Listed below are the course numbers and titles of General Education Elective courses. A student must successfully complete all Basic Skills courses, Writing Effective Prose, course prerequisites, and either the General Education course in the subject of an elective or all required General Elective credits in the category of the elective course before enrolling for a General Education Elective course. General Education Electives must be selected from among courses outside of a student’s major or major related collateral requirements. In addition to the courses listed below, General Education Electives can be selected from among those courses designated General Education.

AACS 116 African Music I

AACS 117 African Music II

AACS 151 Introduction to African World Literature

AACS 215 African History I

AACS 216 African History II

AACS 241 African-American History to 1865

AACS 242 African-American History Since 1865

AACS 244 African-American Politics (N)

AACS 261 African, African-American and Caribbean Religions

AACS 304 African-Caribbean History

AACS 305 African-American Community Development

AACS 310 Recent Interpretations in African-American Studies

AACS 311 African Literature

AACS 312 Major Authors of African Descent

AACS 321 Haiti: History, People and Culture

AACS 322 Caribbean Literary Experience I

AACS 323 Caribbean Literary Experience II

AACS 324 African Communities Cultures in New World

AACS 328 African-American Literary Experience I

AACS 329 African-American Literary ExperienceII

AACS 358 Psychology of African Americans (N)

AACS 385 Gender, Ethnic and Class Conflicts in the New Millennium

ANTH 200 Human Origins

ANTH 210 Archaeology

ANTH 220 African Archaeology

ANTH 252 Biological Basis of Human Behavior

ANTH 230 Understanding Culture

ANTH 260 Myth and Folklore & Modern World

ANTH 304 Prehistory of the Far East (N)

ANTH 308 Indians of North America

ANTH 342 Ethnology of East Asia

ANTH 350 Shamans, Witches and Magic

ANTH 354 Forensic Osteology

ANTH 356 Urban Anthropology

ANTH 359 Cultural change in Latin America

ARAB 210 Intermediate Arabic I

ARTH 102 Approaches to Non-Western Art

ARTH 215 Modern Art I

ARTH 284 Art of Pre-Columbian Americas

ASN 200 Intro Chinese Culture (N)

ASN 220 Chinese Conversation (N)

ASN 221 Japanese Conversation (N)

ASN 222 Advanced Japanese (N)

ASN 223 Advanced Japanese II (N)

ASN 270 East Asian Civilization

ASN 280 Civilizations of South Asia

ASN 301 Cultural Studies: Japan (N)

ASN 302 Japanese Literature and Film in Translation (N)

ASN 303 Literature of India in Translation

ASN 325 Women in Modern Japanese Literature

ASN 341 Asian & American Cross-Cultural Communication

ASN 394 Modern India (N)

BIO 119 Basic Anatomy & Physiology II

BIO 302 Human Heredity

BIO 470 Bioethics and Society

BIO 350 Animal Behavior

BIO 352 Economic Botany: Plants for Mankind

CGSI 200 Cognitive Science I

CHIN 200 Intro Chinese Culture (N)

CHIN 221 Chinese Conversation

CHIN 301 Modern Chinese Literature Translation

CHIN 310 Chinese Adv. Tutorial I

CHIN 311 Chinese Adv. Tutorial II

CHIN 375 Contemp Chinese Cinema

CMHL 200 Active Lifestyles for Health (N)

CMHL 210 Women’s Health

CMHL 221 Nutrition

CMHL 270 Concepts and Issues of Aging

CMHL 390 Human Sexuality

COMM 285 Musical Theater

COMM 318 Forms of Art (N)

COMM 384 History of Theater

COMM 388 American Theater and Drama

CS 201 Computer Literacy: Microcomputer Applications

CS 215 Computer and Information Technology for Educators


CSH 250 Integrated Research Methods/Statistics I

CSH 350 Integrated Research Methods/Statistics II

ECON 202 Microeconomic Principles

ECON 340 Labor & Management in the American Economy (N)

ECON 360 Economic Growth & Development

ECON 370 International Economics

ECON 390 Comparative Economic Systems

ECON 450 Business Econ of Latin America

ENG 211 Modern Drama

ENG 216 Science Fiction and Fantasy

ENG 217 Images of Women in Modern Literature

ENG 228 Latino(a) Literature in United States(N)

ENG 229 Films and Literature

ENG 317 Modern American Literature

ENG 325 Literature across the Americas (N)

ENG 340 Contemporary Literature

ENG 342 Contemporary American Fiction

ENG 350 Ethnic American Literature

ENG 351 Asian American Literature

ENV 220 Earth through Time

FR 200 Introduction to French and Francophone Cultures and Literature

FR 300 Twentieth Century French Literature in Translation

GEO 230 Population & Settlement Geography

GEO 300 Geopolitics

GEO 332 Geography of Middle East

GEO 334 Geography of Africa

GEO 335 Geography of Latin America

HIST 205 The US through Reconstruction

HIST 206 The US since Reconstruction

HIST 301 Social History of Modern Europe

HIST 302 Origin of Civilization

HIST 303 Greek Civilization

HIST 304 Rome: Republic and Empire

HIST 306 Europe in the Middle Ages

HIST 307 Imperial Spain: 1450-1700

HIST 309 The Italian Renaissance

HIST 310 Modern France since 1815

HIST 311 Labor History through Film

HIST 312 Reformation Europe

HIST 314 History of New Jersey

HIST 315 The United States Jewish Community

HIST 317 Cultural History of the 1960’s

HIST 320 US: Jeffersonian & Jacksonian Democracy (1789—1840)

HIST 321 United States: The Era of the Civil War(1840—1877)

HIST 322 United States: Progress, War and Normalcy (1877-1933)

HIST 323 US: From New Deal to Cold War

HIST 325 US: Immigration in the Growth of America

HIST 327 America as a World Power

HIST 330 Imperial Russia

HIST 331 Twentieth Century Russia

HIST 332 Tudor-Stuart England

HIST 333 Modern Britain

HIST 335 Science, Technology & Society

HIST 336 Europe Age of Revolution (1789-1848)

HIST 338 Europe Since 1914

HIST 339 Revolutionary Movement in Russia

HIST 341 Hitler and Nazi Era

HIST 344 Society at War: US in World War II

HIST 345 A Social History of Russia through Literature & Art

HIST 346 Modern European Women’s History

HIST 349 The Holocaust

HIST 353 Comparative Race & Slavery in the Americas 1400—1888 (N)

HIST 354 History of Civil Rights Movement

HIST 355 US Urban History (N)

HIST 358 Russia in Asia

HIST 360 Traditional Japan

HIST 361 Modern Japan

HIST 365 The Pacific War: Japan and the Second World War in Asia

HIST 366 The United States and the Pacific

HIST 370 Traditional China

HIST 371 Modern China

HIST 380 Colonial Latin America (N)

HIST 381 Modern Latin America (N)

HIST 382 The Spanish Caribbean (N)

HIST 383 Modern Brazilian History (N)

HIST 384 The Mexican Revolution (N)

HIST 390 Islamic/Middle Eastern History & Civilization I

HIST 391 Islamic/Middle Eastern History & Civilization II

HIST 392 Contemporary Middle East

HIST 394 Modern India (N)

HNDI 301 Literature of India in Translation

HUM 251 Humanities I: Cultural Roots & Continuities

HUM 252 Humanities II: Cultural Roots & Continuities

IT 200 Intro to Italian Culture & Literature

IT 210 Intermediate Italian I

JPAN 221 Japanese Conversation (N)

JPAN 222 Advanced Japanese (N)

JPAN 223 Advanced Japanese II (N)

JPAN 301 Cultural Studies: Japan (N)

JPAN 302 Japanese Literature and Film in Translation (N)

JPAN 325 Women in Modern Japanese Literature

LAS 284 Art of Pre-Columbian America (N)

LAS 228 Latino(a) Literature in United States (N)

LAS 301 Masterpieces of Spanish Literature in Translation (N)

LAS 305 Latino Cultural Studies(N)

LAS 325 Literature across the Americas (N)

LAS 353 Comparative Race & Slavery in the Americas 1400—1888(N)

LAS 359 Cultural Change in Latin America (N)

LAS 380 Colonial Latin America (N)

LAS 381 Modern Latin America (N)

LAS 382 The Spanish Caribbean (N)

LAS 383 Modern Brazilian History (N)

LAS 384 Mexican Revolution (N)

LAS 386 Business Econ of Latin America

MATH 111 Elementary Algebra with Applications

MATH 323 Foundations of Geometry

MATH 324 Probability

MUS 144 Music Fundamentals

MUS 172 Chamber Jazz Ensemble I (Freshmen)

MUS 173 Chamber Jazz Ensemble II (Freshmen)

MUS 174 Chamber Jazz Ensemble III (Freshmen)

MUS 175 Chamber Jazz Ensemble IV (Freshmen)

MUS 200 Concert Choir

MUS 203 Chamber Singers

MUS 211 Concert Band

MUS 212 Preparatory Band

MUS 213 College Orchestra

MUS 214 Brass Ensemble Trumpet

MUS 215 Brass Quintet

MUS 216 Woodwind Ensemble Clarinet

MUS 217 Woodwind Ensemble Saxophone

MUS 218 Woodwind Quintet

MUS 219 Percussion Ensemble

MUS 221 WPUNJ Percussion Ensemble

MUS 222 Jazz Ensemble

MUS 229 Trombone Ensemble

MUS 230 Classical Guitar Ensemble

MUS 231 20th Century Chamber Ensemble

MUS 235 Latin Jazz Ensemble

MUS 239 Jazz Vocal Workshop

MUS 243 World Music

MUS 272 Chamber Jazz Ensemble I (Sophomore)

MUS 273 Chamber Jazz Ensemble II (Sophomore)

MUS 274 Chamber Jazz Ensemble III (Sophomore)

MUS 275 Chamber Jazz Ensemble IV (Sophomore)

MUS 282 Opera Workshop

MUS 283 Flute Ensemble

MUS 289 French Horn Ensemble

MUS 293 Understanding Jazz: Hist& Appreciation

MUS 317 History of American Pop Music Since 1950

MUS 318 Forms of Art (N)

MUS 331 Western Music through Josquin

MUS 332 Music in the Late Renaissance & Baroque Periods

MUS 333 Music in Rococo & Classical Periods

MUS 334 Music in the Romantic Period

MUS 340 Masterworks of Opera

MUS 372 Chamber Jazz Ensemble I (Junior)

MUS 373 Chamber Jazz Ensemble II (Junior)

MUS 374 Chamber Jazz Ensemble III (Junior)

MUS 375 Chamber Jazz Ensemble IV (Junior)

MUS 472 Chamber Jazz Ensemble I (Senior)

MUS 473 Chamber Jazz Ensemble II (Senior)

MUS 474 Chamber Jazz Ensemble III (Senior)

MUS 475 Chamber Jazz Ensemble IV (Senior)

PEAQ 204 Elementary Swimming

PEDN 280 Modern Dance I

PEEL 203 Golf

PEEL 204 Tennis I

PEEL 223 Aerobics

PEGE 200 Active Lifestyles for Health(N)

PEGE 240 Impact of Sport in Modern World (N)

PEGE 330 Psychology of Sport

PEGE 340 Social History of Western Sport

PHIL 200 Ethics

PHIL 210 Logic

PHIL 213 Asian & Western Comparative Ethics & Political Philosophy

PHIL 214 Asian&West. Metaphys&Epistemology

PHIL 229 Islamic Philosophy

PHIL 232 Philosophy of Technology

PHIL 269 Philosophy of Sex and Love

PHIL 240 Applied Ethics

PHIL 301 Stigmatized Englishes

PHIL 324 Philosophy of Sexual Politics

PHYS 250 Basic Electronics I

POL 221 State Government

POL 223 Urban & Suburban Politics

POL 228 African-American Politics (N)

POL 230 Comparative Politics: Development & Modernization

POL 240 International Relations

POL 272 Politics & Sex

POL 323 Political Socialization

POL 329 Women and the Law in the U.S. (N)

POL 345 United States Foreign Policy

POL 349 S.E. Asia in World Politics (N)

POL 352 Politics of Poverty

POL 355 Politics of the Environment

PORT 210 Intermediate Portuguese I

PORT 211 Intermediate Portuguese II

PSY 202 Experimental Psychology I: Applied Statistics

PSY 210 Developmental Psychology

PSY 220 Social Psychology

PSY 230 History & Systems of Psychology

PSY 250 Psychology of Consciousness

PSY 260 Psychology in Business & Industry

PSY 275 Psychology of Law

PSY 311 Psychology of Women

PSY 322 Group Dynamics

PSY 350 Theories of Personality

PSY 353 Physiological Psychology

PSY 358 Psychology of African-Americans (N)

PSY 360 Environmental Psychology

PSY 365 Psychology & Culture

PSY 375 Cognitive Psychology

SOC 231 Sociology of the Family

SOC 233 Sociology of Religion

SOC 235 Sport in the Modern World (N)

SOC 241 Minority Groups in America

SOC 272 Urban Sociology (N)

SOC 352 Self & Society

SOC 372 Sociology of Organization

SOC 375 Social & Environmental Change

SOC 391 Population and Development in Asia

SPAN 222 Advanced Spanish Conversation & Composition

SPAN 228 Latino(a)Literature in United States(N)

SPAN 231 Introduction to Spanish Culture & Literature

SPAN 300 Spanish Peninsular Literature in Translation

SPAN 301 Masterpieces of Spanish Literature in Translation (N)

SPAN 305 Latino Cultural Studies (N)

SPAN 324 Nobel Prize Writers of Spain and Spanish America

SPAN 360 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics

SPAN 487 Seminar in Spanish Cinema

SSH 201 Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences I: Theory

SSH 202 Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences II: Methodology

SSH 301 Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences III: Application

URBN 272 Urban Sociology (N)

URBN 355 US Urban History (N)

URBN 398 Women in the City (N)

WS 207 Women, Sport and Culture

WS 208 Female Icons in Contemporary U.S. Culture

WS 218 Life Passages: The Female Experience

WS 269 Philosophy of Sex and Love

WS 310 Contemporary Feminist Issues

WS 329 Women and the Law in the U.S. (N)

WS 340 Media Representation of Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgender

WS 398 Women in the City (N)

(N) Multi-disciplinary offering; do not repeat same title.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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