Sequence of Language Development

Sequence of Language Development : A Brief Summary

|Age |Receptive Language Skills |Expressive Language Skills |

|0-6 months |-responds to quiet voice (calms/soothes to voice) |-uses crying and cooing to express pleasure and pain |

| |-listens and looks at speaker | |

| |-localizes speaker by watching lips and mouth | |

|6-12 months|-listens to people talking (turns toward and attends to speaker) |-vocalizes to his name (coos or gurgles when addressed) |

| |-generally localizes environmental sounds (turns head toward sound) |-plays Pat-a-cake and Peek-a-boo games |

| |-understands names of some things |- use of first words with meaning may begin to emerge (average age |

| |-understands simple directions |of first spoken word is 14 months) |

| |(“Come to Mommy”) | |

|12-18 |-understands names of large body parts |-uses and imitates more words instead of using gestures |

|months |-begins to group objects (animals, clothes, food) |-responds to music by vocalizing (babbles or coos) |

| |-follows two consecutive simple commands |-uses more consonant sounds (n / t/ d/ h) |

|18-24 |-aware of pronouns and verbs (“Give it to her.” “Bring the ball to me.”) |-imitates environmental sounds (cars, dogs) |

|months |-can follow two or three related commands (“Take this book and give it to |- simple sentences may begin to emerge |

| |Daddy.”) |(“Me go.”) |

| | |-uses his/her first name (refers to self by name) |

|24-30 |-understands several action words (eat, run) |-uses telegraphic phrases, such as |

|months |-understands function type of questions |“Me go home.” |

| |(“What do you wear to bed?”) |-asks for help, if needed |

|30-36 |-understands most common verbs, adjectives, and prepositions |-talks about his/her experiences |

|months |-is curious why and how things work |-uses plural forms |

| |-remembers things from recent past | |

|36-48 |-enjoys listening to longer stories |-plays with rhyming words and sounds |

|months |-understands that words can have more than one meaning (“Do you hear |-asks many questions |

| |the dog bark?” |-uses more than one complete sentence to express an idea |

| |“Let’s feel the bark on the tree.”) |-uses his talking to control others |

| | |(“I want a cookie now!”) |

|48-60 |-knows common opposites (big/little, soft/hard) |-uses more complex sentences and question forms |

|months |-can classify a group of objects into basic categories (foods, animals, |-may still exhibit some nonfluencies |

| |clothing, etc.) | |

Sequence of Development of Speech Sounds

|Age 2 |Age 3 |Age 4 |Age 5 |Age 6 |Age 7 |Age 8 |

|w– water |- w - flower |y - yes |-d bed |- l ball |v - vase |- j cage |

|m – mouth |- m comb |- ng - banging |r- red |- g big - |thr- three |- v stove |

|-m- hammer |- n - penny |- ng ring |- r car |t - letter |z- zipper |- th - brother |

|n – no |- n spoon |- r - carrot |- l - yellow |- t hat |- z - scissors |- z nose |

|h – hot |g - girl |l - light |- b bib |ch - chair |- s - whistle |- z - measure |

|b – boy |- g - wagon |- mp lamp |-ch- kitchen |fl - flying |- s house | |

|- b- baby |k - cat |j - jump |- ch watch |th - there |sk - school | |

|p – puppy |- k - cookie |- f - coffee |sh - shoe |-th- nothing |sl - slide | |

|- p - apple |f - fish | |- sh fish |- th mouth |st - stop | |

|d – dog |- f knife | |th - thumb |-sh- fishing |sn - snow | |

|- d – dada |t - teeth | | | | | |

As children grow older, their ability to produce the more difficult sounds improves. The above list includes an approximate age at which children should be using a sound correctly. Regional dialects are not considered speech problems. Do not expect a child to use a specific sound before the age mentioned in the list. These are average age expectations. Research indicates that 25% of children do not make the sounds correctly at these ages. Adapted from the Laradon Articulation Scale


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