Learning Outcome Assessment Alignment Grid

To complete the alignment grid, start by listing one learning outcome per row beneath the “Learning Outcome” column. Make sure that each learning outcome can be assessed by a single method. For example:

Customers will be highly satisfied with the service and requests for service will increase.

(In this case, satisfaction would need to be measured separately from the number of requests for service.)

Next, beneath the "Course/ Project" column, list the course(s) or project(s) that students will complete in order to achieve the learning outcome.

In the "How Learning Will Be Assessed" column, list the assessment(s) tool that will be used for that particular learning outcome. It is fine for there to be more than one assessment used for a particular outcome, so long as each assessment captures the outcome in its entirety. Likewise, it is fine for a single assessment to be used for multiple outcomes.

Finally, in the last column entitled "Resources", list any additional materials, technologies, or resources needed for students to meet the learning outcome.

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