin bay canyon mountain

gulf lake delta peninsula

plateau river valley isthmus

strait source delta reservoir

tributary mouth coast plain

o Your geographic features need to be labeled according to your island’s theme.

Example: “Computer Island” might have Monitor Mountain Range and Keyboard Plateau.

o You must identify the island’s natural resources. Create symbols for these resources and a key or legend.

Natural resources are things that occur naturally in the environment. How will the natural resources of your island affect the way its people live? How will they benefit from the geography of the island?

Example: Some natural resources include lakes and forests. The lakes are a resource because they provide a place for recreation. Many people use the lakes for fishing, boating and other water sports.

o Your final product must also include the following:

➢ First and last name, class and due date on the back

➢ Title for your map

➢ Key or legend and compass rose

➢ All work done in ink, Stabilos or colored pencil

➢ Correct spelling and capitalization

➢ Rubric attached


Create Your Own Island


This rubric must be turned in with your final project on _____________________.

Grades on late projects will be deducted 10% for every day late.

|Requirement |Score |

|My first and last name, class and due date are on the back of my map. | 2 1 0 |

|My island map has a title that clearly states the theme. | 2 1 0 |

|My island includes at least 10 geographical features. |4 3 2 1 0 |

|I labeled the geographical features according to the island’s theme. |4 3 2 1 0 |

|My map identifies the island’s natural resources. |4 3 2 1 0 |

|My map includes a key or legend that shows the island’s natural | 2 1 0 |

|resources with symbols. | |

|I completed my map neatly in Stabilos, ink and /or colored pencils. | 2 1 0 |

|I used correct spelling and capitalization on my map. |4 3 2 1 0 |

|I effectively used class time to complete my map. |4 3 2 1 0 |

|I included the rubric. | 2 0 |

TOTAL: _________ / 3O points

Name: __________________________________________________

Create Your Own Island

Planning Sheet

Island’s Theme (2 points):

What do you want your central idea to be? What do you want your island to offer? Write your ideas in the space below. Circle your final choice.

Geographic features of your island (5 points):

What geographical features will you include on your island? Remember you must have at least ten. Write down the names of your geographical features in the space below.

Labeled Geographic Features (3 points):

What will you name your land and water forms? Remember they need to relate to your island’s theme. Write down the names of the places in the space below. Check your spelling and capitalization.

Natural Resources (5 points):

What natural resources can be found on your island? How could people benefit by living on your island?

List the natural resources in the space below. Next to each one, create a symbol and state how this resource is useful or helpful.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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