Monday - Kelly’s Web Page

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |

|Week 1 |Write the sight word to tell |Write a “g” on the first line |Read the word. Write the sight |Put the sight words in the |

|Sight Words |what each picture shows. |if it starts with the sound. |word that is the opposite. |correct boxes—look at the |

|come go | |Write “g” on the second line | |letter shapes. |

|on off |Count by 10s to fill in the |if it ends with the sound. |Read the graph. Answer the | |

|big little |missing numbers. | |questions. |Say your address 5 times. |

|out in | | | | |

|up down | | | | |

|Week 2 |Write the letter for each |Cross out the pictures that do|Color the pictures that have the |Read the word by yourself |

| |picture’s beginning sound. |not start with “h”. |short “i” sound (like “pig”) red. |(sound it out). Draw a line to |

|Sight Words | | |Color the other pictures black. |the picture. |

|some |Finish the pattern. |Color the hearts in a pattern.| | |

|are | | | |Count by 10s to connect the |

|made | | | |dots |

|of | | | | |

|Week 3 |No School |Color the pictures that begin |Write a “j” word for each clue. |Make a list of 3 tools. |

| |Presidents Day |with “j”. | | |

|going | | |Circle the numbers that are |Choose a room in your house. |

|to | |How many jumping jacks can you|greater than 12. |Look for nails and screws. Make|

|have | |do in one minute? Have a grown| |tally marks (lines) to show how|

|play | |up time you. | |many you find. |

|we | | | | |

|we’re | | | | |

|Week 4 |Draw a picture of 2 things |Make a list of words that |Pretend to type the sight words on|Finish each phrase with a word |

| |that begin with “k”. Write the|rhyme with “cat”. |the keyboard. Color the letters of|that rhymes with the underlined|

|This week we will celebrate |words. | |your favorite sight word. |word. |

|Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Read | |Look at the picture. Count how| | |

|your Dr. Seuss books this |Color the letters of your name|many of each and write the |Dr. Seuss would have been 103 |Make groups of 10 candles. |

|week! |on the keyboard. |numbers. |years old on March 2nd . Count to |Count the candles. Write how |

| | | |103. |many. |

| | | | | |

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|Monday1 |

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|Tuesday2 |

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|Wednesday1 |

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|Thursday1 |

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|Monday2 |

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|Tuesday2 |

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|Wednesday2 |

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|Thursday2 |

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|Monday3 |

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|No School |

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|President’s Day |

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|Do you know who our current president is? |

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|How many presidents can you name? |

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|Tuesday3 |

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|Wednesday3 |

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|Thursday3 |

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|Monday4 |

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|Tuesday4 |

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|Wednesday4 |

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|Thursday4 |













How many sunny days did we have?

Which 2 types of weather did we have on the same number of days?

Which type of weather did we have the most of?

Weather Graph









up in

down out

big go

little come

My pattern is

Cross out the pictures that DO NOT begin with “h”.

My phone number is

Color the pictures that begin with Jj

Circle the numbers that are GREATER than 12.


A month that begins with “j”:

A food that begins with “j”:

An animal that begins with “j”:

How many nails or screws did you find? Make tally marks.

Draw a picture of 2 things that starts with “k”. Write the words.

Look at the computer keyboard. Color the letters in your name.

Make a list of words that rhyme with cat.



Coats in the closet:

Stripes on the cat’s hat:

Look at the picture above. Count and write how many of each:

Pretend to type the sight words. Color the letters for your favorite.

going to have play we we’re some

are made of come go on off

big little out in up down

A mouse in a

A fox in a

A goat in a

Divide the candles into groups of 10. Circle each group of 10 (see example) and color each group a different color. Count by 10s to 100.

Finish each phrase with a word that rhymes with the underlined word.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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