Bathroom Safety

Henry Clay Middle School

Bathroom Safety Policy

Purpose: In order to maintain security for students, minimize damage to property, and encourage personal responsibility, Henry Clay will implement a comprehensive policy and schedule for Restroom procedures and availability. This policy should be distributed to all students and teachers.

Responsibility: Students take personal responsibility for their bathroom needs and behavior. These needs should be taken care of before school, during nutrition, during lunch or after school. Outside these times, restroom use will be allowed only in case of an emergency at the discretion of the teacher.

Schedule of Availability: To accommodate students and class schedules, and to facilitate supervision, restroom availability will be scheduled for specific locations at specific times. The custodial staff will be assigned to open restrooms according to the schedule below.

Regular Day Schedule


Time |2

Boys |0’s

Girls |3

Boys |0’s

Girls |Clay Boys |Hall

Girls |Bung

Boys |alows

Girls |PE Field | |Before School 7:30 – 8:00 |α

Leon |α

Taylor |α

Watson |α

Somilleda | | |α



| | |8:00 – 10:12 Emergency |α

Surrat |α

Aguilar, Vasquez |α

J. Cole |α

J.Cole | | |6th Grade must |Teacher escort class | | |Nutrition 10:12 – 10:33 | | |α

J. Cole |α

Martin | | | | |BαG

RLA & Samm | |10:33 – 11:29 Closed | | | | | | | | | | |Lunch A

11:29 – 12:05 | | |α

Hall |α

Hall |α

Martin |α

Martin | | | | |12:05 – 12:30 Closed | | | | | | | | | | |Lunch B

12:30 – 1:00 |α

Taylor |α

Taylor |

| | | | | |BαG

Leon & Desirre | |1:00 – 3:03

Emergency |α

Jacskon |α

Aguilar |α

Saenz |α

Surrat | | |6th Grade must |Teacher escort class | | |School Exit

3:03 – 3:23 | | | | | | | | | | |Tutoring

3:23 – 4:23 | |α

Saenz |α

RLA |α

Wilson | | |α

Saenz |α

RLA |α

Wilson | |Supervision: To assure student safety and correct behavior, all restrooms will have assigned supervision during the periods they are open. When restrooms are closed, students with an emergency will proceed to a Hall Monitor to obtain access to a restroom.

Passing Periods: Students may use restrooms during passing periods provided that they make it to their next class on time. Teachers of “Block Classes” may use their discretion as to whether to allow students to use restroom facilities during the passing period. It should be understood by all that use of bathroom facilities during passing periods is a privilege which can be rescinded if abused. All students are to be in their classrooms when the tardy bell rings.

Ten-Minute Rule: No passes to restrooms (or any other destination) should be issued during the first ten minutes or last ten minutes of any period. (The ten-minute period at the beginning of a period is the time when campus supervision is conducting tardy sweeps, and teachers are introducing the material that will be covered. Research has shown that these are the most productive minutes in a one-hour class. The final ten minutes of a class are when assignments are being clarified, and students leaving class during this time may not have time to complete their mission and return to class before the bell.)

Special Circumstances, Lockdowns and Campus Emergencies: During Lockdowns and certain other campus emergencies, all students are to be inside their assigned classrooms, or sheltered in the nearest supervised classroom available when the emergency was declared. If the emergency lasts for an extended period, administration will determine if it is safe for students to be accompanied to restrooms in small groups, and will assign personnel to conduct the groups. No students will be allowed to leave classrooms without adult supervision during a campus emergency. When the “all-clear” signal is given, teachers may allow students to go to the restroom at their discretion, and with care to avoid contributing to further disturbance on campus. During school wide testing, restrooms will be locked during testing periods.

Medical Necessity: Students who have a medical condition requiring more frequent access to a restroom should be referred to the school nurse.

Restroom Procedures: Students should follow general rules of good hygiene and behavior when using the restroom.

1. Hall-Pass Vests must be worn or hall passes carried visibly when students are out of class during class time.

2. If the facility is occupied, the student should wait at the door, and not crowd into the restroom.

3. When the facility is available, the student should go in, use the facility, be sure to flush, and leave the facility clean.

4. After using the facility, students should wash their hands with soap, rinse thoroughly, dry their hands, and deposit all waste in the trash cans available.

5. Students should exit the bathroom and return to class as soon as they are finished. They are not to wait for other students or socialize with students who may be using the facilities at the same time.

6. If a student observes any spills, messes or graffiti in a restroom, he/she should report it to his/her teacher upon returning to class. (The teacher should advise campus personnel of the situation as soon as possible.)


Bathroom behavior is an important part of keeping Clay campus “Safe and Civil”. Teachers should feel free to dedicate adequate time to teaching proper bathroom etiquette. (Modify as needed for instructional setting.)

Part 1.

Start with a group discussion of the ideal bathroom. Possible questions: What does it look like?... Is it clean?... Does it smell fresh?... Is it quiet?... Is it private?... Is it safe?

• List the qualities that students identify on the board.

• Have students identify “ideal” qualities from this list that exist in their home bathrooms.

• Have students identify which of these qualities might be found in Clay bathrooms, and which ones can not be found here.

Have students divide into small groups. Each group creates a Graphic Organizer to display this information… i.e. a T-graph, a Venn diagram, bubble chart, etc.

• Post the Graphic Organizers around the room and have each small group travel around the room and post comments on each of the other groups’ organizers.

As a whole class group, come up with a list of suggestions that will help Henry Clay’s bathrooms become more like the ideal. That list will be turned into the Pride Team. Prizes will be given.

Part 2.

Review Safe and Civil Bathroom Procedures with whole class:

Restroom Procedures: Students should follow general rules of good hygiene and behavior when using the restroom.

1. Hall-Pass Vests must be worn or hall passes carried visibly when students are out of class during class time.

2. If the facility is occupied, the student should wait at the door, and not crowd into the restroom.

3. When the facility is available, the student should go in, use the facility, be sure to flush, and leave the facility clean.

4. After using the facility, students should wash their hands with soap, rinse thoroughly, dry their hands, and deposit all waste in the trash cans available.

5. Students should exit the bathroom and return to class as soon as they are finished. They are not to wait for other students or socialize with students who may be using the facilities at the same time.

6. If a student observes any spills, messes or graffiti in a restroom, he/she should report it to his/her teacher upon returning to class. The teacher should advise campus personnel of the situation as soon as possible.

Using the list of qualities of the ideal bathroom that the students prepared in the first part of the lesson, students explain how each of the steps in the Safe and Civil procedures contribute to this ideal. This may be discussion or a writing project.

Follow-up for extra credit: Students keep a log of safe and unsafe practices they observe in school restrooms.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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