The information from each website below focuses on a ...

Title: A Presidential Exploring Project 229552555245 Introduction: Good morning, students! We have explored the Executive Branch and now it is time for you to learn more about specific American Presidents. In this WebQuest, you will “choose” one United States President and create a report to teach others about our President. Task and Goals: Students, you have five activities to complete. Activity one will be collected and activities 2-5 will be each be one section in your report, so give your full effort on each part! Once you have completed all five activities, use materials in the supply bookshelf to create a finished product. Happy researching!Activity 1: Research -To begin your WebQuest, you need to first “choose” a President to research. We have had 45 Presidents so you have plenty of interesting choices. Now it is time to research your president. Use the questions provided as your guide. Here are some great websites:?? ?gallery??. Name of president: ____________________________2. Only presidents after 1913 were assigned Secret Service nicknames. Does your president have a Secret Service nickname? Y/N The nickname is :_____________________3. Year(s) of presidential election: _______________________________4. Opponent in Election(s): ____________________________________5. Political Party: ____________________________6. List the EXACT YEARS served as president:___________________7. President _______________ served 1 or 2 terms (circle one)8. The United States has 45 presidents. What number president is the president you are researching? ______________________________9. Vice President: __________________________________10. What president came BEFORE the president you are researching?_____________________11. Born (Include date, city and state):______________________________12. Hometown (where the president grew up):______________________13. Died (Include date, city and state):______________________________14. What jobs did this person have before becoming president?___________________15. This president represents the state of:_______________________16. Wife’s name:_______________________________________________17. List the names of the president’s children:___________________________18. How many pardons did your president issue? (maybe find out more about one?) _________Activity 2: Once you have “chosen” and researched your President, you need to create a cover?page for your report.?Be sure to include:a photo (you can?print or draw),the President's?name, years he served,political party,what state he was from.?You?may also add any other information you feel is important. Please take your time to be creative and neat-This is the first part of your report and the first?thing others will see.??Activity 3: Creating a Timeline-Now that you have finished your research, it is time to make a timeline. Look through the websites below and read about the life of your President?to learn more this American icon! The timeline should be a new page. This will be the second page in your report.?The information from each website below focuses on a different aspects of the presidents’ life, so please read each one. Pay attention to key events and key happenings that occur in his life.? to include on the timeline are: date of birth, date he became President,?the date of one key act as President, the date he stopped being President, and the date he died (if?he has)Give your readers lots of interesting and important?facts (at least 6 more) about your President.?You may incorporate pictures or drawings, and you may format it vertically or horizontally (see examples). Add at least 6 pictures. **Hint-Use some facts from your research on the timeline. ??Activity 4: Create a Photo Collage-The third piece of your report will be a collage of photos representing?your chosen?President. This will follow your timeline in the report and will help your readers visualize and learn more about your President. Creating a photo collage is your opportunity to be creative and display your artistic skills!Include at least 8 pictures of your president. Use a caption to label at least 4 of the 8 pictures. You need to search for images related to your President. Any images you find online, you may print. However, you don't have to limit yourself to printed pictures. Feel free to draw, cut out of magazines or use stickers.?Start your search with this website:??(Follow the links to more pictures) Activity 5: Design a Wordsearch-You have finished your report! Now that you have learned more about your President, I want you to make a fun activity for your classmates.?Using the word search?creator at HYPERLINK "" \h a word search with words related to your President. You may use any words that you feel are representative of the President. This is to be a fun activity to help share your President with the class. ?How to use the website:????1. Click on the link above.????2.?Type in a title for your word search.????3. Leave the puzzle size as suggested.????4. You can choose the difficulty of overlapping words.????5. Skip down to step 5. Type your words in the box. You need at least 15 words in your puzzle. I suggest hitting enter after every word. ????6. Click on "Create My Puzzle".????7. Print three copies of your puzzle from the open browser. On one copy, create an answer key and paper clip to the plain copy.Dingman-Delaware Middle SchoolA Presidential Exploring ProjectName: ________________________________________?CriteriaPoints1234?Activity 1Activity is not done.Activity is incomplete.A few mistakes have been made but hard work is evident.The activity is complete and full attention to detail and neatness was applied.____Activity 2Activity is not done.Activity is incomplete.A few mistakes have been made but hard work is evident.The activity is complete and full attention to detail and neatness was applied.____Activity 3Activity is not done.Activity is incomplete.A few mistakes have been made but hard work is evident.The activity is complete and full attention to detail and neatness was applied.____Activity 4Activity is not done.Activity is incomplete.A few mistakes have been made but hard work is evident.The activity is complete and full attention to detail and neatness was applied.____Activity 5Activity is not done.Activity is incomplete.A few mistakes have been made but hard work is evident.Overall ProjectProject is incomplete.Most of the project is complete.A few mistakes have been made but hard work is evident.This a model project. The project is complete, full attention to detail and neatness was applied.____????Total---->____?Conclusion: You are all finished! Awesome job!?Now you need to assemble everything into a final presentation. Start by assembling your report in the order of the activities, leaving out?the word search.You need to bind all of the pages together. You may use any materials on the front counter. Some suggestions are hole punches tied with yarn or tape other paper to the edges to create a bind. Once you have?complied a completed project, write your name on the back of the?last page.Using a paper clip, attach your word searches (one is the answer key) behind your report with a paperclip.Put your completed project in the “Inbox” on my desk. ................

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