FirstSwing Price List: 2006 - Klouter


“If you are in a fair fight, you did not plan your mission properly!”

November is not just a month to give THANKS, but also to assess the coming year and begin thinking about setting reasonable goals for the 2019 year. This means sitting down and writing out your ambitions for the coming year with a viable plan to accomplish each. It is best to list each goal and then a step-by-step plan for each…the “separation is in the preparation!” For and off-season baseball goals, it is very important to create a simple and workable set of goals to include daily and monthly tasks to be done.(See attached Goals) This needs to include stretching, running, throwing, basic hitting, and other skill sets. It is most important that each player throws each week in order to build arm strength. Playing basketball, wrestling, running cross-country, skiing, swimming, etc will help with the physical conditioning and mental toughness needed to compete! Of course, it is important to include diet “control” and staying away from soda pop and other sugary “treats” that will work against building a strong mind and body! JUST SAYING!! KWTP!!

IMPORTANT: Our December 1-2 Camp is coming up very soon. PLEASE make every effort to get to as much of the camp as you can. Also, do help us find more campers and remember you will receive a $25.00 credit for each new camper referred or that you bring with you!!! Tell your friends and please pass on the word at school!! FAW!!

We are looking for 3 Eight (8)U players. Please help us find these so we can fill out our ball club. Thanks Kim and Phil

The new 2019 acronym: FNW!! See if you can figure it out..first one to get it correctly will win a very cool baseball prize!! Email Coach Phil

Our 2019 “Baseball Connect” team is set with 28 of our Klouter family travelling to Hanoi in April of the coming year! As this may be our last trip, we would appreciate ALL Klouters supporting the mission in anyway possible. We will need financial support and will have a gofundme site up soon(more to follow) and are looking for sponsorships from families, businesses, etal. There is a letter/information sheet attached that may help you in leading us to viable sources of support. We are in need of local goodies to include cotlets/applets, dried salmon, Seahawk/M’s and other local sports/food items, current or vintage baseball cards, and any books, toys, etal for younger and special needs children. THANKS! WNM!!

The first payment for Klouter fees was due November 1st..PLEASE send in at your earliest convenience. We need everyone to please pay on time. GAGPTH!

HEROES of the MONTH: Jake Berg(Alum) for winning the League high school golf championship. Griffin McKnight(11U) for his fundraising for “Baseball Connect”. He created a lego drive for the trip! Jackson Webber(Alum) for his early success at Vanguard.

WEIRD FACT of the MONTH: In 2009, the Portland Trail Blazers gave a Bob L. Head doll to 2000 fans. Maned after Robert Leroy Head!

FACTOID of the MONTH: In September, 1995, the Harlem Globetrotters 24 year old, 8,829 game winning streak ended! They lost to a team lead by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in Vienna, 91-85. WOW!!

QUOTE of the MONTH: “He is the only guy that can go 4 for 3” This was made in reference to Rod Carew and his hitting prowess.

HEALTH “HINT” Of the MONTH: Want to stay perpetually skinny? Eat only celery. It has negative calories and you will use up even more while chewing it!

DRILL of the MONTH: Work on your throwing and/or your pitching mechanics a bit each day. Use the towel drill to get UP TOP with your throw/pitch and review your mechanics with the wall drill and mirror drills. FOCUS on getting your elbow to shoulder height and following through with your hand touching the floor! Release in front of your eyes and use your legs to “power” the ball”.

ETERNAL QUESTION Of the MONTH: If the number 2 pencil is the most popular pencil, why is it still number 2?

“Find out what you do not do well, then do not do it!”

MOTHER’S LESSON of the MONTH: The Circle of Life-“I brought you into this world and I can take you out!”

BEST SIX WORDS of ADVICE of the MONTH: Learn “thank you” in several languages.

FATHER to SON ADVICE of the MONTH: Teach him that self-esteem can only be achieved by achieving!


Movie of the Month:  "In Search of Greatness"...a newly released film about athletic genius.  A must see as it delves into what great athletes think and how they operate.

Book of the Month:  Killing the SS, Bill O'Reilly.  The newest of the O'Reilly books and the capturing of all the Nazi SS officers.  A very interesting look at how each of these men were captured or killed after the famous trials.

“COOLEST” NICKNAME of the MONTH: “Flying Cheese”..Colby Innes(9U)

PROFILE of the MONTH: Amos Alonzo Stagg..a true American Sports hero and icon(see attached).

PLEASE read all the attachments and do send in your first half fees!


Coach Phil


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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