Rubric for Poster Advertisement Project

|Category |Description |Total Points Possible |Points Earned |

|Slogan |Catchy slogan |10 | |

|Name of product |Name of product/invention is included|5 | |

|Picture or diagram |Picture or diagram included & |10 | |

| |represents invention well | | |

|Date |Includes date product was invented |5 | |

|Inventor |Includes the person who invented |5 | |

| |product | | |

|Use of the product |Clearly explains the use of the |10 | |

| |product/invention | | |

|Product features/specifications |Gives bulleted list of at least 4-5 |10 | |

| |features of invention | | |

|Cost |Includes cost to purchase invention |5 | |

| |during that time period | | |

|Where the product can be purchased |Indicates where product can be |5 | |

| |purchased | | |

|Target audience |Overall advertisement is suitable for|5 | |

| |its target audience | | |

|No spelling, grammar or punctuation errors |No mistakes – spelling, grammar, |10 | |

| |punctuation | | |

|Creativity & organization |Overall advertisement is creative, |10 | |

| |colorful, and organized | | |

|On time |Advertisement emailed to teachers by |10 | |

| |due date | | |

Comments:______________________________________ Final Grade: _______________

Directions: Research the assigned invention and create an advertisement poster for the invention. Be sure the following are included in your advertisement.

1. Create a catchy slogan for the product/invention

2. Name of product

3. Picture that represents the invention

4. Date product was invented

5. Person who invented product

6. Use of product

7. Product features/specifications

8. Cost to buy or use product/invention

9. Where the product can be purchased

10. Target audience – advertisement appeals to those who will be purchasing/using the invention

11. Proofread for spelling, grammar, & punctuation errors

12. Make sure your advertisement is well-organized, colorful & creative

13. Email the final project to Mr. Hollinger – Hollinger.j@ or Mrs. Knorr – knorr.k@ by Sunday, November 27 at midnight. We will create a slide show of your advertisements to share with the class. If your project is not completed on the computer and you are handing in a poster, then your project is due in class on Monday, November 28.

14. Be prepared to present the invention to the class.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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