NFL Franchise Research Project - LPS

NFL Franchise Research Project

History of Sport

You will be creating a power point presentation on the history of one of the 32 current NFL teams (except for the Houston Texans since they have only been around for 12 years!)

The presentation should probably be about five minutes long, and at least ten slides in length.

You will have 3 days of research time, which can include putting together the power point.

The due date is Thursday, September 25th.

Here is the information you should have in the presentation: (at least a slide for each!)

1. The year your team began playing, and how it became a team, and why or how your team chose its nickname

2. Super Bowls, championships your team has won (or even participated in)

3. Cities and stadiums that your team has played in: all of them!

4. Uniforms: current and past (show us what they look like!)

5. Hall of Famers: a little about their accomplishments would be good to include

-some teams have many HOF’s: only include the greatest of the greats!

6. Famous coaches: yes, every team has had someone great!

7. Famous games: yes, every team has had some great games that have been historic!

8. Controversies that you can find that involve your team (do not have to be present ones)

Other considerations:

**pictures would be a good addition to your power points

**any other information you feel is important can be considered

**a list of sources used should be included (points deducted for not having a list of sources)

**put things into your own words! A loss of points can result in not doing so.

Websites to use for research:


(a really good site!)


there are probably others, so use more! ABC-Clio would be a good database for you to use.

**No Wikipedia, it’s not totally reliable…

Total points for this project: 80 (10 each for the eight requirements)

Please put the topics in order as they are listed above in your PPT!

**Points can be lost for poor behavior and/or wasting class time: USE YOUR TIME WISELY!

If you have an excused absence on the due date, you can still receive full credit. If it is unexcused, then the best you can get is 60%, a passing grade. Late points will be deducted as well.

Any questions? If not, we will start by getting a number that will be for the draft of teams!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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