Muscular System 9 – 10

Muscular System 9 – 10

1. First, identify the structures described in Column A by matching them with the terms in Column B. Enter the correct letters in the answer blanks. Then, select a different color for each of the terms in Column B that has a color-coding circle and color the structures in on Figure 9-1.

Column A Column B

_____ 1. A muscle cell a. endomysium

_____ 2. Thin connective tissue investing each muscle cell b. epimysium

_____ 3. Cordlike extension of connective tissue beyond the c. fascicle

muscle, serving to attach it to the bone

d. fiber

_____ 4. A long, filamentous organelle found within muscle cells e. myofilament

that has a banded appearance

_____ 5. Contractile unit of muscle f. myofibril

_____ 6. Actin or myosin-containing structure g. perimysium

_____ 7. A discrete bundle of muscle cells h. sarcolemma

_____ 8. Connective tissue surrounding a fascicle i. sarcomere

_____ 9. Plasma membrane of the muscle cell j. sarcoplasm

_____ 10. Connective tissue ensheathing the entire muscle k. tendon

Figure 9-1

2. Figure 9-2 is a diagrammatic representation of a small portion of a relaxed muscle cell (bracket indicates the portion enlarged). First, select different colors for the structures listed below. Use them to color the coding circles and corresponding structures on figure 9-2. Then bracket and label an A band, and I band, and a sarcomere.

Myosin Actin filaments Z-line

Figure 9-2

3. Several criteria are applied to the naming of muscles. These are provided in the key choices. Identify which ones pertain to the muscles listed here and enter the correct letter(s) in the answer blanks.

a. action _____ 1. adductor brevis

b. direction of fibers _____ 2. brachioradialis

c. location of muscle _____ 3. deltoid

d. location of the origin and insertions _____ 4. extensor digitorum longus

e. number of origins _____ 5. Internal oblique

f. relative muscle size _____ 6. orbicularis oculi

g. shape of the muscle _____ 7. pectoralis major

_____ 8. sternohyoid

_____ 9. quadriceps femoris

Muscles of the Head and Neck

4. Name the major muscles described here. Select a different color for each muscle listed and color in the coding circle and corresponding muscles on Figure 10-1.

____________________________ Used to form the horizontal frown cease on the forehead or

to raise your eyebrows

____________________________ Prime mover of head flexion; a two-headed muscle

____________________________ Prime mover of jaw closure

____________________________ Synergist muscle for jaw closure, elevates and retracts mandible

____________________________ Used in winking and blinking

____________________________ Used in smiling

____________________________ Used to suck in your cheeks

____________________________ The “kissing” muscle

Figure 10-1

5. Name the anterior trunk muscles described here. Then, for each muscle name that has a color coding circle, select a different color for the coding circle and corresponding muscle on Figure 10-2.

_____________________________ Part of the abdominal girdle; forms the external lateral walls

of the abdomen

_____________________________ Prime mover for shoulder abduction

_____________________________ A major spine flexor; the name means “straight muscle of the abdomen”

_____________________________ Acting alone, each muscle of this pair turns the head toward

the opposite shoulder

_____________________________ Prime mover for shoulder flexion and adduction

Figure 10-2

6. Name the posterior trunk muscles described here. Select a different color for each muscle with a coding circle and color the coding circles and corresponding muscles on Figure 10-3.

_____________________________ Muscle that adducts the shoulder and causes extension of the shoulder joint

_____________________________ Shoulder muscle that is the antagonist of the muscle just described

_____________________________ Muscle that allows you to shrug your shoulders or extend your head

Figure 10-3

Muscles of the Hip, Thigh, and Leg

7. Name the muscles described here. Select a different color for each muscle provided with a color-coding circle, and use it to color the coding circles and corresponding muscles on Figure 10-4. Complete the illustration by labeling those muscles provided with leader lines.

_____________________________ Muscle group the extends the thigh and flexes the knee

_____________________________ Inverts and dorsiflexes the foot

_____________________________ Smaller hip muscle commonly used as an injection site

_____________________________ Used to extend the hip when climbing stairs; forms buttock

_____________________________ “Toe dancer’s” muscle; a composite of two muscles

_____________________________ Muscle group that extends the knee

Figure 10-4

8. Name the muscles described here. Then select different colors for each muscle provided with a color-coding circle and use them to color in the coding circles and corresponding muscles on Figure 10-5.

______________________________ Muscle that extends the elbow

______________________________ Powerful shoulder abductor, used to raise the arm overhead

______________________________ Muscle that allows you to bend (flex) the elbow


Developmental Aspects of the Muscular System

9. Complete the following statements concerning the embryonic development of muscles and their functioning throughout life. Insert your answers in the answer blanks.

__ quickening __________ 1. The first movement of the baby detected by the mother-to-be

is called the _1_.

_______________________ 2.

An important congential muscular disease that results in the

________________________ 3. degeneration of the skeletal muscles by young adulthood is called _2_.

________________________ 4.

Muscles will ordinarily stay healthy if they are _3_ regularly;

________________________ 5. without normal stimulation they _4_.

________________________ 6. With age, our skeletal muscles decrease in mass; this leads to a decrease in body _5_ and in muscle _6_. Muscle tissue

________________________ 7. that is lost is replaced by noncontractile _7_ tissue.

10. Complete the following chart on the major muscles of the body and their actions. Be sure to study this section for the test.

|Muscle |Action |

| |closes eye |

| |flexes head toward chest |

| |puckers lips |

| |rotates trunk |

| |flexes trunk |

| |elevates shoulders |

| |extends forearm |

| |adducts arm |

| |flexes upper arm |

| |flexes forearm |

| |abducts arm |

| |extends foot |

| |extends thigh |

| |adducts thigh |

| |flexes thigh and extends lower leg |

| |flexes lower leg |

| |flexes foot |


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