Operating Expenses by Natural Classification

LSUHSC nVision Reports Catalog

Business Unit: LSUNO

Report Description: Operating Expenses by Natural Classification

Layout: LSUNO –Natural Classification Op Ex SRECNA.xnv

Report Request: per D. DePaula report request created at run-time

Dashboard Page/Button: N/A

nVision Scope: N/A

Report As of Date: 06/30/20xx

This report provides a summary of operating expenditures based by program for LSUNO. The columns on the report display the accounts by natural classification of the expenses as denoted by the CF_NATURAL_EXPENSE tree. The natural expense account groupings included on the report are: Employee Compensation (Salaries and Wages), Benefits, Utilities, Supplies and Service (Cost of Goods Sold, Debt Service, Equipment, Indirect Costs, Operating Services, Other Charges, Professional Services, Supplies, Transfers Out, and Travel), Scholarships and Fellowships, Depreciation, and Compensated Absences. An additional column provides a calculated total of the expense columns. The rows of the report specify business unit LSUNO, the Actuals ledger and the year to date amounts. Additionally, the accounts are specified to be all Operating Expense accounts based on the STMT_REV_EXP tree. All MED_CENTER departments in the DEPTROLLUP tree are included in the report. The rows of the report are differentiated by Program as designated in the STMT_REV_EX tree. The report includes rows for Instructions, Research, Public Service, Academic Support, Student Services, Institutional Support, Operation of Plant, Scholarships and Fellowships, Auxiliary Enterprises, and Hospital. The Total Operating Expense row at the bottom of the report is calculated.

Report Example:




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