Schindler’s List Scene SummariesScenes 1: Modern day Jewish family (00:00-01:38)A family prays the Kaddish together as a candle shows the passing of timeThe candle goes out and the smoke turns into the smoke of a trainScene 2: The List makers (01:38-03:24)Train pulls in, Jews come out, and the first list of Jews is madeThe names of the people are called out one-by-one.Scene 3: Schindler and the Nazis (03:24-10:11)Schindler is getting ready. He’s getting cash together.Schindler enters a restaurant, bribes the host, and sits at the back table.Nazi officers begin to arrive, and Schindler watches them, especially the high ranking officialSchindler sends drinks to the tableSchindler takes photos with Nazis and dancersScene 4: Schindler meets Stern, his accountant (10:11-15:15)Judenrat, the Jewish council for people filing complaintsScene opens with soldiers marching, joking, and laughing, cutting Jewish man’s hairSchindler walks to front of the line and finds accountant, Itzhak SternSchindler tells Stern his plan to buy an enamelware factory but needs investorsScene 5: Schindler meets Poldek, the blackmarket guru (15:15-18:12)Schindler visits church with Jewish smugglersMeets with Poldek Pfefferberg who agrees to procure luxury itemsScene 6: Jews enter the Ghetto (17:36-22:01)Jews walk across bridge and are moved to the ghettoGirl is overheard shouting “Goodbye Jews”Contrast between Schindler and his luxury apartment and the Nussbaums crowed quarters in the ghettoLines of Jews moving into ghettoScene 7: Schindler , the Jewish Investors, and his new workers (22:01-29:21)Schindler secures money from investors in trade goods and points out money is worthless in ghettoSchindler sets up factory and hires Jews for cheap employment Women states, “I am not going to hide like some animal”History and literature teachers are considered unessential Stern realizes that people deemed essential workers are saved from death camps and begins finding Jews to work in the factory Scene 7: Schindler and his secretaries (29:21-32:41)Schindler looks for women to be his secretary, can’t decide, so he hires most of them.Schindler holds party to introduce soldiers to secretaries and has assortment of foods and items delivered to soldier (in photo with Schindler for earlier scene)Scene 8: Schindler and Emilie (32:41-39:32) Schindler's wife, Emilie, comes to visit himOver dinner, Schindler discusses his new factory and the money he is making. He also asks Emilie if anyone asks about him and tells her "Oscar Schindler, everyone remembers him. He did something extraordinary"Emilie asks if she should stay only if she is not presumed as anyone but his wife Next scene she is on a trainScene 9: The Old Machinist (39:32-44:15)One armed machinist comes to thank Schindler for saving his lifeWorkers are stopped on their way to work and the old machinist is shotSchindler meets with an officer to place a complaint and stands up for the worker, claiming he was “quite skilled.”Scene 10: Stern, the Train, and “the List” (44:15-50:54)Schindler is notified that Stern has been placed on a trainA Nazi official states that Oskar cannot take stern because he is on a listSchindler and the two Nazi officials argue about listsSchindler threatens the Nazi officialsSchindler and the two officials begin calling for stern, Schindler finds stern and pulls him from the trainThe Jews’ suitcases are pulled on a cart to a room where all of their belongings are emptied and categorized Scene 11: Meet Commandant Goeth: building Plaszow (50:54-55:18)Jews are shown standing in close quarters in the ghettoGoeth explains the division of labor within the ghetto (elderly and sick/those capable of working)A group of women are lines up to be chosen for his maid’s positionA Jewish woman is heard yelling about tearing one of the structures downShe explains that the structure will collapse. She is an engineer.She is executed and Goeth orders that the building be torn down as she suggestedScene 12: The Evacuation of the Ghetto (55:18- 1:13:15)A Goeth gives a speech about a “Jewish Krakow”A Jewish family sits at the dinner table Tables and chairs are set up by soldiersNazi soldiers begin running through the streets and shouting up to Jewish familiesThe family seen before eats pieces of bread with rings and other valuable items hidden insideThe Nazi soldiers harass the Jews as they flee from their homesA young couple argues about their escape, plotting to go through the sewersA doctor and nurse distribute poisoned water to all of their sick patientsJewish men and women are separated into lines while their homes are searched People in sewers are attacked, man escapes and pretends to have orders from the Nazis to clear the street of suitcasesDanka (little girl with glasses) and mother try to hide and only the daughter is taken under the floorboardA little boy saves Danka and her mother from other soldiers because he recognizes them Schindler and his girlfriend watch the liquidation of the ghetto from a hill. HIs girlfriend urges them to leaveLittle girl in red is spotted and Schindler watches her, she hides under a bedDuring the night, another group of soldiers comes to clear out the ghetto from the people hidingJews are shown coming out of hiding places (piano, closets, under beds) and are attacked and shotSoldier plays the piano Scene 13: Schindler and Goeth meet (1:13:15-1:26:02)Comparison between Schindler looking over empty factory and Goeth looking over campJews are standing in square and names are being called Goeth takes out rifle and shoots workers who are restingSchindler has a meal with soldiers and Goeth at the villa, talk about factory and absence of workers and loss of moneyConvinces Goeth to set up subcamp for factory workersScene 14: The Rabbi (1:26:02-1:29:23)Goeth and other soldiers come into the factory and assess workGoeth watches Rabbi make a hinge and asks why he has make so littleThe priest is taken out back and shot; however, the gun doesn’t fireScene 15: Stolen Chicken (1:29:23- 1:31:55)Schindler delivers saddle and other gifts as well as giving a lighterGoeth asks group who stole a chicken, shoots someone, and the little boy says the dead man stole the chickenBoy begins working at factory Scene 16: Schindler's "Haven" (1:31:55- 1:38:33)Woman comes to visit Schindler at his factory and begs him to hire her parents to keep them safeSchindler gets angry because people are viewing his factory as a haven. He gives Stern his watch to trade for her parentsThe woman's parents are united at the factory Schindler begins trading items to save peopleScene 17: The Pardoning Emporer (1:38:33- 1:49:30)Party at Goeth's villaSchindler and Helen meet. Helen tells stories of her beatings by Goeth and believes Goeth will shoot herSchindler reassures Helen Goeth will not kill her because she is valuable to GoethSchindler convinces Goeth to start pardoning people, stating power is control schindler tells goeth about an emperor who pardons a boy just because he couldnazi officials are reviewing sterns booksa saddle boy gets in trouble with goeth; goeth pardons himgoeth rides around on a horse pardoning peoplehe encounters a boy scrubbing his bathtub. the boy is having trouble cleaning itgoeth pardons himthe boy walks outsidegoeth finds something in his fingernailthe boy is walking towards the barracks and gunshots are fired close to himstern continues walking, and the boy is seen dead on the groundScene 19: Helena and Goeth (1:49:31-1:50:38)helena cleans goeth's nails at a tablehe smells her hairgoeth stares at helenaScene 20: Schindler's birthday, Helena and Goeth, and the Jewish wedding (1:50:39-1:56:51)a jewish wedding is commencing in the barracks schindler is attending his birthday partygoeth decends into the cellar; helena is standing across the roomgoeth tells helena that she is a well trained servant and that he will give her a reference after the wargoeth struggles with wanting to kiss helenahe states that she isnt a person, but a ratgoeth strokes her hairas schindler is kissed on his birthday, goeth retracts from helenaas a lightbulb is smashed to finalzize the jewish marriage, goeth slaps helena, and schindler claps after a performancegoeth beats helena as the marriage and schindler's birthday is celebratedschindler blows out his candles and two jewish girls appear before him with a cakeschindler thanks the girls and kisses them (eveyrone in the room is appalled)Scene 21: Rumors about the Gas Chambers (1:56:51-1:58:38)women are seen in the barracks telling stories about gas chambersnone of the jewish women believe the stories are trueScene 22: The Selection at Plaszow (1:58:51-2:06:57)a man is heard over the loud speaker calling all living people to come to the Appellplatznazis set up tables and medics stand to evaluate the jews' physical healthgeoth is seen getting a physical as well, he is told to stop drinkingmusic begins to play as jews are herded into the center of the barracksthey are forced to run and dig as they are separated into groupswomen in the barracks are seen pricking their fingers to use blood for rougeas the jews are forced to perform these activities, the children are seen coming from the barrackschildrens music plays as the children in the camp are loaded onto trucksas the women redress, they notice the children being carted offthe women scream and run to the children, who are waving back at their parentssome children are able to escape the trucks and hide in spaces in the baracksa young boy runs away to find a hiding placethe women are knocked down and yanked from their children as they are taken away from the campthe boy is seen running around the camp trying to locate a hiding place, eventually settling on the toiletshe jumps into the toilet, and Danka is seen alive hiding with several other childrenScene 23: Schindler and the Trains (2:06:57-2:10:08)schindler is walking alongside the trainshe sits with goeth and "jokes" about spraying the trains, which are filled with Jewsthe Jews are gasping for air and water, and schindler manages to convince goeth to get hoses sprayed at the trainsthe Jews drink the water that is being sprayed into the trainsschindler is clearly trying to help the Jews, and the Nazi offcials notice (as does Stern)Scene 24 Schindler goes to Jail (2:10:08-2:13:38)schindler is pulled from his factory and is placed in a jail cellgoeth defends schindler stating that he loves beautilful women and that Jews are trickstershe says that the Jewish girl that Schindler kissed was beautiful and that's why he kissed herGoeth offers a "gratuity" for releasing schindlerschindler is lightly scolded for kissing the girlSIDE B; Scene 25: The Liquidation of Plaszow (00:00-2:25)ashes fall from the sky, caused by the burning of jewish bodiesschindler wipes a pile of ashes off of his carthe Jews are to be killed in order to get rid of the Nazis' war crime evidencethe jews are seen digging up bodies, presumably of their friends and familythe Nazis laugh and cover their noses as the bodies are burned and carted awaygoeth says that the war is almost over and that Germany is losingScene 26: Schindler, Stern, and the Drink (2:25-7:14)schindler and stern are seen talking about special treatmentschindler states that Stern runs his business and that he is going homehe says that someday "all of this" will endstern and schindler share a drinkschindler stands in his room while a woman sleeps in his bedhe walks across the room to the window and hears a train rolling down the trackshe gets dressed and closes his many cases of moneyGoeth and schindler talk about money and goet accuses schindler of scamming himschindler wants to save his people and to build another camp for themhe states that it's for the good of the army and their weapon productionScene 28: The List (7:14-15:42)schindlers list is made by sternthey dispute about how many workers schindler can bring to his camp (how many he can afford)a long list is compiled, and goeth recieves a large case filled with moneyschindler's list is finally complete, but Schindler wants to add one more name to the list: Helenagoeth and schindler argue about helena being on the listgoeth does not want to reveal that he cares for helena, but eventually says that he wants to grow old with herhe says that he should take her into the woods and shoot her in the headSchindler's list saves all of his workers and they are taken to his new camp (men and women on separate trains)Scene 29: Schindler Moves his Company (15:42-17:10)the men are taken to schindler's home town, where his factory is builtSchindler gives a speech about food that will be waiting for them insideScene 30: Auschwitz (17:10- 32:30)The women are seen on the train waiting to arrive at Schindler's factoryinstead, they arrive at Auschwitzthe women are pulled from the train and forced into the campthey try to explain that there has been a mistake, but no one listensashes fall on their heads from a chimney, Jews' bodies are being burnedschindler states that the women are in auschwitz, while the women are given haircuts and shoved into a showerthey are given soap and told to undressthe women begin to scream out of fear of the shower being a gas chamberthe lights are turned off and the women begin to sobthe shower heads turn on, and a real shower is given to the womenthe women watch as a group of people are sent down to the showers to be killed.schindler bargains with the comandant of Auschwitz in order to retrieve the womenthe comandant states that schindler may have a new group of workers, but he shouldn’t get attached to namesSchindler pays for women with gems and comandant pours medicine into drink and states, "it’s a lot of paperwork"Women's' names are called off of list to go back to factoryWhile boarding the train, the children start being taken by soldiersSchindler says the children are his too because their small hands are used to polish shell casingThe train leaves Auschwitz and people are shown exiting a trainFactory gates are opened and women are seen walking in while the men watchScene 33: Schindler and his Wife (32:30-34:29)In a church, Schindler meets with Emilie and tells her no one will ever mistake her againEmilie begins working in factory as a nurseStern tells Schindler there is a problem with production and Schindler says he will call around and look for a place where he can buy shellsSchindler says if his factory ever produces a shell that can fire, he will be very unhappyScene 34: The end of the War (34:29-41:45)Schindler approaches Rabbi and says he should be preparing for the SabbathColor is seen with the candle flame while prayingSoldiers hear prayingStern asks Schindler if he has money hidden away Germany surrenders, overheard over radioSchindler calls guards into factorySchindler gives speech to workers and soldiers, tells people to thank themselves and Stern and says he is a member of the Nazi party and a war criminalSchindler says he will flee at 12:05 am, addresses soldiers and tells them they can return to their families as men rather than murderers Calls for 3 minutes of silence to remember those who lost their livesScene 36: The Ring (41:45-48:03)Gold tooth is pulled from worker and made into a ring to give to SchindlerSchindler and Emilie are seen packingBefore leaving, the workers state they have written a letter and signed it incase of Schindler's capture and gift him the ring "whoever saves one life, saves the world in time" is written on ring in HebrewSchindler gets emotional and claims he could have sold the pin and the car in order to save more peopleSchindler leaves in car and sees faces of all the people he has saved in the windowScene 37: Liberation to Modern Day (48:03-55:05)Workers slept outside factory and are woken by someone saying they have been liberated by Soviet ArmyTells Jews not to go East or West but directs them to townGoeth is hung for crimes against humanitySchindler is declared a righteous person by the council of the Yad VashemGroup is seen walking over to the town, transitions to colorActors and survivors are seen placing rocks on Schindler's grave as well as Mrs. Itzhak Stern, Mrs. Emilie Schindler ................

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