Chapter 12 Test

ReView - Topic 1 Early American & European Exploration --- to 1500

manor – the lands controlled by the Lord of that land

self-sufficient – making/creating most everything an individual or community needs

Christianity – religion based on the teaching of Jesus Christ, 0AD (Protestants & Catholics)

Judaism – religion based on the Old Testament, c.2000BC (Jews)

Islam – religion based on the teaching of Prophet Muhammad, 600AD (Muslims)

Crusades – series of wars fought between Christians and Muslims over a region known as Holy Land

(Palestine) which is today called Israel

innovation – new methods and practical ideas

crankshaft – levers for imparting oscillatory motion to a rotating shaft, one end of the crank 

being fixed to the shaft and the other end receiving reciprocating motion from a hand

astrolabe – instrument used to help sailors determine their latitude position at sea

latitude – the angular distance North or South from the equator of a point on the earth's surface

Silk Road – overland route that linked China and the Middle East

caravan – group of people that travel together for safety

savanna – grassland of Western Africa

extended family – several generations of a family that live together

potlatches – ceremonial feast at which possessions are given away

kinship – people that share a common ancestor

Renaissance – ‘cultural rebirth’ that occurred in Europe from the 14th through the middle of the 17th

centuries, based on the rediscovery of the literature of Greece and Rome

clergy – people who have the authority to perform religious service

technological – knowledge related to ways of done things, sometimes involving complex scientific knowledge

pilgrimage – specific journey for specific reason

textile – cloth produced by weaving or knitting fibers together

monastery – place of residence by a community of persons under religious vows

colony – group of people who settle in distant land but are still ruled by government of their native land

turning point – a moment in history that marks a decisive change

circumnavigate – sail completely around the world

Columbian Exchange – the encounter between the peoples of the Eastern and Western hemispheres

and beginning of global exchange of goods and ideas

modification – changes

archaeologist – scientist who studies physical evidence of past human life and activities

hammock – couch or bed usually made of netting or canvas slung by cords from supports at each end

convert – bring over from one belief or view to another

isthmus – narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas

susceptible – likely or liable to be influenced or harmed

influenza – highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages causing fever and severe aching

1. What did the European Kings, Queens, Dictators, etc. do control or regulate the religion ?

Created established state churches

2. Describe ‘Columbian Exchange’. people from the East {Europe} meet people from the West{Americas} that sparked a ‘global exchange’ [trading] of food, medicine, government styles, technology, arts, language, and Disease

Who and How was this created ? Columbus’ voyage to the west

Why does it still affect us today ? We still trade with almost ALL countries around the Globe

3. Describe the Northwest Region and peoples.

built permanent villages, traded with nearby groups, held potlatches

4. Describe the Eastern Woodlands Region.

farmed land, grew corn, squash, beans, permanent settlements near water

LIST things these two areas have in common. cut down trees to make houses

5. How did the Spanish explorers find the correct route across the Atlantic Ocean to find the Americas ? by sailing in a western direction from Europe

6. List the technological innovation(s) first developed by Muslims in the Middle Ages ?

Crankshaft & pin-hole camera

List the technological innovation(s) first developed by Chinese in the Middle Ages ?

magnetic compass and astrolabe

List the technological innovation(s) first developed by Egyptians in the Middle Ages ?

lateen sails

List the technological innovation(s) first developed by Persians in the Middle Ages ?

windmills for grinding corn & wheat

7. List the causes that led to the great burst of learning known as Renaissance ?

1. Gutenberg develop a 26 letter moveable type printing press

2. books became cheaper

3. allowed knowledge to spread quickly

8. What advantage did Middle Eastern merchants possess that allowed them to take such a central role in the expansion of overseas trade ?

the Middle East is situated as a crossroads between Europe, Asia, & Africa

9. Describe the two main goals Columbus discussed with Ferdinand & Isabelle

regarding his 1st voyage

1. to use proper methods of converting them to our Holy faith

2. find a water route to India by sailing West

What three potential rewards did Columbus negotiate from the King and Queen ?

1. be named ‘Admiral of all the Atlantic’.

2. become the Vice-Roy of all land he found.

3. receive 10% of TOTAL revenue found, spices, gold, silver, etc.

10. What were the benefits to Kings & Queens to use the feudal system ?

1. Nobles provided a village-militia in exchange of lands to protect the country from invasion

2. Peasants farmed the land and shared with monarchy

11. Describe the many influences China’s technology had over the other

blossoming civilizations around the world ?

major source of Sailing technological innovations Such as: rudder, watertight hulls,

magnetic compass, paper, gun powder

12. How did the Crusade Wars set the stage for the Age of Exploration for Europeans ?

Europeans wanted:

1. African Gold and Ivory 2. African Slaves 3. India and Asian Foods and Spices

13. How did European expansion in the Americas affect Native Americas (Indians) ?

1. killed them through DISEASES

2. taught them building skills

3. new foods, wheat, sugar, rice, grapes

4. new animals, horse, cow, chicken, goat

14. Describe the expedition of de Balboa …

Crossed from East to West over Panama to Claim the Pacific Ocean for Spain

15. List the reasons why the Europeans began their Age of Exploration ?

1. find new technological innovation

2. find Gold and Wealth

3. quicker route to Indian Spices

16. Describe the expedition of Magellan ?

led the expedition that circumnavigated the world

17. Describe the expedition of Columbus ?

1. he wrote about it – journal, dairy, book

2. brought great riches back to the King/Queen

3. created a ‘buzz’ and ‘excitement to other explorers

18. List the major effects of the Columbian Exchange ?

1. changed the way of daily-live for both continents

2. increased world population due to improved diets

3. people from the East met people from the West

19. Why were the European diseases so devastating to the Native American Peoples ?

Their immune systems had never been exposed and were not prepared to fight the viruses

20. Describe the importance of Magellan’s voyage ?

1. helped people understand how large the earth was

2. circumnavigated the world


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