SAT List 1 words - Georgetown High School

ApothegmProverb, terse and witty instructive saying CallowImmature, inexperienced ChimericalImaginary, fanciful, unrealistic CogentForceful, compelling, convincing EphemeralFleeting, momentary, not permanent EuphoriaFeeling of well-being or high spirits ExtantIn existence, not extinct FlaccidLimp, flabby InscrutableImpenetrable, puzzling, enigmatic NadirLowest point or point of greatest depressionObfuscateTo confuse or bewilder; to cloud over to make obscureOccidentalPertaining to Western culturesPanegyricFormal composition devoted to elaborate praise RefractoryObstinate; unmanageableRenegadeTraitor, deserter, outlawSequesterTo remove or set apart; segregateSurreptitiousCharacterized by secrecy, stealth, or lack of opennessTantamountEquivalent in value, significance, or effect; amounting toTurgidDistended or swollen838200729615Words are defined alphabetically020000Words are defined alphabeticallyUxoriousExcessively submissive to or devoted to one’s wifeList 2turgidrefractoryrenegadeephemeraltantamounteuphoriccallowsequesterobfuscateextantapothegmflacciduxorioussurreptitiouschimericalinscrutablenadirpanegyricOccidentalcogent ................

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